Finance (Ger.)

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The doctoral studies programme is focused on scientific research and independent and creative practical or theoretical work in the area of research and development of finance. The main condition for acceptance is properly completed studies in the Master’s degree study programme.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • define the methodology of accounting and taxes, including proposals for modifications of legislation
  • determine the methodology for the management of banks and insurance companies, optimize management processes in financial institutions, establish risk management methodologies, and determine the ratings of financial institutions
  • analyse securities, capital and financial markets, make recommendations for optimal financial and investment strategies, methodology, and analysis of foreign exchange markets and financial derivatives
  • establish financial management methodology for corporations, providing for business and financial risks, making optimal investments, and financial strategies for business corporations
  • control work with mind maps as a tool for scientific work

Graduates will be able to perform independent scientific work dealing with finance or occupy highly skilled jobs in the areas of:

- establishing the methodology of accounting and taxes, including proposals for modifications of legislative regulations,

- methodologies for the management of banks and insurance companies, optimizing management processes in financial institutions, setting risk management methodologies, and establishing the ratings of financial institutions,

- analysis of securities, capital, and financial markets, draft recommendations of optimal financial and investment strategies, methodology, analysis of foreign exchange markets and financial derivatives,

- methodologies for the financial management of corporations, providing business and financial risks, making optimal investments and financial strategies for corporations.

Graduates of the doctoral degree study programme are also prepared for the requirements of research and teaching at colleges and universities.


The standard duration of studies is four years; the maximum period from enrolment until the proper graduation is twice the period of standard study.

The study is carried out under the guidance of a supervisor and is governed by an individual study plan approved by the departmental council.

In the course of their studies, the students are required to earn a minimum of 240 credits, out of which at least 120 credits are awarded for the submission of the dissertation thesis.

The students are obliged to attend:

type A/required subjects - required subjects of the common base (Econometrics, Metodology I,II) + field-related required subjects

type B/required elective subjects with a minimum value of 10 credits (the course Teaching assistance can yield a maximum of 25 credits per study)

type C/elective subject

In accordance with the focus of the study programme and after agreement with the supervisor, the students can further choose type C/elective subjects from the current offer of optional subjects within the field or in other fields available at the Faculty of Economics and Administration or Masaryk University as a whole.

Within the type A/required subject of Literature Study, students study world literature and journals relevant to the topic of their dissertation during the first two terms. Based on the knowledge about the current state of research in the area concerned, they specify the research problem investigated in the dissertation and create a project for their research during the third term. From the third term on, the students attend the subject Dissertation Preparation, in which they carry out all the activities necessary for their dissertation under their supervisors’ guidance.


Conditions for proper graduation from the doctoral study programme are:

- gain credits by passing the subjects in the prescribed composition, with a minimum total of 240 credits

- spend at least one month of their studies at a foreign institution (except for Slovakia) or participate in an international creative project the findings of which are published or presented abroad, or is otherwise directly involved in international co-operation

- pass the state doctoral examination

- defend the dissertation thesis.

The state doctoral examination tests the theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the study programme. The general requirements for the exam are included in the programme content; specific requirements represent the thematic areas related to the thesis statements.

Together with the application for the state exam, the students submit their thesis statements, which document 1) the degree of the students’ orientation in the published results of research, and 2) the relevance and theoretical soundness of the chosen research procedure. The state doctoral examination takes the form of a debate on the submitted thesis statements, and the questions are considered in the broader context of the given field. The aim is to demonstrate the readiness of the students for independent research activity in the field.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Finance (Ger.)
Abbreviation: FINN
Code: 6202V010
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 1/6/2021
Programme: P6231 D-FU4 Finance and Accounting (4-years)
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Field guarantor:
doc. Ing. Eva Vávrová, Ph.D.