FF FNKRpH Ancient Greek Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Klasický řecký jazyk a literatura
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-KR_ Ancient Greek Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KRMgr01Historical Development of Greek:methods and problems I V. Blažekzk 1/1/07 Z P
FF:KRMgr05Interpretative Seminar – Greek Epic and Lyric Poetry I. Radovák 0/2/06 P P
FF:KRMgr22Reading Lucian I. Radováz 0/0/0 Prostřednictvím individuálních konzultací.2 P P
FF:KRMgr24Reading New Testament I. Radováz 0/0/02 P P
17 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KRMgr02Development of Greek II V. Blažekk 1/1/06 Z P
FF:KRMgr06Interpretative Seminar – Greek Drama I. Radovák 0/2/06 P P
FF:KRMgr21Reading Aristophanes I. Radováz 0/0/03 P P
FF:KRMgr26Reading Thucydides I. Radováz 0/0/03 P P
18 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KRMgr03Greek Literature: Roman Period I. Radovázk 2/0/05 P P
FF:KRMgr23Reading Herodotus I. Radováz 0/0/03 P P
FF:KRMgr25Reading Theocritus I. Radováz 0/0/02 P P
FF:KRMgrD01Master’s Thesis Seminar I I. Radováz 0/2/0 Výuka probíhá formou individuálních konzultací v individuálním rozsahu.10 P P
FF:MEDMgr01Selected literary theories and methods of textual interpretation K. Petrovićovák 1/1/04 Z P
24 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:KRMgr04Reading Greek prose I. Radovák 0/2/05 P P
FF:KRMgrD02Master’s Thesis Seminar II I. Radováz 0/2/0 Výuka probíhá formou individuálních konzultací v individuálním rozsahu.10 P P
FF:KRMgrDiplMaster’s Thesis I. Radováz 0/0/0- P P
15 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:DSBcA24Topography of Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:DSBcB20The History of "Sport" in Antiquity I - Greece J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 - PV
FF:DSBcB26Health, Lifestyle and Medicine in Antiquity J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 - PV
FF:DSBcB42From Cyrus to Alexander: through the History of Achaemenid Persia M. Habajk 4/0/04 - PV
FF:DSBcB54History of the Arab World in Antiquity and Middle Ages M. Stříteskáz 2/0/03 - PV
FF:DSMA01Reading and Interpretation of Historical Sources - Greece M. Habajk 0/2/04 - PV
FF:DSMA05Everyday Life in Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 1/1/03+2 - PV
FF:DSMB19 -- 0/0- - PV
FF:DSMB26Introduction into Papyrology M. Melounovázk 2/2/05 - PV
FF:LJ453Expert lectures: Romanisation and Latinisation of the Roman Empire D. Urbanovák in blocks - Lectures held by foreign lecturers.4 - PV
FF:MED50Intensive Study Course K. Petrovićováz 0/26/04 - PV
FF:REBc33Selected Topics in Greek History of the 20th Century K. Tsivosk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:REBc34Selected Topics in Greek History of the 20th Century II K. Tsivosk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:REBc43Images of the Balkans in Modern Greek Literature P. Marazopoulosz 1/1/04 - PV
FF:REMgr06History of the Modern Greek Language I V. Blažekzk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:REMgr07History of the Modern Greek Language II V. Blažekzk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:REMgr09The "Katharevousa" K. Bočková Loudováz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:RLS018Women and Private Life in Ancient Greece J. Steklák 2/0/04 - PV
FF:RLS021The Beginnings of Greek Philosohy: Presocratics and Sophists V. Zavřelz 2/0/04 - PV
FF:RLS022Classical Greek Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle V. Zavřelz 2/0/04 - PV
FF:RLS027Introduction to the New Testament V. Hrůšovák 2/0/04 - PV
FF:RLS202Reading Seminar (Caesar) D. Urbanovák 0/2/04 - PV
FF:RLS209Reading Medieval Latin texts P. Mutlováz 1/1/03 - PV
90 credits