Seminární skupina Z8147 Quality of Life

Geographical aspects of quality of life

Second homework

- Choose your or the other person's culture background (from Kenya, Cuba, Burma or Russia) and think what factors are the most important for the quality of life of the inhabitants in this country

- Write this contemplation from your point of view on a half of a page and insert into odevzdavarna

Task to next lesson

- Please read the following text (written by I. Kamp et al.) up to page 6 (2 chapters) and underline what is really important

- Try to answer on these questions after reading this text:

- > What is the best geographical definition of quality of life according to you?

​- > Why do so many concepts exist? How are they related to quality of life?

​- > Which approach / conceptualization is the most suitable to geographical definition of quality of life?

We will discuss the meta-concepts next lesson.

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