Intensive Care Medicine - practice
Intensive Care Medicine - practice
Welcome to the interactive syllabus of Intensive Care Medicine- practice. We will focus on the managing life- threatening conditions, we will discuss basic steps in the management of caring for critically ill patients with organ dysfunctions. The education is placed mainly in the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University, also in all departments of anaesthesiology and resuscitation in University Hospitals in Brno. Please, bring medical coats and slippers to all workplaces. The main education source is OXFORD HANDBOOK OF CRITICAL CARE, than this interactive syllabus and web portal AKUTNĚ.CZ.
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Studijní text
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text

Information regarding practices

Dear students,
I would like to provide you with the important information regarding Intensive Care practices. Due to the dominant involvement of high-fidelity simulations in the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine, demands are placed on the prepared student. Modern teaching methods are functional and maximally effective only using this approach. 
   To facilitate your homework, you will find a completely prepared interactive syllabus, video lectures including, prepared for you by our teaching team. This is a study material designed for your pre-learning and topics correspond to the structure of practical lectures that prepares you for all days of the course and to complete a pre-test for each lecture.

  Before each lecture, complete the pre-test (ROPOT in IS MUNI), a
fter clicking on the specific ROPOT, you will be directed to the pre-test:
• The pre-test contains 10 questions
• Only one answer is correct
• You must answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly to pass the pre-test
• You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass the pre-test (you need to repeat until you reach 7 correct answers out of 10 questions)
• You must complete the pre-test no later than 24:00 on the day preceding each lecture
• Passing the pre-test before each lecture is checked and in case of non-compliance you will unfortunately not be able to attend a specific lecture and you will have to replace it.

   It is also important to note that attendance each of you will be recorded at each lecture and only one absence is possible without an excuse. Replacement is possible take only in a lesson with an identical topic with another seminar group. Excuse it takes place by default through the study department, which inserts an apology into IS. Please note that due to experience if the student comes after the attendance record, the specific lesson will not be considered as a presence. The reason is the fact that late arrivals unfortunately greatly disrupt the whole character and quality of teaching.

   At the end of the exercise, it is necessary to pass the credit test.
There are four conditions for granting credit:
1. Passing of all pre-tests
2. Participation in all lectures (possible one unexcused absence)
3. Passing the credit test
4. Filling in the evaluation questionnaire after the exercise (indispensable part of the credit test on its end)

   The condition for its completion is the passing of ALL pre-tests. There are 20 questions in the test. Multiple answers are offered for each question. Only one the answer is correct. You get 1 point for a correctly answered question, for a
wrong one you get 0 points, only unanswered is minus 1 point. Time limit is of 20 minutes. The minimum is 15 points. A maximum of 3 test repetitions are possible. After the complete answers to all questions you will be followed by a
follow-up mandatory evaluation questionnaire. After fulfilling all the conditions, you will receive a credits

We look forward to seeing you at our first lecture.
Best regards
Jan Maláska for the team of lecturers and technicians of the Intensive Care
Medicine course

Day 1 - the Simulation Centre presentation, ABCDE approach

We will present you the simulators, ICUs and other areas of The Simulation Centre during the first day of the practice from Intensive Care Medicine. The teachers and technicians of the centre will guide you there.

Then, we wil focus on the initial approach to the critical ill patient according to the ABCDE approach. You will try this approach on our simulators. You will participate in the first simulation with life- threatening condition at the end of the practice.


  • student is able to briefly recognize unstable patient
  • student knows principles of ABCDE approach
  • sudent is familliar with basic interventions recomended in ABCDE approach

  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Videolectures + PDF presentations


PDF presentaions

BONUS materials

Day 2 - ALS, airway management, oxygen therapy

We will train basic skills focused on airway management and advanced life support in adults, the rules of safe defibrillation including, on the second day of the practice. You will know several oxygen delivery systems after this practice.



  • student knows the correct management of the cardiac arrest in adults, including the treatment of potentially reversible causes
  • student recognizes shockable and non-shockable rhythms and their correct treatment
  • student knows the indications for defibrillation, the placement of the electrodes and the indications, dosage of drugs for CPR

Airway management and oxygen therapy

  • student recognizes the patient who requires acute airway management and is familiar with basic supraglottic and infraglottic devices for securing airway
  • student is familiar with basic maneuvers for airway opening and has a theoretical basis for breathing through the face mask
  • student knows oxygen delivery systems


  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Respiratory therapy techniques (p. 38)
  • Resuscitation (p. 337)


European Resuscitation Council Posters

Videolectures + PDF presentations

BONUS materials

Day 3 - clinic internship, organ donation

You will visit Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at StAnn's University Hospital Brno on the third day. You will repeat initial approach to the critical ill patient during the practice. The rules of organ donation program, including the brain death diagnosis and care for potential organ donors, are part of this practice.


