Intensive Care Medicine - practice

Day 4 - arrhythmias, pulmonary edema

You will learn about basic steps in the diagnosis and treatment of some arrhythmias on thursday. We will focus on the unstable atrila fibrillation, as the most common tachyarrhythmias, but also the management of the bradyarrhythmias.

The last topic of this practice is acute pulmonary edema, its diagnosis and treatment.



  • student can define tachycardia and understand elementary pathophysiology of associated risks
  • student can define bradycardia and potential associated risks
  • student understands basic principles and methods of arrhythmias treatment according to ERC Guidelines

Pulmonary edema

  • student will learn the basics of pathophysiology, diagnostics and management of the different types of pulmonary edema

  • the essential condition of this practice participation is fill in the ROPOT form
  • please, fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day