Organizational Behavior

Second Meeting

Rules, Leadership, and Power


  • strategy and rules
    • zeroing
    • simplicity, boundaries, priority, timing, and exiting
    • number of rules
    • creation
  • leadership
    • focus
    • behaviors and processes for successful change
      • sense-making
      • visioning
      • sense giving
      • aligning
      • enabling
      • supporting
      • maintaining momentum and sustaining
    • leadership styles
      • the collective nature of leadership
  • power
    • organizational politics
    • ethics-based theories
    • instrumental theories
    • resource dependence theory
    • prospect theory
    • stakeholder theory
  • communication strategy
    • directionality
    • organizational silence
    • roles
      • isolates, boundary spanners, gatekeepers, playmakers
    • trust
  • seven core activities
    • recognizing and starting
    • diagnosing and formulating
    •  planning
    •  implementing and reviewing
    • sustaining
    • leading and managing
    • learning
  • implementing blueprint change
  • implementing emergent change
  • monitoring the implementation
  • measuring the change
  • reviewing the change
  • sustainability


          • Hayes, J. (2014). The theory and practice of change management.
          • Eisenhardt, K. M., & Sull, D. N. (2001). Strategy as simple rules. Harvard business review, 79(1), 106-119.
          • Ford, J. D., Ford, L. W., & D'Amelio, A. (2008). Resistance to Change: The Rest of the Story. Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 362–377.
          • Mezias, J., Grinyer, P., & Guth, W. D. (2001). Changing Collective Cognition: A Process Model for Strategic Change. Long Range Planning, 34(1), 71–95.
