
Study plan is completion only

FF FNSAKSpSAH Anglophone and Hispanophone Area Studies (closing out)
Name in Czech: Anglofonní a hispanofonní areály
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-SAKS_ North-American Culture Studies

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Povinné předměty (80 kreditů)

The student will complete all required courses (SAKS001-006), the Master's Thesis Seminar I and II, the Master's Thesis and the Internship course. (In the case of academic mobility abroad for more than three months, the student may optionally choose the Internship II (SAKS081) course instead of the Internhip course(SAKS080).

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:SAKS001Identity and Alterity in Literature and Culture: Theory, Methodology, Analysis T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/08 1Z
FF:SAKS002Multilingualism, Language Change and Language Policy J. Chovaneczk 0/2/08 1Z
FF:SAKS003Cultural Perspectives on the Colonization of North America P. Kyloušekzk 0/2/08 2Z
FF:SAKS004North American Cultural Geographies T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/08 2Z
FF:SAKS005Latin American society J. Bellón Aguilerazk 1/1/08 3Z
FF:SAKS006Francophone cultures in North America P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/08 3Z
FF:SAKS080Internship I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/0 praxe o celkové délce 300 hodin.12 4P
FF:SAKS081Internship II T. Pospíšilz 0/0/0 praxe o celkové délce 150 hodin.12 4P
FF:SAKS091Master's Thesis Seminar I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 3P
FF:SAKS092Master's Thesis Seminar II T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 4P
FF:SAKS093Master’s Thesis T. Pospíšilz 0/0/0- 4-
92 credits

Specializační část (40 kreditů)

Students must complete the required number of courses in their chosen specialisation by taking at least three courses in each of the specialisation languages. SAKS11-20 are subjects of the anglophone area, subjects SAKS 031-035 are subjects of hispanophone area.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:SAKS011North American Cross-cultural Narratives M. Horákovázk 0/2/06 1P
FF:SAKS012Translating North America into Czech (and vice versa): a historical-cultural perspective J. Rambousekzk 0/2/06 2P
FF:SAKS013Film in the USA: Institutions, Genres, Film-makers, Criticism T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/06 3P
FF:SAKS014Current Topics in American Linguistics J. Chovaneczk 0/2/06 4P
FF:SAKS015Vybrané kapitoly z anglofonních lingvistických a kulturních studií Severní Ameriky T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/05 4P
FF:SAKS016Film in Canada: Institutions, Genres, Film-makers, Criticism T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/06 1P
FF:SAKS018Decolonization in North America: Environmental Racism, Politics of Consumption and Artivism D. Krásnázk 0/2/06 2P
FF:SAKS019Vybrané kapitoly z anglofonních lingvistických a kulturních studií Severní Ameriky II T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/05 3P
FF:SAKS020Vybrané kapitoly z anglofonních lingvistických a kulturních studií Severní Ameriky III T. Pospíšilzk 0/2/05 4P
FF:SAKS031Spanish in the U.S.A. I. Buzekzk 1/1/06 1P
FF:SAKS032Varieties of Spanish I. Buzekzk 2/0/06 2P
FF:SAKS033Image of USA in Mexican literature D. Vázquez Touriñozk 1/1/06 3P
FF:SAKS034Mexican theatre D. Vázquez Touriñozk 1/1/06 4P
FF:SAKS035Vybrané kapitoly z hispanofonních lingvistických a kulturních studií Severní Ameriky D. Vázquez Touriñozk 0/2/05 4P
80 credits