FF FNPOpH Portuguese Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Portugalský jazyk a literatura
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-PO_ Portuguese Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Compulsory courses

Here is necessary to choose all the subjects.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PO2A011Portuguese Linguistics I I. Svobodovázk 2/0/05 1Z
FF:PO2A012Portuguese linguistics 2 I. Svobodovázk 2/0/05 2Z
FF:PO2A014Practical Language Seminar 2 S. Špánkovázk 0/2/05 2P
FF:PO2A015Brazilian Literature S. Špánkovázk 2/1/15 1Z
FF:PO2A016Portuguese Literature S. Špánkovázk 2/1/15 2Z
FF:PO2A017Final Written Test I. Svobodováz 0/0/0- 4P
25 credits

Diplomová práce (min 30kr.)

Here is necessary to choose all the subjects.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PO2A001Masters Thesis Seminar I I. Svobodováz 0/2/015 3P
FF:PO2A002Masters Thesis Seminar II I. Svobodováz 0/2/015 4P
FF:PO2A003Masters Thesis I. Svobodováz 0/0/0- 4P
FF:PO2A004State Exam I. SvobodováSZk 0/0/0- 4-
30 credits

Selective courses

The requirement for a minimum number of credits for mandatory optional subjects, both profiling (P) and non-profiling (-), is a total of 20. We recommend combining credits equally, i.e. 10 in the Literature and Culture section and 10 in the Translation and Linguistics section. The course Introduction to VulgarLatin and Latin for Non-Latinists is a very suitable addition to the course Portuguese Linguistics 2, but it is not a necessary part of the program.

Literatura a kultura

We recommend combining credits evenly, ie 10 in the Literature and Culture section and 10 in the Translation and Linguistics section.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PO2B200Luzoafrican authors S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 --
FF:PO2B201Novels by A. Lobo Antunes S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 --
FF:PO2B202City in Portuguese Literature S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B203Portuguese Poetry B S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B204Reflexion of the colonial past in the portuguese literature and cinema M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B205Portuguese Novel S. Špánkovázk 2/0/05 --
FF:PO2B206Portuguese Poetry B S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B207Reading Portuguese Literature 2 S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B208Portuguese Woman Authors S. Špánkovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B209Portuguese Culture and Civilization B V M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 2/0/05 --
FF:PO2B210Literary Amazonia E. Batličkovázk 0/0/05 --
55 credits

Překladatelství, lingvistika, lektorství

We recommend that you combine your credits equally, i.e. 10 in the Literature and Culture section and 10 in the Translation and Linguistics section. One can also choose the course Introduction to Vulgar Latin and Latin courses for non-Latin speakers, which are a very suitable addition to the course Portuguese Linguistics II, but do not form an integral part of the program.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PO2B101Translation Seminar I M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 0/2/05 --
FF:PO2B102Translation Seminar II M. Baptista Nery Plchzk 0/2/05 --
FF:PO2B103Literary Translation 1 I. Svobodovázk 1/1/05 1-
FF:PO2B104Literary Translation Seminar 2 I. Svobodovázk 0/2/05 2-
FF:PO2B302Themes of Portuguese Linguistics 2 I. Svobodovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:PO2B303Lectures of language I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 --
FF:PO2B304Lectures of language 2 I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 --
FF:PO2B305Academic practice I. Svobodovázk 0/0/05 --
FF:PO2B306Project-learning I. Svobodovázk 0/0/25 --
FF:PO2B307MOOC - Academic Portuguese-Mgr I. Svobodováz 0/0/2 6-týdenní kurz online s certifikovaným ukončením.5 --
FF:PO2B308Portuguese for Specific Purposes 1 I. Svobodováz 0/2/05 --
FF:PO2B309Portuguese for Specific Purposes 1 I. Svobodováz 0/0/05 --
FF:ROM0B127Practical training in a lexicography P. Dytrtk 0/0/18 18 hodin za týden.5 --
65 credits

Elective courses

These optional subjects complement the subjects that are part of the language and translation section of the NMgr. of the Portuguese Language and Literature program (expanding the theoretical basis regarding language development, didactics and translation).


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I P. Ševčíkk 1/1/03 --
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II P. Ševčíkzk 1/1/03 --
FF:LJ603Latin for the Non-Latinists III P. Ševčíkk 1/1/03 --
FF:LJ604Latin for the Non-Latinists IV Z. Čermáková Lukšovázk 1/1/03 --
FF:ROM2B101Introduction to Vulgar Latin P. Diviziazk 1/1/03 --
15 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ROMU2A001Language phenomena - culture and literature for teachers M. Maláz 2/2/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 --
FF:ROMU2A002IT in foreign language teaching P. Dytrtz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 --
FF:ROMU2A003Language exams and proofing M. Maláz 0/2/2 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.3 --
9 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PRZA004Technical and practical aspects of translation A. Urválekk 0/2/03 --
FF:PRZA006Correct writing for translators P. Doležalovázk 0/2/03 --
FF:PRZA008Technical and practical aspects of translation A. Urválekk 0/2/03 --
9 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PO2C001Blended Intensive Program (BIP) I. Svobodováz 25/25/03 --
3 credits