
Study plan is inactive.

FSS EUP81 European Politics (inactive)
Name in Czech: European Politics
master's full-time, completion only, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS N-IREP International Relations and European Politics

Introductory information / Instructions

The European Politics program is a full-time Master’s program offered by the Department of International Relations and European Studies and the Department of Political Science. The standard duration of the European Politics program is 4 semesters. Typically, the first three semesters are devoted to coursework, while the last semester is a thesis-writing semester. Coursework includes reading assignments, written assignments, class presentations and exams. During the last semester, students conduct research and write their Master’s theses. All courses are taught in English. The language of assigned readings, exams and individual consultations is also English.

Courses are divided into two categories: compulsory and optional courses. Compulsory courses constitute the core of the program. All of them must be completed in the course of study. In addition, the program offers optional courses. The number of optional courses taken must be such that the credit requirements for optional courses are fulfilled. Credits are awarded for successful completion of the courses.

In order to be able to register for the final Master’s exam in European Politics, students should earn a total number of 120 credits, out of which 54 credits should be earned in compulsory courses, 14 credits for the Thesis writing seminar, and 52 credits in optional coursesOut of the 52 optional-course credits, 12 credits can be earned in courses that are not part of the European Politics program. In case the ECTS value of the obligatory courses is changed during your studies, the students are required - provided ECTS credits for obligatory courses are lower due to the change - to compensate for the missing credits by taking some optional courses of the appropriate ECTS value. However, since courses external to the program have their own registration rules, the European Politics program cannot guarantee that students will necessarily be allowed to register for their preferred external courses and does not assume any responsibility to this effect.


The study plan does not contain any courses.