EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries
Mgr. Petra Kuchyňková, Ph.D.
EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries
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Course objectives and requirements

The aim of the course is to make students acquainted with the development of the engagement of the European Union as an actor in EU neighborhood. The emphasis is put on the Eastern dimension of EU neighborhood policy and on the relations between the EU and The Russian Federation. Students will be taught about theoretical concepts concerning the activities of the European Union as an actor of International Relations in its neighborhood: EU as a normative power, EU as civilian power, europeanisation in relations to EU neighboring countries etc. The phenomenon of EU development policy, its importance and functioning will also be dealt with. Significant part of the course is devoted to the development, formation and functioning of European Neighborhood Policy with the emphasis on the programme of Eastern Partnership. After the end of the course students will be able to understand and explain the role of the European Union in the Eastern dimension of its neighborhood, the problems of particular partner countries, which participate at Eastern Partnership (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and they will be also acquianted with various dimensions of the EU relations towards Russia, as an important actor in the particular geopolitical area. Attention will be devoted to such problems as democratisation, cooperation with the EU in political and economic areas, including energy and possibilities of the ENP to contribute to the solution of these problems, "frozen conflicts" in post-Soviet area etc. 

Course requirements
For successful passing of the course the student is required to gain min. 47 points out of 70 points (+ max.15 bonus points) 

The final grade will be calculated as a composite evaluation of four parts: 
Position papers and active participation in class discussion....................................max. 10 points      
Final written exam................................................................. ........................................max. 30 points
Group project and PPT presentation............................................................................max. 30 points  

Bonus points (activities)......……………………………………………...........................……….…max. 15 points

Maximum: 70 points.

Pass: 47 points and more.


1. Position papers

Every student is obliged to prepare and submit 2 short position papers (around 2000 characters), out of 5 proposed topics, and discuss the topics of the papers in the class.

List of topics:

1) EU-Russia relations: Current most pressing problems

2) EU policy towards Ukraine; crisis response in the Eastern Partnership area

3) Moldova: The success of the Eastern Partnership, or rather a problem?

4) Belarus and the EU: Failure of the EU as an actor of democracy promotion?

5) ENP and South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan)

Position paper must include short summary, own reflection of the particular problem and literature (main part of the paper), at least 2 questions for the discussion. Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folders  no later than 6 p.m. of the day before the seminar for which the position paper is written.

Each paper will be evaluated with 5 points (max. 10 points total for the papers and the participation in the discussion).

If the student submits more than 2 papers, he/she may obtain bonus points (up to max. 15 bonus points). 

2. Group project and presentation 

Every student is obliged to participate in a group project (max.3 or 4 students in 1 group). The group project will be elaborated and submitted in a form of PPT and it will be presented in the class by particular group. At the same time, each group will have to upload the PPT (with comments included!) into particular folder of submitted student works.

Max. 30 points for a group project (max. 15 points for the commented PPT; max. 15 points for the presentation of the PPT in class).








Each PPT must include: 1) Introduction with the presenatation and explanation of the chosen topic and aim of the project; 2) Own analysis of the problem (on several slides); 3) Conclusions (with recommendations, in case of a policy paper); 4) List of sources.

3. Final written exam

Final written exam will consist of 3 open questions, max. 10 points for each answer (max. 30 points total). The exam will be based on the lectures and literature. First term of the final exam will be on Wednesday, 18 December 2019. The other terms will take place during the exam period (January/early February 2020 - see the Information System).

18. 9. Course introduction - structure and requirements; EU as an actor of international relations in the neighbourhood

Course introduction - structure and requirements; EU as an actor of international relations in the neighbourhood: EU as normative power, civilian power Europe, prospects and pitfalls of the EU neighbourhood policy.

Questions for the discussion: Which kind of actor the EU should be in its Eastern neighbourhood? Normative? Economic? Security actor? Why? In which areas the EU is successful as an actor in the neighbourhood? Is it time for some profound changes in the EU´s apporach to the Eastern neighbourhood?

Required readings: 

  • Gebhard, C. (2017): The Problem of Coherence in the European Union´s International Relations. In Hill, Christopher; Smith, Michael and Vanhoonacker, Sophie (eds.; 2017): International Relations and the European Union. Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 123-142 (19 pages)
  • Sjursen, H. (2017): Principles in European Union Foreign Policy. In Hill, Christopher; Smith, Michael and Vanhoonacker, Sophie (eds.; 2017): International Relations and the European Union. Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 443-462 (19 pages)
  • Smith, M., H. (2015): The EU as a Diplomatic Actor in the Post-Lisbon Era: Robust or Rootless Hybrid? In: Koops, Joachim, A.; Macaj, Gjovalin (eds.; 2015): The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11 – 30. (19 pages)

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25. 9. Establishment and further development of the European Neighbourhood Policy (U43). EU-Russia relations: Introduction (U32)

Establishment and further development of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Southern dimension: Barcelona Process and the Eastern Partnership + seminar discussion

The lecture and seminar will discuss the EU as an actor in the context of the European Neihgbourhood Policy, with the emphasis on the Eastern dimension of the ENP. We will discuss more in a detail the establishment and further development of the Eastern Partnership programme (its main characteristics, possibilities, critical points of the EaP development etc.)