  • student can identify potential organ donor
  • student is able to define neurological death
  • student understands what are the prerequisites before potential organ donor testing
  • student knows correct management to confirm brain death


  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Death and the dying patient (p. 651)

Videolectures + PDF presentations


PDF presentations

BONUS materials

Day 4 - arrhythmias, pulmonary edema

You will learn about basic steps in the diagnosis and treatment of some arrhythmias on thursday. We will focus on the unstable atrila fibrillation, as the most common tachyarrhythmias, but also the management of the bradyarrhythmias.

The last topic of this practice is acute pulmonary edema, its diagnosis and treatment.



  • student can define tachycardia and understand elementary pathophysiology of associated risks
  • student can define bradycardia and potential associated risks
  • student understands basic principles and methods of arrhythmias treatment according to ERC Guidelines

Pulmonary edema

  • student will learn the basics of pathophysiology, diagnostics and management of the different types of pulmonary edema

  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Tachyarrhythmias (p. 384)
  • Bradyarrhythmias (p. 386)


European Resuscitation Council Posters

Videolectures + PDF presentations

BONUS materials

Day 5 - shock, acute respiratory failure

During this lesson, you will undergo three high fidelity simulations in SIMU. Structured debriefing will follow each of those simulations. The theme of this lesson will be acute respiratory failure and shock. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the lesson to gain as much experience as possible. 



  • student will learn how to diagnose and differentiate different types of shock
  • student will learn how to treat different types of shock

  • student learns ARDS causes and symptoms
  • student understands ARDS pathophysiology
  • student knows basics of ARDS treatment
  • student learns signs and symptoms of COPD exacerbation
  • student is oriented in differential diagnosis of acute dyspnoa
  • student knows main treatment of COPD exacerbation
  • student learns basics of ventilatory support

  • types of shock
  • shock treatment
  • ARDS
  • COPD/Asthma 

  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Respiratory therapy techniques (p. 44-48, 66, 76, 84, 90-91)
  • Respiratory monitoring (p. 144, 146-147, 154-155, 158)
  • Respiratory drugs (p. 254-255)
  • Respiratory disorders (p. 350, 356-360, 364-365, 368-370, 376-377)


European Resuscitation Council Posters

Videolectures + PDF presentations

BONUS materials

Algorithms AKUTNĚ.CZ

Critical Care Medicine The Essentials and More - John J. Marini, David J. Dries

Day 6 - clinical internship, acid-based disorders

On the sixth day, you will visit the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at University Hospital Brno- Children´s Hospital. You will repeat the initial approach to the critically ill patient during the practice. The basics of acid-base and electrolytes disorders are part of this practice.


Electrolytes disturbances 

  • student identifies Na & K disturbance
  • student names symptoms and possible causes of these disturbances
  • student is able to discuss the basic principles of Na & K disturbances therapy

Acid-base balance disorders 

  • student will learn to detect the presence of acid-base balance disorder
  • student will learn how to evaluate the compensation of acid-base balance disorder
  • student will learn how to detect unmeasured anions of organic acids and to suggest differential diagnosis of the cause of metabolic acidosis

  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Metabolic disorders (p. 482-513)


European Resuscitation Council Posters

Videolectures + PDF presentations

Bonus materials

Algorithms AKUTNĚ.CZ

Critical Care Medicine The Essentials and More - John J. Marini, David J. Dries

Day 7 - PALS, intoxication

During this lesson, you will undergo three high fidelity simulations in SIMU. Structured debriefing will follow each of those simulations. The theme of this lesson will be PALS (paediatric advanced life support), seizures, intoxication. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the lesson to gain as much experience as possible. 



  • student will know the indications and dosage of drug used in PALS
  • student will learn to dilute epinephrine for administration in children
  • student will know the difference between electrical cardioversion and defibrillation
  • student will learn indications of electrical cardioversion and defibrillation including energy doses
  • student will know the placement of self-adhesive defibrillator pads/defibrillation paddles in children


  • student will learn basic approach to the acutely intoxicated patient
  • student is able to distinguish the sign and symptoms, determine the examination, and initiate correct therapy in patient poisoned by carbon monoxide, paracetamol and toxic alcohols

Disorders of consciousness, convulsions, seizures

  • student will be able to recognize a qualitative and quantitative disorder of consciousness and determine its severity
  • student will learn a systematic procedure in a patient with a disorder of consciousness of unclear etiology leading to the discovery of the cause of the disorder of consciousness
  • student will learn to distinguish status epilepticus and uncomplicated convulsive conditions, its severity
  • student will learn a systematic procedure in a patient with a seizure and the choice of appropriate medication according to the severity of the condition

