Volná diskuse - Diskusní fórum k přijímacímu řízení 2023 - Diskuse
Good day, I wish to apply for the MUNI Newcomer scholarship as seen on the school website. I submitted my application and I have paid the application fee, I currently await the faculty's decision on my application. While that is waiting, I want to know how and when I can apply for the scholarship because I tried to access the scholarship link, but I saw too many, so I do not know the specific one that represents the newcomers scholarship. Is it before the general application closes? or after admission has been granted? Or is the scholarship awarded automatically to students? These are my questions.
Thank you,Olamide Daniel.
Dear Daniel,
please send your query to the International Relations Office of the faculty you wish to study at and follow their instructions. Thank you.
Here is the list of contacts: https://www.muni.cz/en/admissions/bachelors-and-masters-studies/contact-information.
Linda Krajsovácommunicator for admission procedure