Angličtina pro matematiky III

Course materials and homework week XI.


E=mc² is wrong? - Sixty Symbols
1) Who and when formulated this famous equation?
2) What do the letters E, m, and c denote in the equation?
Listen to and watch the video and decide whether the statements are true or false.
1)      Mass of particles can be measured in joules.
2)      Considering the Newton’s Laws of Motion, energy is the same as mass.
3)      Large amount of energy is equivalent to huge amount of mass.
4)      Mass is always a source of energy.
5)      p2 c2 indicates movement.
6)      In the original equation, mass is moving.
7)      M0 means that there is no momentum of a particle.
8)      Speed of sound is not used because it is a much higher number.
9)      People do not realize how important this equation is.
10) The public is not able to understand  E=mc² because it is too complicated.