The symbol of the medical service is a star of life, the interpretation of which fully characterizes the work of a paramedic. Each point represents one of the six functions of the rescue chain: status recognition, announcement, exit, on-site care, care during transportation and handover to final care. Aeskulap's stick is the traditional symbols of medicine.

Degree programme objectives

The Paramedic Practice Educational Program aims to prepare graduates for independent activities in pre-hospital care, to which they are entitled under current legislation. The graduate is allowed, based on assessment and decision, based on the diagnosis and instruction of a physician or other competent expert, to provide specific nursing care to individuals, families or groups of patients within the scope of their professional competence as established by Act No. 96/2004 Coll., As amended regulations, Decree 55/2011 Coll., on activities of health workers and other professional workers, and Act No. 374/2011 Coll. medical rescue service.

The graduate is ready to participate in the protection of public health activities and lead individuals and groups of people to health care, including first-aid knowledge and abilities. The graduate has the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of clinical and humanities and skills acquired during professional practice necessary for the performance of preventive, curative, and educational activities. The graduate can provide the patient's needs for both pre-hospital and hospital emergency care. The graduate can actively and independently participate in diagnostic and medical care. The graduate has the prerequisites for working with other healthcare workers, members of the Integrated Rescue System components, and for further personal and professional growth.

The graduate is prepared to adhere to the medical ethics and standards of nursing care and to respect the individual needs and rights of the patient. Obtaining a professional qualification is a prerequisite for obtaining a professional certificate without professional supervision and registration of non-medical health workers. The graduates are also in compliance with § 29 of Act No. 96/2004 Coll. (as amended) ready to practice as a medical assistant. The study programme complies with current EU study programs.

The applicant for the study has to prove his / her health and physical fitness (more admission conditions at

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The Paramedic Practice Educational Program aims to prepare graduates for independent activities in pre-hospital care, to which they are entitled under current legislation. The graduate is allowed, based on assessment and decision, based on the diagnosis and instruction of a physician or other competent expert, to provide specific nursing care to individuals, families or groups of patients within the scope of their professional competence as established by Act No. 96/2004 Coll., As amended regulations, Decree 55/2011 Coll., on activities of health workers and other professional workers, and Act No. 374/2011 Coll. medical rescue service.

    The graduate is ready to participate in the protection of public health activities and lead individuals and groups of people to health care, including first-aid knowledge and abilities. The graduate has the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of clinical and humanities and skills acquired during professional practice necessary for the performance of preventive, curative, and educational activities. The graduate can provide the patient's needs for both pre-hospital and hospital emergency care. The graduate can actively and independently participate in diagnostic and medical care. The graduate has the prerequisites for working with other healthcare workers, members of the Integrated Rescue System components, and for further personal and professional growth.

    The graduate is prepared to adhere to the medical ethics and standards of nursing care and to respect the individual needs and rights of the patient. Obtaining a professional qualification is a prerequisite for obtaining a professional certificate without professional supervision and registration of non-medical health workers. The graduates are also in compliance with § 29 of Act No. 96/2004 Coll. (as amended) ready to practice as a medical assistant. The study programme complies with current EU study programs.

    The applicant for the study has to prove his / her health and physical fitness (more admission conditions at

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Perform pre-hospital care and hospital care within emergency care departments and intensive care units.
    • Monitor and evaluate vital signs, including electrocardiographic recording. Continuously monitor and assess rhythm disorders, examination and monitoring by various available monitoring equipment.
    • Initiate and perform timely cardiopulmonary resuscitation using bag-valve-mask ventilation, use transportable vital signs monitor and defibrillator with electrocardiogram recording.
    • Insert peripheral venous line, apply crystalline solutions, and perform intravenous glucose solutions in a patient with diagnosed hypoglycaemia.
    • Perform first aid for wound healing and bleeding, provide or perform pain relief procedures, positioning, immobilization, patient transport, and ensure patient safety during transportation.
    • Carry out, within the scope of their professional competence, action to deal with the consequences of mass casualties within the integrated rescue system.
    • To provide basic palliative care and care for the deceased.
    • Take, check and store medicinal products, ensure they have adequate supplies, take over, check and store medical devices and laundry, ensure their disinfection and sterilization and their adequate supply.
    • Conduct urgent pregnancy deliveries, receive, record and evaluate emergency challenges in terms of the severity of the patient's medical condition, to take care of their solution using the telecommunication technology.
    • Conduct a first aid telephone briefing and provide further advice with the appropriate psychological approach.
    • Manage airways with available equipment, introduce and maintain inhalation oxygen therapy, provide ventilation with physician-specific parameters, care for patients' airways, and artificial lung ventilation.
    • To administer medicinal products including blood derivatives, to assist in initiating the administration of transfusion products and to treat the patient during the application.
    • Perform bladder catheterization of adults and adolescents over ten years of age, take biological material for the examination, assist in childbirth and carry out first-term treatment of the new-born.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate is ready and able to perform medical activities following the content of Decree No. 55/2011 Coll. and the Government Regulation on Higher Education Issued in the Collection of Laws No. 275/2016 (36th part, paragraph c). According to Act No. 96/2004 Coll. are graduates qualified to perform a non-medical medical profession as a paramedic and to provide the activities defined according to Section 17 of Decree No. 55/2011 Coll. and it:

    In-hospital care facilities:

    - Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation;

    - Emergency care;

    - Intensive care units;

    Pre-hospital care:

    - Emergency medical service;

    - other components of the Integrated Rescue System.

    The graduates are also ready to practice the nursing profession (according to § 21b), (according to § 36g), the healthcare transport driver (according to § 40 2b) and the healthcare assistant (according to § 42 2b), according to Act No. 96/2004 Coll. , as amended.

  • Regulated Professions
    • Paramedic
  • Practical Training

    An obligatory part of the study program is a professional practice under the supervision of trainers at clinical workplaces and health rescue services. Training begins in the second semester of study and precedes the subject of Nursing Practices and Nursing Practices in Emergency Care. The practice spreads over five semesters. The first block of training focuses on the consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the framework of comprehensive nursing care at standard departments of healthcare facilities, the operations of the medical rescue service operator and the emergency medical service itself. Students visit an endoscopic workplace, coronary units, a haemodialysis clinic, trauma surgery clinic, including paediatric department. Part of the course is also an introduction to the basics of the work of fireman in the Czech Republic. In the next block, the practice focuses on anaesthesiology, psychiatry, intensive care units, care for prematurely born children and medical rescue services. The last block is in intensive care, resuscitation departments, urgent reception, burning room, nursing home, anaesthesia and emergency care, pre-hospital and hospital. The Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine, provides students with clinical practice in associated accredited healthcare facilities.

  • Goals of Theses

    The standard range of bachelor thesis is 30-90 pages of text, including home pages, content, annotations and resources. The student's work demonstrates the ability to orientate in the principles of creating a professional document, respecting ethical and legal standards, the ability to define a problem, set goals and the expected results for the final thesis. Students have to prove their ability to formulate goals for theoretical-practical or case study correctly and to be able to find and work with appropriate sources of information.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The Paramedic practice Student's program assumes the possibility of studying in Master's degree programs in nursing and related fields (population protection, economics and health management, specialization in pedagogy).

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Medicine
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor