Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - A (Groups 01, 02, 03, and 04)

Week 11

Specific Learning Difficulties



Look at exercise 1 in the handout below and the list of symptoms. Can you match the symptoms with the types of difficulties?

Then, check with the key below.


Also, please, watch a short informative video on dyslexia. 

When you watch it for the first time, write down the key concepts. When you watch it for the second time, try to expand your notes and write down some details

If you find the video difficult or if you would like to learn some of the useful words included in the video, you can use the transcript.

Then, get ready to compare your experience with the previous listening. Was the story easier for you to follow or was it the short lecture this week? What exactly did you struggle with?

Finally, join me in my Zoom room for the next round of presentations according to the following schedule:

Group 1 (Monday 10-11 am)

Bal-Mol 10:00 - 10:30

Nep-Wei 10:30 - 11:00

Group 2 (Monday 12-1 pm)

Bed-Kej 12:00-12:30 

Koz-Zám 12:30-1:00

Group 3 (Thursday 12-1 pm)

Altrichterová - Jurčíková 12:00 - 12:30

Kománková - Žylová 12:30 - 1:00

Group 4 (Tuesday 2-3 pm)

Bočková - Košárková 2:00 - 2:30

Kozlovská - Valová 2:30 - 3:00


Check the table below and find whose work you are going to review. Go to the Homework vault Listenings (Hochmanová) and find the right document. If you cannot find the submitted summary in the homework vault, choose a different person to review his/her work.

Then, fill-in the following form and upload it into the homework vault below by Friday, 14 May :