  • PALS
  • intoxication
  • disorders of consciousness
  • convulsions, seizures
  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Neurological disorders (p. 438, 442-443, 444-445)
  • Poisoning (p. 520-540)



European Resuscitation Council Posters


Videolectures + PDF presentations

Bonus materials

Day 8 - ICU nutrition, acute liver failure, palliative care and EOLD

In today's practice, you will discuss various topics related to ICU nutrition, acute liver failure, palliative care and End of Life Decision (EOLD) in the debriefing room in SIMU. For all topics, please see the Study Materials folder. Video lectures, pdf lectures, and links are prepared for your studying. Due to the nature of the exercise, you don't need to bring your gown and student ID today.

Please study all of these materials carefully before the exercise, as it is a requirement for participation in the exercise, as well as correctly answering the ROPOT.

Learning outcomes

ICU nutrition

  • student is able to describe basic pathophysiology of malnutrition
  • student understands the role of nutrition in critical care
  • student understands basic principles of nutrition administration on ICU
  • student is able to describe main risks of feeding patient on ICU

Acute liver failure

  • student will learn to classify Acute Liver Failure and Acute on Chronic Liver Failure
  • student will learn how to make the initial evaluation in a patient with Liver Failure
  • management of hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and variceal bleeding will be discussed

Palliative care and EOLD

  • student will understand basic principles and goals of palliative care in the ICU
  • student will understand basic terminology in palliative care
  • student will understand basic ethical principles applied in the ICU
  • student will understand basic principles end-of-life decisions (EOLD) and end-of-life care (EOLC)
  • student will understand withdrawing and withholding of organ support


  • for practice participation is required  fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day

Study materials

Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

  • Nutrition and metabolic therapy (p. 125)
  • Hepatic disorders (p. 427)
  • Withdrawal and witholding treatment (p. 654)

Videolectures + PDF presentations

BONUS materials

Day 9 - acute kidney injury, RRT, MODS

In today's practice you will discuss the topic of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT).  Another topic is Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS). This day will be spent in the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, University hospital Brno, thus part of the teaching will also take place at the bedside of a patient.

For both topics you will find videolectures, lectures in pdf and links to recommended literature in the Study materials folder. Please study all these materials carefully before the practice, as it is a condition of participation in the practice, as well as answering the ROPOT.

Learning outcomes

Acute kidney injury (AKI), renal replacement therapy (RRT)

  • student learns how to recognize and define acute kidney injury/failure
  • student gains basic knowledge about the methods for renal functions replacement

Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

  • student will able to define and recognize Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
  • student will know etiology and mechanisms of MODS
  • student will know basic principles regarding management of patient with MODS


  • for practice participation is required  fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day
  • Study materials

    Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

    • Renal disorders (p. 397)
    • Renal therapy techniques (p. 107)
    • MODS (p. 556-559)

    Videolectures + PDF presentations

    BONUS materials

    Day 10 - polytrauma, severe bleeding, sepsis

    In today's exercise, you'll be back at SIMU to solve high-fidelity simulations that will test everything you've learned. Within these simulations, you will encounter several life-threatening conditions that await your solution. As the title of the exercise suggests, you should have studied polytrauma, severe bleeding, and sepsis before today's practice. Also review the issues of reversible causes of cardiac arrest.

    For all topics, you will find video lectures, pdf lectures and links in the Study Materials folder. Please study all these materials carefully before the exercise, as it is a condition of participation in the exercise, as well as correctly answering the ROPOT.

    Learning outcomes


    • student can define a polytraumatized patient
    • student understands the importance of triage and trauma centre
    • student will understand the basics of caring for the polytraumatized patient

    Major bleeding

    • student will learn to recognize major bleeding
    • student will learn about the management of major bleeding
    • student is able to initiate treatment of major bleeding

    Sepsis, septic shock

    • student is able to explain the definition of sepsis and septic shock
    • student recognizes symptoms and can apply the initial steps in the diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock
    • student knows the basic principles of causal and symptomatic therapy of sepsis and septic shock
    Important topics

  • polytrauma, trauma brain injury
  • bleeding, major bleeding
  • therapy of major bleeding
  • ALS
  • 4H/4T
  • typs of shock
  • therapy of shock
  • sepsis, septic shock

  • for practice participation is required fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day
  • Study materials

    Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew

    • Trauma and burns (p. 581)
    • Bleeding (p. 248-252, 412-415, 638)
    • Sepsis and septic shock (p. 560-561)

    Videolectures + PDF presentations

    BONUS materials

    Fluid therapy - videolectures + PDF presentations


    PDF presentations