PdF NPPcp Pre-school Pedagogy
Name in Czech: Předškolní pedagogika
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF N-PP Pre-school Pedagogy

Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YPP_DPDiploma Thesis Z. Syslováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.5 3P
PdF:YPP_DPdDiploma Thesis - Completion Z. Syslováz 0/0/1 Odevzdání DP.10 4P
PdF:YPP_DPpDiploma Thesis - Project Z. Syslováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.5 2P
20 credits

Povinné předměty (P a PV více než 90kr.)

Pedagogicko-psychologická složka

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YPPp01The selected chapters in pedagogy and pre-school pedagogy Z. Syslováz 1/1/03 1Z
PdF:YPPp02Pedagogical and psychological diagnostic procedures in the practice of a kindergarten teacher Z. Syslovázk 1/2/06 1Z
PdF:YPPp04Educational research and its methodology P. Najvark 1/1/03 2Z
PdF:YPPp05Pre-school pedagogy in an international context Z. Syslováz 0/1/03 2P
PdF:YPPp06Theories of Education Z. Syslovázk 0/2/03 2Z
PdF:YPSp01Support for children from socially disadvantaged environment. J. Krásaz 0/2/03 1P
PdF:YPSp02Strategies for preventing problems in children's behavior in kindergarten J. Marešz 0/2/02 1-
PdF:YPSp03Psychopathology in pre-school aged children J. Marešz 0/2/03 3-
PdF:YSOp01Socio-pedagogical aspects of education L. Gulovák 0/2/03 1-
PdF:YSPp01Deficits and prevention of partial functions in preschool age V. Vojtováz 0/2/03 1-
PdF:YSPp03Special Needs Education S. Chaloupkováz 0/2/03 5P
PdF:YSPp04Impaired communication ability in preschool children I. Bytešníkovázk 0/4/06 3-
41 credits

Osobnostně rozvíjející složka

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YJVp01English for Kindergarten Teachers C R. Heroutz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:YJVp02English for Kindergarten Teachers D D. Trčkováz 0/2/03 3-
PdF:YOVp01Basics of Law for Kindergarten Teachers R. Malachtak 0/2/03 3P
PdF:YPPp03Self-Experience Learning Z. Syslovák 0/2/03 1P
PdF:YPPp07Pedagogical communication L. Grůzovázk 1/2/05 2P
PdF:YTIp01Digital literacy in preschool education M. Dosedlak 0/2/03 1-
19 credits

Oborově propedeutická složka

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YMAp01Development of mathematical preliteracy E. Novákováz 0/1/02 3-
PdF:YPPp10Development of pre-reading literacy J. Havelz 0/1/02 3-
PdF:YVVp01Artphiletics in preschool education H. Stadlerováz 1/2/03 3-
7 credits

Praktická složka

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YPPp08Pedagogical Practice Z. Syslováz 0/0/22 2-
PdF:YPPp09Consulting practice L. Štěpánkováz 0/0/12 2-
PdF:YPPp11Mentor Practice Z. Syslováz 0/0/22 3-
PdF:YPPp12Continuous Practice Z. Syslováz 0/0/0 2 týdny.4 4-
PdF:YPPp13Diagnostic and interventional practice V. Najvarováz 0/0/23 1-
13 credits

Selective courses

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:YPSp04Support for adaptation and psychosocial development of preschool children J. Marešk 0/1/03 --
PdF:YPSp05Communication and collaboration with legal guardian and other childcare institutions J. Marešz 0/1/02 --
PdF:YSPp02Alternative and Augmentative Communication in Preschool Children. I. Bytešníkováz 0/2/02 --
PdF:YTVp01Nutrition issues of children with specific needs L. Mužíkovák 0/1/03 --
10 credits