Reference(s) to higher template levels:
Fakulta sociálních studií / Faculty of Social Studies
Studijní katalog a registrační šablony / Study catalogue and registration templates

Bezpečnostní a strategická studia

Chci si vytisknout studijní katalog:

Bakalářské prezenční studium
Magisterské navazující studium

Chci si zaregistrovat předměty:

(klikněte na název Vašeho studijního programu,
dále zvolte Podzimní/Jarní semestr)

Kdo je převedený a kdo nepřevedený student?
Fakulta do nástupnických studijních programů nepřevede studenty, zapsané v oborech podle čl. 2 odst. 1, kteří:

    a) jsou k datu převodu v řízení o ukončení studia,

    b) jsou zapsáni v bakalářském dvouoborovém studiu v mezifakultních kombinacích s Filozofickou fakultou, Pedagogickou fakultou a Ekonomicko-správní fakultou Masarykovy univerzity,

    c) jsou zapsáni v navazujícím magisterském studiu či v jednooborovém bakalářském studiu a k datu převodu splnili všechny podmínky ukončení studia s výjimkou úspěšného složení státní závěrečné zkoušky či její části.

    d) jsou zapsáni ve dvouoborovém bakalářském studiu a k datu převodu splnili podmínky pro přístup ke státní závěrečné zkoušce   alespoň na jednom z oborů a na tomto oboru i ke státní závěrečné zkoušce přistoupili.

    e) jsou zapsáni v bakalářském kombinovaném dvouoborovém studiu.

