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Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Mgr. Kateřina Dvořáková (maiden name Danielová)
  • School of Social Studies of Masaryk University in Brno department of sociology
Employment Position
  • PGS student of sociology
  • 2006-2007 Research worker for the project FEMAGE
  • 2008 Research worker in the Institute for Research on Social Reproduction and Integration of the SSS MU
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1991 - 1996 Bilingual Czech-French gymnasium
  • 1997 - 2002 Faculty of Sciences of the Charles University: Social Geography
  • 1998 - 2003 Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the Charles University: Translation - French
  • 2003 - ? Faculty of Social Sciences Masaryk University, doctoral studies of sociology
  • French - state examination
  • English - Cambridge Advanced Exam
  • 2001-2002 Cooperation with Institute for criminology and social prevention
  • 2003 - 2006 Translations for publishing houses Euromedia Group, RO-TO-M, Samuel, Rebo Productions (e.g. James F. Luhr (ed.): Earth, John Lynch: Weather, Angelo Renato Mojetta: Le grand atlas des mers et des oceans, Arleta Richardsonová: Stories from Grandma's attic, Ocean...)
  • 2003 - 2006 Cooperation with
Pedagogical Activities
  • autumn 2004 SOC108 Statistical Analysis of Data
  • autumn 2005 SOC708 Statistical Analysis of Data
  • spring 2006 SOC106 Methodology of Social Sciences
  • autumn 2006 SOC108 Statistical Analysis of Data
  • autumn 2007 SOC708 Statistical Analysis of Data
Scientific and Research Activities
  • 2002 MA Thesis under the supervision of doc. RNDr. Dušan Drbohlav, CSc. Racism and Xenophobia in the Czech Republic (from the geographical point of view)
  • 2002 - 2003 Institute for criminology and social prevention: Cooperation in researches on Roma and on interethnic conflicts in the Czech Republic
  • 2006 - 2007 Participation in project 6th RP FEMAGE (Needs for female immigrants and their integration in ageing societies)
  • 2006 Cooperation in project Ethnic economy in the Czech republic (Grant agency of the Charles university)
Academical Stays
  • June 2005 Urmis - French laboratory for studies of migration and interethnic relations
  • 04/2004 Course Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies in Dubrovnik : paper "To be or not to be in the Czech Republic: That is the question for ethnic minorities".
  • 10/2005 meeting in Vienna "Anti-Discrimination Approaches", paper "Anti-Discrimination Approaches on Governmental and Nongovernmental Levels in the Czech Republic".
  • 08/2006 Congress of the Czech Geographic Society in České Budějovice, poster "Space differenciation of racism and xenophobia in the Czech Republic and its explanation."
  • 09/2006 meeting "Anti-Discrimination Approaches in Central European Countries" in Vienna, paper "Recent Changes in Anti-Discrimination Measures in the Czech Republic".
  • 10/2006 interpretation at the conference "Illegal work activities of immigrants in the Czech Republic and in central Europe" organized by the Charles university in Prague.
  • 11-12/2006 seminar EUROPEAN GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES (EUSOC) in Brno, contribution "Czech Society Versus Immigrants".
  • 09/2007 PhD Workshop/Course "Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society" in Glasgow, contribution "Integration of Ukrainian and Romanian women in the Czech Republic".
  • 09/2007 8th ESA conference "Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society", contribution "Discrimination of Ukrainian and Romanian women in the Czech labour market and its impact on their social status".
  • 09/2007 11th Slovakian demographic conference Migration, contribution "Migrants age too".
  • 10/2007 conference "Access to the legal market in the EU" in Poděbrady, contribution "Factors influencing the integration of women from Ukraine and Romania on the Czech labour market".
