PL_39 Popular Culture in Yugoslavia 1945-1991

Filozofická fakulta
podzim 2015
5x4 hod. (celkem 20 hod. ). 3 kr. Ukončení: k.
Dr. Zoran Janjetović (přednášející), prof. PhDr. Ivo Pospíšil, DrSc. (zástupce)
prof. PhDr. Ivo Pospíšil, DrSc.
Ústav slavistiky – Filozofická fakulta
Kontaktní osoba: doc. PhDr. Jiří Gazda, CSc.
Dodavatelské pracoviště: Ústav slavistiky – Filozofická fakulta
Po 2. 11. až Pá 6. 11. každý den 9:10–12:25 A31
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Předmět si smí zapsat nejvýše 40 stud.
Momentální stav registrace a zápisu: zapsáno: 0/40, pouze zareg.: 0/40, pouze zareg. s předností (mateřské obory): 0/40
Mateřské obory/plány
  • Monday, November 2
  • Lecture 1-2: Cultural goals of Yugoslav communists; Political and cultural ties to the USSR.
  • It will be explained to what ends the communists in Yugoslavia wanted to use culture after they had come to power and how (and if) these goals changed over time. Political and especially cultural ties with the Soviet Union will be examined and channels of Soviet cultural influence.
  • Lecture 3-4: Cultural infrastructure; Cultural-artistic societies and public performances and events.
  • Social and cultural survey of Yugoslavia will be given. This will include urbanization, levels of literacy, number of newspapers and journals, number and development of radio and TV stations and radio-sets, etc. Cultural-artistic societies as the first basis of mass culture will be dealt with.
  • Tuesday, November 3
  • Lecture 1-2: Yugoslavia’s break with Stalin, reorientation of foreign and economic policy. Changes in cultural policy.
  • It will be shown how Tito’s political break with Stalin caused deep political, cultural and social changes in Yugoslavia. Special attention will be devoted to changes in the field of culture.
  • Lecture 3-4: Changes in popular culture and its infrastructure.
  • The gradual shift from East-oriented popular culture to a West-oriented one will be discussed, as well as the pre-war traditions that were rediscovered and revived.
  • Wednesday, November 4
  • Lecture 1-2: Development of popular music.
  • Development of light music and rock ‘n’ roll, preconditions for their development, foreign musical influences and channels through which they arrived, as well as the stance of the authorities toward them will be dealt with.
  • Lecture 3-4: Development of folk music – preconditions, ways of development and government attitude will be discussed. As a conclusion of this section, the sales numbers, social impact and sociological analysis of musical tastes will be presented.
  • Thursday, November 5
  • Lecture 1-2: Film in socialist Yugoslavia. Partisan movies as a special genre.
  • The beginnings of film production and its development until 1990 will be discussed – both the material and technical details, and topics, social acceptance, regional cooperation, viewers’ numbers etc. The other part will deal with the same topics, but in connection with Yugoslav specialty – films about the partisans: their social and political role and changes over time.
  • Lecture 3-4: Films of the “Black Wave”; “The Prague School”; cartoons; the national film festival in Pula.
  • Two distinct “film schools” will be discussed, as well as the period separating them. Furthermore, the international importance of Yugoslav cartoons. As a conclusion of this section, a review of the national film festival, its weaknesses and importance will be discussed.
  • Friday, November 6
  • Lecture 1-2: Light reading and fun magazines.
  • It will be dealt with lighter reading matters such as books, serial novels, yellow press and comics, their sources and importance for the readers and for publishing houses, as well as with attempts of the regime to keep them under control and use them for their own goals.
  • Lecture 3-4: Popular culture during the final crisis of socialism.
  • The impact of increasingly deep social and economic crisis on popular culture will be shown, the attempts of the authorities to alleviate the crises in popular culture and with means of popular culture will be discussed. As a conclusion, the importance, impact and legacy of Yugoslav socialist popular culture will be discussed.
  • The course has as a goal to present the interdependence of political, economic and cultural developments in socialist Yugoslavia through the prism of popular culture. The questions of social meaning of popular culture, its political management and usability and economic reasons driving it will be in focus. Students will be encouraged to make parallels with the situation in Czechoslovakia.
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele

Mihajlo Blam, Jazz u Srbiji 1927-1944, Beograd 2010.

Aleksandar Bubanović, Sav taj jazz, Zagreb, 2005.

Milutin Čolić, Jugoslovenski ratni film, II, Beograd 1984.

Snježana Čolić (ed.), Prilozi izučavanju masovne kulture – analiza sadržaja ljubavnih romana i stripova, Zagreb 1986.

Ivan Čolović, Divlja književnost, Beograd 1983.

Milan Dević, Strani film u beogradskim bioskopima od novembra 1944. do kraja 1955. godine (BA paper, mscr.), Beograd 2002.

Ljubodrag Dimić, Agitprop kultura. Agitpropovska faza kulturne politike u Srbiji 1945-1952, Beograd 1988.

