PdF BFJ3Svp French Language for Education
Name in Czech: Francouzský jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF B-FJ3S French Language for Education

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    Structure of the Bachelor's State Final Examination
    1/ Written part: test of French grammar, reading comprehension and independent written speech.
    2/ Oral part: questions from the fields of French linguistics (phonetics, morphology and syntax), French history and literature (linked to the compulsory subjects of the Bachelor's degree containing the terms literature, history and history in the title) and basics of didactics.

    The detailed courses, of which students draw one from each subject (i.e. four in total), can be found on the website of the Department of French Language and Literature under the For Students - Completion of Studies tab: https://francouzstina.ped.muni.cz/pro-studenty/ukonceni-studia

    The Bachelor's State Examination in Educational Psychology Propaedeutics takes the form of a 60-item written test with a choice of one correct answer. 60 minutes are available for the test. The test items are in the range corresponding to the credit load of the following courses: introduction to pedagogy and psychology, theory and methodology of education, pedagogical communication, research in educational practice, special and inclusive pedagogy, fundamentals of educational diagnostics, developmental and social psychology, assistantship. For each subject there are thematic areas with corresponding literature for study. A detailed overview of the thematic areas is published on the website of the Department of Education.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Students write bachelor's theses as part of their main curriculum; the minor curriculum does not usually include bachelor's theses.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (P+PV 55 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ1062Introduction to French Language Study Z. Schejbalováz 1/0/02 1P
PdF:FJ1010French Phonetics 1 Z. Schejbalováz 1/1/0 Učitelství pro MŠ a 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ1063French Phonetics 2 Z. Schejbalovázk 0/2/0 Učitelství pro MŠ a 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.4 2P
PdF:FJ1014French Practical Language 1 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ1016French Practical Language 2 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 2P
PdF:FJ1018French Practical Language 3 Z. Schejbalováz 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 3P
PdF:FJ1020French Practical Language 4 Z. Schejbalováz 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 4P
PdF:FJ1022French Practical Language 5 P. Suquetzk 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.4 5P
PdF:FJ1060French Morphology 1 M. Červenkováz 1/1/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ1035French Morphology 2 M. Červenkovázk 1/1/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.4 2P
PdF:FJ1065French Syntax 1 V. Bakešováz 1/1/02 3P
PdF:FJ1067French Syntax 2 V. Bakešovázk 1/1/04 4P
PdF:FJ1046Spoken and Written Fluency in French 1 M. Poučováz 0/2/02 3P
PdF:FJ1047Spoken and Written Fluency in French 2 M. Poučovázk 0/2/04 4P
PdF:FJ1038French Written Fluency M. Poučováz 0/2/02 6P
PdF:FJ1005French History M. Poučovázk 1/1/02+2 3P
PdF:FJ1061Fundamentals of the Theory of Literature M. Poučováz 0/1/02 1P
PdF:FJ1064Old French Literature V. Bakešováz 1/1/02 2P
PdF:FJ1066French Literature 17th-19th Century V. Bakešováz 1/1/02 4P
PdF:FJ1068French Litterature 20th century V. Bakešovák 1/1/03 5P
PdF:FJ1070Information and Communication Technology in French Language Teaching P. Suquetz 0/1/02 5P
55 credits

Oborové didaktiky (5 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ1049Basics of French Methodology 1 P. Suquetz 0/1/02 4Z
PdF:FJ1069Basics of French Methodology 2 P. Suquetzk 0/1/03 5Z
5 credits