26/10/2008 21:41new
Administrativa (doklady, platby atd.)
Alfa Mathew
25/7/2013 15:22new
Thank you for your reply to my previous message.
I was wondering if and when does the university look at my grades and records
from my secondary school and college?. Do I have to bring them on the first day
or do you not need hem at all? If you need them, Do I have to authentify my
documents as they are from Briton?

Thank you.
25. 7. 2013 15:22.06, , učo

Re: Alfa
Hi Alfa,

as far as I know, the faculty needs you to present a "checked (authorized by
official authority) copy of finished secondary school diploma translated into
Czech language by official translator."

So the answer is yes, unfortunately.

It's a little bit lenghty procedure, but everything is explained here

In case of any further questions (I guess You would have at least one... :)
please, contact directly Ms. Melicharova
25. 7. 2013 15:46.50, Mgr. Zuzana Uhlárová (StudO RMU), učo 238351

Re: Alfa
Okay Thank you, Do I have to do the translating? or do I just give the original
copies to university and do they do it?

And is the the same tuition fee for all the 6 years? I got my acceptance letter
today :) but it doesn't say when I have to pay the tuition fee.

Also what percentage of marks do you need for all the subjects to get the
credits to pass? I have read things about this on your website but I still don't
understand it to be honest. People who have come there told me that, there are
more students dropping out that passing. is that true? Also Many students have
said that you need 70% to pass in each subject. which is extremely high isn't

How many subjects are there in the first year? And how many exams do I have in
January. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, but I hope you understand.

Thank you
26. 7. 2013 15:31.09, , učo

26/7/2013 15:47new

I do understand, but I'm afraid You are not asking the right person.

I'm just an ordinary employee in Office for Studies (in Rector's Office), and my
main sphere (scope, field... /I do apologize for my terrible English, I really
have to do something to improve my language skills) is only the admission
procedure (entrance exams, e-applications, payments etc.)
Therefore, unfortunately, I'm not able to help You and answer Your questions.

Please, copy and paste everything You wrote down in the previous post, and email
it directly to Ms. Melicharova.
She is really very nice and kind and helpful person :)