Ljubodrag Dimić, Sovjetski kulturni uticaj u Srbiji 1945-1950, Jugoslovenski istorijski časopis, XXII, 1-2, 1987.

Branka Doknić, Sovjetizacija i desovjetizacija jugoslovenske kulturne politike, in: Zbornik radova sa međunarodnog okruglog stola Tito – Staljin, Beograd 25. oktobar 2006, Beograd 2007.

Milena Dragičević Šešić, Publika nove narodne muzike, Kultura, 80-81, 1988. Igor Duda, U potrazi za blagostanjem. O povijesti sdokolice i potrošačkog društva u Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1960-ih, Zagreb 2005.

Vladimir Janković Džet, Godine na 8, Beograd 2008.

Miomir Gatalović, Darovana sloboda. Partija I kultura u Srbiji 1952-1958, Beograd 2010. Daniel J. Goulding, Jugoslavensko filmsko iskustvo, 1945.-2001. – oslobođeni film, Zagreb 2004.

Svetolik Jakovljević, Jedan vek džeza & kratki prilozi za izučavanje džeza u Srbiji, Beograd 2003.

Zoran Janjetović, Od Internacionale do komercijale: popularna kultura u Jugoslaviji 1945-1991, Beograd 2011.

Zlata Knezović, Idejno-politička uloga sovjetskih filmova u filmskom repertoaru u Hrvatskoj 1945-1952, Časopis za suvremenu povijest, XX, 1-2, 1988.

Veljko Krulčić, hrvatski poslijeratni strip, Pula 1984.

Kulturna politika i razvitak kulture u Hrvatskoj. “Crvena knjiga” i drugi dokumenti, Zagreb 1982.

Ivana Lučić-Todosić, Od trokinga do tvista. Igranke u Beogradu 1945’1963, Beograd 2002.

Petar Luković, Bolja prošlost. Prizori iz muzičkog života Jugoslavije 1940-1989, Beograd 1989.

Igor Marković, Sretno dijete, Zagreb 2005.

Predrag J. Marković, Beograd između Istoka i Zapada 1948-1965, Beograd 1996.

Predrag J. Marković, Trajnost i promena. Društvena istorija socijalističke i postsocijalističke svakodnevice u Jugoslaviji i Srbiji, Beograd 2007.

Kaspar Maze, Bezgranična zabava. Uspon masovne kulture 1850-1970, Beograd 2008.

Momčilo Milankov, Kriminalistički i ljubavni romani u roto seriji, Kulturni život, 6, 1975.

Goran Miloradović, Domaći triler u inostranoj režiji: obaveštajne i saboterske aktivnosti protiv jugoslovenske kinematografije 1945-1955. godine, Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 1, 2010.

Goran Miloradović, Lepota pod nadzorom. Sovjetski kulturni uticaji u Jugoslaviji 1945-1955, Beograd 2012.

Ranko Munitić, Kinematografska animacija u Jugoslaviji, Beograd 1979.

Miloš Nemanjić, Filmska i pozorišna publika Beograda. Socijalno-kulturni uslovi formiranja u periodu 1961-1984, Beograd 1991.

Nova narodna muzika, Kultura, 8, 1970.

Miodrag Perišić, Strip sa tematikom iz Narodnooslobodilačke borbe, Kulturni život, 6, 1975.

Branko Petranović, Istorija Jugoslavije III, Socijalistička Jugoslavija 1945-1988, Beograd 1988.

Gordana Popović, Dragoljub Gavarić, Dušan Latković, Uticaj poreske politike na izdavačku delatnost u oblasti zabavno revijalne i roto štampe, Kulturni život, 6, 1975.

Aleksandar Raković, Rokenrol u Jugoslaviji 1956-1968. Izazov socijalističkom društvu, Beograd 2011.

Rüdiger Rossig, Sunčana strana ulice – Die sonnige Seite der Straße. Rockmusik, Rockkultur und Rockszene in der SFR Jugoslawien, Berlin (MA paper mscr.) 2005.

Andrei Simić, The Peasant Urbanites. A Study of Rural-Urban Mobility in Serbia, New York, London 1973.

Richard Stites, Russian Popular Culture. Entertainment and Society Since 1900, Cambridge 1995.

Siniša Škarica, Kad je rock bio mlad. Priča s istočne strane 1956-1970, Zagreb 2005.

Ivan Škrabalo, Hrvatska filmska povijest ukratko (1896-2006), Zagreb 2008.

Bogdan Tirnanić, Crni talas, Beograd 2008.

Radina Vučetić, Koka-kola socijalizam. Amerikanizacija jugoslovenske popularne kulture šezdesetih godina XX veka, Beograd 2012 (2.izd.)

Petar Volk, 20. vek srpskog filma, Beograd 2001.

Petar Volk, Istorija jugoslovenskog filma, Beograd 1986.

Zdravko Zupan, Vek stripa u Srbiji, Pančevo 2007.

Aleksandar Žikić, Fatalni ringišpil: hronika beogradskog rokenrola, I. 1959-1979, Beograd 1999.
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