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Summer School: Outdoors in Czechia 2020

Tato nabídka není nyní v prodeji.

    Do you have a plan for next summer? Not Yet? Spending couple of days at summer school in a foreign country is a great idea! You will meet new people from other countries and on top of that, also broaden knowledge in the field of your study and get credits.

    Put in your diary

    29th June – 3rd July 2020

    Goals: This international summer school is specifically designed for teachers, future teachers, teacher assistants, academics and, students. The participants will experience various offerings of the Czech outdoors enabling them to gain and use knowledge of outdoor tourism and stays in nature. The syllabus will focus on health supporting physical activity and environmental sustainability.

    Content: Principles of cultural and sightseeing activities and environmental education, physical component of outdoor tourism, guidelines for preparation, organization and implementation of various forms of stays in nature with a focus on summer schools. Legislation and principles behind summer schools, principles of first aid, emergency and disaster studies, survival in nature. Basic outdoor tourism skills – hiking: Organization of a trip, camping, orientation in nature and topography. Basic outdoor tourism skills – cycling: Organization of a trip, traffic education, riding technique, safety principles, specifics of children’s cycling, preparatory exercises and cycling games. Basic outdoor tourism skills – canoeing: Paddling on standing water, basics of canoeing. Social evenings and reflections. Lot of entertainment.

    Methods of teaching: 4 days training course. Theoretical preparation, practical outdoors exercises, preparation and organization of contests and games.

    Evaluation: Active participation and fulfilment of the theoretical and practical course requirements.

    Event place: “Training center of Czech Post” – Moravec, 50 km far from Brno, the Czech Republic

    Departure and arrival: either by your own means or
    29th June, 4 p.m., departure from Brno to Moravec from Faculty of Education, Poříčí 31 – provided bus
    3rd July, 1 p.m., departure from Moravce to Brno to the Main Train station – provided bus

    Accommodations: Brick cottages - 4 beds

    Subscription fee: 200 EUR

    Credits: Summer school will provide 8 credits within the subject ITVp04 Fieldwork education

Celková cena: 200 EUR vč. DPH

Zpět na nabídku Pedagogická fakulta