Required readings:

  • Kobzova, J. (2015): Eastern Partnership after Riga: rethink, reforms, resilience. ECFR. On-line: ( (11 pages)
  • Lavenex, S. (2017): "On the fringes of the European peace project: The neighbourhood policy’s functionalist hubris and political myopia." The British Journal of Politics and
    International Relations, 2017, Vol. 19(1) 63–76. (14 pages)

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EEAS: European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) (
EEAS: Eastern Partnership (

In the second part the groop will move to U32, where the introductory lecture about the EU-Russia relations will be held. 

Required readings: 

Forsberg, T. and Haukkala, H. (2018): The European Union. In: Tsygankov, A., P. (ed.): Routledge Handbook of Russian Foreign Policy. Routledge, pp. 269-281.

Light, M. (2015): “Russian Foreign Policy Themes in Official Documents and Speeches: Tracing Continuity and Change”. In: Cadier, David and Light, Margot (eds.; 2015): Russia´s Foreign Policy. Ideas, Domestic Politics and External Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 13-29. (16 pages) 

Trenin, D.; Lipman, M.; Malashenko, A. (eds.; 2013): The End of an Era in EU-Russia Relations. Carnegie Moscow Center, May 30, 2013. (Total 30 pages)  

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Tsygankov, A., P. (2010): Russia´s foreign policy: change and continuity in national identity, Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 55 - 77.
White, S. (2011): Understanding Russian Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 263 – 319.

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2. 10. Reading week

9. 10. Reading week


16. 10. EU policy towards Russia and EU-Russia relations + PP1 and seminar discussion

EU policy towards Russia: Between a normative actor and realist policy. EU-Russia relations: Current most pressing problems + PP1 and seminar discussion.

The lecture and the subsequent seminar discussion will discuss the most important problems and questions concerning current EU-Russia relations. What did both actors achived in mutual relations in recent history and what are the most serious problems? What are the solutions for these problems (from short-term and long-term perspective)? Which aims and strategy should the EU adopt in relation to Russia, and vice-versa?

Required readings:

  • Delcour, L. (2018): "Dealing with the elephant in the room: the EU, its ‘Eastern neighbourhood’ and Russia, Contemporary Politics, 24:1, pp. 14-29 (17 pages)
  • Giusti, S. (2016): "The EU´s policy towards Russia. National interests and path dependency”. In: Cladi, Lorenzo and Locatelli, Andrea (eds.; 2016): International Relations Theory and European Security. We thought we knew. Routledge, pp. 177 - 196. (19 pages)
  • Nitoiu, C. (2017): "Still entrenched in the conflict/cooperation dichotomy? EU–Russia relations and the Ukraine crisis." European Politics and Society, 18:2, pp. 148-165. (19 pages)
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EEAS (2019): The Russian Federation and the European Union (EU). On-line: ( 

Topic of Position paper 1:

EU-Russia relations: Most pressing problems

Try to think about following questions and problems in your position paper: Moments of conflict and cooperation between the EU and Russia - What are the most important and serious current problems in mutual relations? What are the roots or causes of these problems (in your view)? Are there any possible solutions and/or perspectives for a renewal of cooperation? Try to explain your ideas and support with arguments.

In the folder PP1 you will find 2 texts (Nitoiu 2017; Delcour 2018). You can use them as a basis for your PP, but you are encouraged also to the usage of some other relevant sources. List of sources must be included!

Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 15 October 2019.

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23.10. EU policy towards Ukraine + PP2 and seminar discussion

EU policy towards Ukraine: Ukraine in relation to the ENP and EaP; crisis response in the Eastern Partnership area + PP2 and seminar discussion.

The lecture and the subsequent seminar will be devoted to recent history and current affairs in the relations between the EU and Ukraine, in the framework of the Eastern Partnership programme. Substantial attention will be devoted also to the event in Ukraine since 2014 and the role of the EU in the crisis.

Required readings:

  • Kuzio, T. (2016): “Ukraine between a Constrained EU and Assertive Russia”. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2016, pp. 1-18. (17 pages) 

  • Wolczuk, K. (2016): Ukraine and Europe: Reshuffling the boundaries of order. In: Thesis Eleven, Vol. 136(1) 54–73, 2016. (19 pages)


Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017. 

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Topic of Position paper 2:

EU policy towards Ukraine; crisis response in the Eastern Partnership area

You should focus in your position papers on the particular problem of today Ukraine and the EU policy towards Ukraine. 

Try to evaluate the EU´s role in the Ukrainian crisis. 

