Migrace, rodina a gender

Týden 4 Migrace genderovaná a genderující


Jak pronikal gender do studia migrace? Jak se proměnilo chápání genderu v migraci od 70. let 20. století? Jak je na tom antropologie ve výzkumu genderu a migrace? Rozsah: +-300 slov. 

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Počet zveřejněných témat: 10
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Povinná literatura:

Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 1999. „Gender and Immigration: A Retrospective and Introduction.“ In P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (ed.) Gender and U.S. Immigration. Contemporary Trends. California: University of California Press, s. 3–19.

Brettell, C.; DeBerjeois, P.A. 1992. „Anthropology and the Study of Immigrant Women.“ In: D. Gabaccia (ed.) Seeking Common Ground: Multidisciplinary Studies of Immigrant Women in the United States. Westport CT: Greenwood Press, s. 41–63.

Hondagneu Sotelo gender and migration
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Brettell DeBerjeois Anthropology of Immigrant Women
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Doporučená literatura:

Boyd, M.; Grieco, E. 2003. Women and Migration: Incorporating Gender into International Migration Theory. Dostupný z: <http://www.migrationinformation.

Curran, S.R. et al. 2006. „Mapping Gender and Migration in Sociological Scholarship: Is it Segregation or Integration?“ International Migration Review, 40 (1): 199–223.

Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 1994. Gendered Transitions. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 2000. „Feminism and Migration.“ Annals of the American Academy, 571: 107–120.

Hondagneu-Sotelo, P. 2005 Gendering Migration: Not for “feminists only” – and not only in the Household. The Center for Migration and Development. [on-line] Dostupný z: <: http://cmd.princeton.edu/papers/wp0502f.pdf>.

Kofman, E. 1999. „Female ‚Birds of Passage’ a Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union.“ International Migration Review, 33 (2): 269–299.

Kofman, E. 2000. „The Invisibility of Skilled Female Migrants and Gender Relations in Studies of Skilled Migration in Europe.“ International Journal of Population Geography, 6 (1): 45–59.

Kofman, E. 2004. „Gendered global migrations.“ Internation feminist journal of politics, 6 (4): 643665.

Mahler, S.J.; Pessar, P.R. 2003. „Transnational Migration: Bringing Gender In.“ International Migration Review, 37 (3): 812–846.

Mahler, S.J.; Pessar, P.R. 2006. „Gender Matters: Ethnographers Bring Gender from the Periphery toward the Core of Migration Studies.“ International Migration Review, 40 (1): 27–63.

Metz-Göckel, S.; Morokvasic, M.; Münst, A.S. (eds.) 2008. Migration and Mobility in an Enlarged Europe. A Gender Perspective. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Morokvasic, M. 1984. „The overview: Birds of Passage are also Women“, International Migration Review, 68 (18): 886–907.

Morokvasic, M. 2004. „‘Settled in Mobility’: Engendering Post-wall Migration in Europe.“ Feminist Review, 77: 7–25.

Pedraza, S. 1991. „Women and Migration: The Social Consequences of Gender.“ Annual Review of Sociology, 17: 303–25.

Pessar, P.R. 1995. „On the Homefront and in the Workplace: Integrating Immigrant Women into Feminist Discourse.“ Anthropological Quarterly, 68 (1): 37–47.

Pessar, P.R. 1999. „Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States.“ In P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (ed.) Gender and U.S. Immigration. Contemporary Trends. California: University of California Press, s. 20–42.
