Parametry odpovědníku

25 bodovaných otázek

Základní informace 
počet otázek:   25počet otázek:   25
čas: bez omezení čas: bez omezení 
Lze spustit
Prohlídka odpovědí
přístupná po zodpovězení
Vzhled a uspořádání testu
aktivní kontrola barevným pruhem
odpovědi lze měnitodpovědi lze měnit

Organizační pokyny

Mock test - Final Bachelor’s State Examination in Education and Psychology

The purpose of this mock test is to give students an idea of how the test is set, the way it is graded and the type of items it involves.

Compared to the standard state examination test, which consists of 40 items, this mock test is considerably shorter (25 items) and does not cover all the topics included in the Thematic Areas for Final Bachelor’s State Examination in Education and Psychology. Nevertheless, we believe that it will serve its purpose well.

Please note that the items in this mock test are not subject to the usual appeals procedure. If you have any doubts about the correctness of any item, please contact us at so that we can correct the item if necessary.

The content of this answer sheet is focused on the topics that are listed in the requirements for the spring semester of 2020 and beyond.

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