Ukraine between the EU and Russia: What should be the solutions for the future? What should be the most important and valuable support from the EU side to Ukraine in current situation? Is/should be Ukraine an important partner for the EU? Is/should be the EU and important partner for Ukraine? What are the most pressing challenges in the EU – Ukraine relations now? 

In the folder PP2 you will find 2 texts (Kuzio 2016; Wolczuk 2016). You can use them as a basis for your PP, but you are encouraged also to the usage of some other relevant sources. List of sources must be included! 

Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 22 October 2019.

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30. 10. Moldova: The success of the Eastern Partnership, or rather a problem? + PP3 and seminar discussion

Required readings:

Beyer J. & Wolff, S. (2016) Linkage and leverage effects on Moldova's Transnistria problem, East European Politics, 32:3, 335-354. 


Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017. 

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Topic of Position paper 3:

Moldova: The success of the Eastern Partnership, or rather a problem? 

In the context of the Eastern Partnership programme the EU must face a lot of challenges in the form of so-called frozen conflicts or influence of other actors. As an example Moldova and Transnistria problem have been chosen in the text by Beyer and Wolff (+ the longer text by Nodia could also be recommended, it reflects also the internal political problems of selected EaP countries, including Moldova.). But you may, of course, use other relevant sources and literature as well.

In your PP try to reflect especially following questions: Could the Moldovan example be considered as a success, or rather a problem of the Eastern Partnership programme? What are the most serious problems and what could be the perspectives for this country? What is/should be the role of the EU in relation to Moldova and why? Regarding Transnistria, what would be an acceptable solution of the status of the area, in the future (in your view)?

It is not necessary to answer all of the questions in your PP.

Position paper must include clear introduction (summary), own reflection of the particular problem (main part of the paper), list of sources/literature + at least 2 questions for the discussion. 

Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 29 October 2019.

6. 11. Belarus and the EU: EU as an actor of democracy promotion? + PP4 and seminar discussion

The lecture and the seminar discussion will be devoted to the history of relations between the EU and Belarus and the ambitions of the EU to work as a normative and democracy promotion actor in the Eastern neighbourhood. Attention will be devoted to the limits and problems of the EU as a democracy promotion actor in case of Belarus.

Topic of Position paper 4:

Belarus and the EU: Failure of the EU as an actor of democracy promotion?

What are, in your view, the pros and cons of current EU policy towards Belarus? Prepare some supportive and some critical arguments. Suggest possible future directions in the EU – Belarus relations and explain your recommendations.

Position paper must be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 5 November 2019.

13. 11. Belarus and the EU: EU as an actor of democracy promotion? + PP4

Compensation for lecture/seminar planned for November 6, 2019.

20. 11. PP5 (ENP and South Caucasus countries) + seminar discussion.

The first part of the seminar will be devoted to the discussion about PP5: "ENP and South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan)"

Required readings:
Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017. 
Vieira, A. & Vasilyan, S. (2018) Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities?, European Politics and Society, 19:4, pp. 471-489

Chkhivadze, V. (2015): A Focus on Georgia. In: Gromadzki, Grzegorz; Sendhardt, Bastian (eds.; 2015): Eastern Partnership Revisited. Associated Countries in Focus. The Stefan Batory Foundation. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Warsaw, pp. 23 - 46. On-line: ( 23 pages) 

Position paper Nr.5 should be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 19 November 2019. 

The last position paper is devoted to the topic of the EU as an actor in South Caucasus. You may focus on the issue either generally, or you can choose only particular country (e.g. Georgia, that signed the AA/DCFTA with the EU and often declaratory aspires also on future membership in the EU; Armenia that is both a member of the Eurasian Economic Union and at the same time it signed the CEPA Agreement with the EU in 2017; or Azerbaijan that does not aspire so much on the association with the EU, but on the other hand, it is also an imporant partner, both for the EU and also for Russia, in the energy sphere).

As a basis for your PP, you may use the texts in the folder concerning PP5, but you are encouraged also to the usage of some other relevant sources. List of sources must be included, as well as the questions for the discussion!

27. 11. Presentation of group projects I

The group projects will be uploaded in a form of commented powerpoint (PPT). Deadline for submission: December 17, 2019

5. 12. External expert (Ministry of FA of the Czech Republic)

Attention please: Because of the time schedule of Mr. Marian, the lecture will extraordinarily take place on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 2 p.m. (14:00) in the room U44!!

Lecture of the external expert, Mr. Jan Marian (Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs) will be devoted to the current state and the future of the Eastern Partnership programme, with the emphasis on association agreements and their practical impacts. Attention will be devoted also to the situation in Ukraine and other EaP countries and the topic of the engagement of Central European countries (esp. the Czech Republic) in this foreign policy agenda.

11. 12. Presentation of group projects II

The group projects will be uploaded in a form of commented powerpoint (PPT). Deadline for submission: December 17, 2019