Bakalářské prezenční studium (nepřevedení studenti)
  • Informace o studiu
  • Podzimní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSS101 Introduction into strategical studies
         Wed 14:00–15:40 P21, M. Mareš, J. Smolík
      • FSS:BSS102 History of strategy and strategical thought
         Wed 16:00–17:40 P52, M. Bastl, M. Strmiska, J. Šedo
      • FSS:BSS104 Methodology of Strategic and Security Studies
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS105 International security politics
         Mon 10:00–11:40 P22, L. Frank, M. Mareš
      • FSS:BSS108 Bach. Thesis Sem.
         M. Bastl, M. Mareš, J. Smolík, V. Stojarová, T. Šmíd
      • FSS:BSS112 Threats and Risks of the Present World
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL116 Modern Political History
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS150 Terrorism
         Mon 12:00–13:30 Aula, M. Mareš, T. Šmíd
      • FSS:BSS152 Information War
         Mon 18:00–19:30 U41, M. Bastl, D. Prudíková
      • FSS:BSS153 Integrated rescue system
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS157 Military Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS164 Security Aspects of New Religiosity
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS166 Criminal policy
         Mon 16:00–17:40 U53, Pokorný, J. Smolík
      • FSS:BSS169 Etnical Conflits
         Tue 10:00–11:40 P52, T. Šmíd, V. Vaďura
      • FSS:BSS171 Strategy games and simulations
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS182 International nationalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS183 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS184 Security intership
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS188 Cultural Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS100 Study Period Abroad
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS120 Basics of Information Literacy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:MVZ157 Small European States in Contemporary World Politics
         Mon 18:00–19:30 U42, M. Kořan
      • FSS:POL284 Introduction into the academic writing
         Mon 16:00–17:40 U41, V. Havlík, P. Hlaváček, A. Pinková
      • FSS:POL378 Interactive Workshop: Challenging Propaganda
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS190 Political Extremism and Radicalism in CR
         Tue 14:00–15:40 U33, M. Bastl, J. Smolík
        BSS190/01 M. Bastl, J. Smolík
        BSS190/02 M. Bastl, J. Smolík
        BSS190/03 M. Bastl, J. Smolík
        BSS190/04 M. Bastl, J. Smolík
  • Jarní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSS103 Security Policy of the Czech Republic
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS106 Crisis Management
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS108 Bach. Thesis Sem.
         M. Bastl, M. Mareš, J. Smolík, V. Stojarová, T. Šmíd
      • FSS:BSS110 Strategy and economy of state defense
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS111 Internal Security Forces and Intelligence Services
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS151 Arms Policy
         Tue 16:00–17:40 U36, Procházka, K. Zetocha
      • FSS:BSS155 Guerilla
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS156 Organized Crime
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS158 Proliferation of WMD
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS161 Right-Wing Extremism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS162 Intelligence Services in Democracy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS163 Resources Conflicts
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS165 Islamic radicalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS173 Chapters of the History of a Strategy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS177 Enviromental security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS183 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS184 Security intership
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS185 United States Foreign and Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS186 NATO and European Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS187 America's Changing Global Role
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS193 Protection of population
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS194 Unintentional and natural threats to security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS195 Security management in practice: property security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1151 Arms Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1155 Guerilla
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1156 Organized Crime
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1158 Proliferation of WMD
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1161 Right-Wing Extremism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1162 Intelligence Services in Democracy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1165 Islamic radicalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1173 Chapters of the History of a Strategy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1177 Enviromental security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1183 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1184 Security intership
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1185 United States Foreign and Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1186 NATO and European Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1187 America's Changing Global Role
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1193 Protection of population
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1194 Unintentional and natural threats to security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1195 Security management in practice: property security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS109 The Law and Ecological Problems
         Mon 18:00–19:30 P51 Posluchárna V. Čermáka, J. Chyba
      • FSS:ENS257 Environmental protection
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS260 Project management
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS268 Environmental Organizations in the Czech Republic
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS100 Study Period Abroad
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS120 Basics of Information Literacy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSSb1110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL150 Slovak Politics
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL361 National Security in regional perspective: case study of Russia
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS167 Religious radicalism
         Mon 18:00–19:30 P52, J. Foral, T. Šmíd,
      • FSS:BSS191 Contemporary Armed Conflicts
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • Doporučený studijní plán
Magisterské navazující studium
  • Informace o studiu
  • Podzimní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSS402 Sec. and strategic perspectives of CR
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS406 Applied security and strategic studies
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS407 Security practices
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS408 Thesis
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS411 Modern Technologies and Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS450 Militant democracy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS451 Conceptualisations of Terrorism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS454 Collective violence
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS457 Regional Security Complexes
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS460 Information Warfare and Propaganda
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS465 Political corruption
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS469 Cyber-security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS471 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS476 Analysis of Open Source Information
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS410 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS420 Information Literacy not only science and research
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:HEN618a Power, Politics and Environmental Change
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:MVZ481 Technology and International Relations
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL593 Quantitative Approaches in Political Science
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL603 Interactive Workshop: Challenging Propaganda
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • Jarní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSS403 Comparative Analysis of Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS404 Conflict research
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS405 Methodology in the Research of Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS407 Security practices
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS408 Thesis
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSS453 Privatisation of security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS455 Security information analysis
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS459 Strategies of insurgency and counterinsurgency
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS461 Collapse of states
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS463 Comparative Penal Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS471 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS474 Islamic Political Thought
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS475 History of Strategy and Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS478 Predictive models in security practice
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS479 Security Issues of Caucasus
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS480 Religion and Identity in Contemporary World
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS485 United States Foreign and Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS486 NATO and European Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSS487 America's Changing Global Role
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS410 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL587 Cross-Cultural Negotiation
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL601 National Security in regional perspective: case study of Russia
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • Doporučený studijní plán
Bakalářské prezenční studium (převedení studenti)
  • Informace o studiu
  • Podzimní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1101 Introduction into Security and Strategic Studies
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1102 History of military
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1104 Methodology of Security and Strategic Studies
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1105 International Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1108 Bachelor Thesis Seminary
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1112 Threats and Risks of the Present World
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL116 Modern Political History
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1150 Terrorism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1152 Cyber Warfare
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1153 Integrated rescue system
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1157 Military Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1164 Security Aspects of New Religiosity
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1166 Criminology
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1169 Value and Interest Related Conflicts
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1171 Strategy games and simulations
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1182 International Nationalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1183 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1184 Security intership
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1188 Cultural Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS100 Study Period Abroad
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS120 Basics of Information Literacy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSSb1110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:MVZ157 Small European States in Contemporary World Politics
         Mon 18:00–19:30 U42, M. Kořan
      • FSS:POL284 Introduction into the academic writing
         Mon 16:00–17:40 U41, V. Havlík, P. Hlaváček, A. Pinková
      • FSS:POL378 Interactive Workshop: Challenging Propaganda
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POLb1100 Introduction into the academic writing
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1190 Political Extremism and Radicalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • Jarní semestr
    • Povinné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1103 Security Policy of the Czech Republic
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1106 Crisis Management
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1108 Bachelor Thesis Seminary
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1110 Strategy and economy of state defense
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1111 Internal security forces and intelligence services
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Povinně volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1151 Arms Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1155 Guerilla
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1156 Organized Crime
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1158 Proliferation of WMD
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1161 Right-Wing Extremism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1162 Intelligence Services in Democracy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1163 Value and Interest Related Conflicts II.
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1165 Islamic radicalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1173 Chapters of the History of a Strategy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1177 Enviromental security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1183 Summer/Winter School
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1184 Security intership
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1185 United States Foreign and Security Policy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1186 NATO and European Security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1187 America's Changing Global Role
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1193 Protection of population
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1194 Unintentional and natural threats to security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1195 Security management in practice: property security
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS109 The Law and Ecological Problems
         Mon 18:00–19:30 P51 Posluchárna V. Čermáka, J. Chyba
      • FSS:ENS257 Environmental protection
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS260 Project management
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:ENS268 Environmental Organizations in the Czech Republic
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS100 Study Period Abroad
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSS120 Basics of Information Literacy
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:FSSb1110 Study Visit
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL150 Slovak Politics
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:POL361 National Security in regional perspective: case study of Russia
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
    • Volitelné předměty
      • FSS:BSSb1167 Religious radicalism
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
      • FSS:BSSb1191 Contemporary Armed Conflicts
         [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • Doporučený studijní plán

Timetable for the template | Add terms in which the course is offered