The course introduces
understanding of addictions - excessive involvement in substance use and other
addictive behaviours. The first half of the course is about models of
addictions – how various fields of knowledge understand and conceptualize
addictions (from the perspectives of behaviourism, psychodynamics, behavioural
biology, neuropsychology, evolutionary biology, etc.). The second half of the
course is about specific drugs and behaviours, both legal and illicit
substances (e.g., caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, opioids) and
excessive behaviours (e.g., gambling, gaming, pornography use). The course ends
with discussing whether and in what conditions we can do something with
addictions and addictive behaviours (prevention, therapy, harm reduction).
Test: At the end of the course, there will be an online
test (with both open and multiple-choice type of questions). Result of at least
60% of correct answers is needed to successfully finish the course. Information
from both presentations and compulsory reading will be part of the test.
Presentation: Last two meetings will be dedicated to
oral presentations. Instructions: Work in group of 2-3 people. Choose a narrow
topic related to the course subject. Find 3 empirical research articles
published within last 10 years and make a presentation about them (i.e., what
research was done and how, what are the findings, what is the overall conclusion
of all chosen papers). All group members must be active. Presentation length: 10 minutes. PPT or PDF must be
uploaded into the information system prior the actual presentation.