Extrauniversity Activities
  • 04/2007 lecture for public "Migration and relation to ethnic minorities"
Selected Publications
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Kateřina, Ladislav RABUŠIC and Michal VAŠEČKA. Female Migrants in Ageing Societies. Policy relevant implications of the FEMAGE project. 1. vydání. Wiesbaden: BUNDESINSTITUT FÜR BEVÖLKERUNGSFORSCHUNG, 2008, 75 pp. FEMAGE Working Paper Series 2. URL info
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Kateřina. Discrimination of Ukrainian and Romanian women in the Czech labour market and its impact on their social status. In Abstract Book: The 8th Conference of the European Sociological Association: Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society. Glasgow: ESA, 2007, p. 456. info
  • DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Kateřina. Kontaktní hypotéza v odborné literatuře pojednávající o interetnických vztazích (Contact Hypothesis in Scientific Literature about Interethnic Relations). Rexter - časopis pro výzkum radikalismu, extremismu a terorismu. Brno: Centrum strategických studií, 2007, vol. 2007, No 2, p. 57-67. ISSN 1214-7737. URL info
  • DANIELOVÁ, Kateřina. Jan Hendl: Kvalitativní výzkum. Základní metody a aplikace. (Jan Hendl: Qualitative Research. Basic Methods and Applications). Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, 2006. info
  • DRBOHLAV, Dušan, Dita ČERMÁKOVÁ and Kateřina DANIELOVÁ. Anti-Discrimination Approaches in the Czech Republic and their recent changes. 2006. info
  • DANIELOVÁ, Kateřina. Přehled vybraných teorií rasismu (Review of Chosen Theories of Racism). Rexter - časopis pro výzkum radikalismu, extremismu a terorismu. Brno: Centrum strategických studií, 2006, vol. 2006, No 2, p. 21-27. ISSN 1214-7737. URL info
  • DRBOHLAV, Dušan, Dita ČERMÁKOVÁ and Kateřina DANIELOVÁ. Antidiscrimination Approaches on the Governmental and Nongovernmental Levels in the Czech Republic. 2005. URL info
  • ŠTĚCHOVÁ, Markéta and Kateřina DANIELOVÁ. Konflikty s rasovým a etnickým kontextem (Conflicts with racial and ethnic context). Kriminalistika : časopis pro kriminalistickou teorii a praxi. Praha: Magnet-Press, 2004, vol. 2004, No 2, p. 1-11, 10 pp. ISSN 1210-9150. URL info
  • DANIELOVÁ, Kateřina. To be or not to be in the Czech Republic: that is the question for ethnic minorities : Attitudes of the Czech population towards different ethnic minorities. In Course Report Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies, Dubrovnik, April 19-23, 2004. Utrecht/Amsterdam, 2004, 2 pp. info
  • ŠTĚCHOVÁ, Markéta, Kateřina DANIELOVÁ, Lucie JARKOVSKÁ, Petr KOTULAN, Ondřej ŠTĚCH and Lukáš URBAN. Interetnické konflikty : Jejich příčiny a dopady z pohledu teorie a empirických sond (Interethnic conflicts : Their causes and consequences according to the theory and empirical research). Praha: IKSP, 2004, 145 pp. 1. vydání. ISBN 80-7338-028-5. URL info
  • DANIELOVÁ, Kateřina. Rasismus a xenofobie v České republice (Racism and Xenophobia in the Czech Republic). Geografie - Sborník České geografické společnosti. Praha: Česká geografická společnost, 2003, vol. 108, No 2, p. 115-129. ISSN 1210-115X. info
  • ŠTĚCHOVÁ, Markéta, Kazimír VEČERKA, Karel NOVÁK, Kateřina DANIELOVÁ, Denisa HAUBERTOVÁ and Lada VEVERKOVÁ. Romská minorita a postupy integrace (Roma minority and practices of integration). Praha: IKSP, 2002, 106 pp. 1. vydání. ISBN 80-7338-008-0. URL info


Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Kateřina Dvořáková (učo 127334), version: English(9), last update: 2008/01/04 14:59, K. Dvořáková