Bachelor's thesis

A Spell Checker for Esperanto

Marek Blahuš, UČO 172464

Tato práce poskytuje stručný přehled softwaru pro kontrolu pravopisu a popisuje proces konstrukce kontroloru pravopisu pro jazyk Esperanto a jeho implementaci jako slovníku (tj. afixového souboru a seznamu slov) pro kontrolor pravopisu Hunspell. Použitý seznam slov vznikl adaptací slovních kořenů pocházejících z uznávaného esperantského slovníku PIV. Rozpoznávání morfologicky složitých slov, která …more


This thesis provides a brief overview of spell checking software and describes the process of constructing a spell checker for the Esperanto language and its implementation as a dictionary (i.e. an affix file and a word list) for the Hunspell spell checker. The word list is an adaptation of word roots coming from the renowned Esperanto dictionary PIV. Recognition of morphologically complex words, which …more

Thesis description
The aim is to create a spell checker tool for the Esperanto language, with the perspective of integrating it in a broader project of a grammar checker developed by the E@I organization ( The student will prepare overview with the capabilities of existing tools in this field and will design and implement a new tool, based on corpus analysis. During the process he will pay special attention to the possibilites of efficiency enhancement due to specific traits of the Esperanto language and will consider the usefulness of connecting the corpus data with a morphological analyzer and generator. He will discuss spell checking interfaces used in office suites, web browsers etc., and will prepare prototype implementation of suggested functionality as proof of concept.
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11/10/2008 13:01, (IS automatically)
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Language used
English English
Defence date
The thesis was defended successfully


doc. RNDr. Petr Sojka, Ph.D., UČO 2378


Mgr. Marek Grác, Ph.D., UČO 50728

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