Degree programme objectives

The study of the Bachelor of Physics, specialization in Physics enables students to obtain a general physics and mathematics education. The graduate is familiar with the basics of experimental and theoretical physics and is prepared to study in the follow-up master's degree programme in Physics. The study paves the way for an understanding of basic physics concepts, relations and equations within the scope given by a four-semester course in general physics, and strengthens the students' ability to solve problems in the relevant areas of physics.

Completion of a four-semester course in theoretical physics will enable students to become familiar with the main areas of modern theoretical physics (relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.), and develop their ability to solve moderately challenging problems in these areas. Practical exercises will prepare students for independent experimental work, developing the ability to analyse results, including estimates of experimental uncertainties, and interpret them using the knowledge acquired in the theoretical courses. In the seminars, and especially in the preparation of the bachelor thesis, students will learn to report and discuss the results of their own research activities.

The same applies to the study of the Physics, Astrophysics specialisation, except that the scope of the mathematics and physics-based courses is noticeably smaller than in the Physics specialisation.

Taking specific astrophysics courses allows students to gain an orientation to astrophysics, learn astronomical observational techniques, and learn to present astrophysical and physical knowledge in a popular way.

The study of the Physics, Biophysics specialization will provide students with a solid mathematical and physical foundation. Biophysics differs from the Physics specialization in the scope of courses in this foundation and in that it is not prescribed as a required rigorous four-semester course in theoretical physics. Chemical, biological, and biophysical courses are prescribed, the completion of which will enable students to understand basic chemical concepts and the relationships among them to the extent necessary for the study of living matter, and to acquire the fundamentals of biophysical description of the structure and function of living matter at the molecular and cellular levels.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study of the Bachelor of Physics, specialization in Physics enables students to obtain a general physics and mathematics education. The graduate is familiar with the basics of experimental and theoretical physics and is prepared to study in the follow-up master's degree programme in Physics. The study paves the way for an understanding of basic physics concepts, relations and equations within the scope given by a four-semester course in general physics, and strengthens the students' ability to solve problems in the relevant areas of physics.

    Completion of a four-semester course in theoretical physics will enable students to become familiar with the main areas of modern theoretical physics (relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.), and develop their ability to solve moderately challenging problems in these areas. Practical exercises will prepare students for independent experimental work, developing the ability to analyse results, including estimates of experimental uncertainties, and interpret them using the knowledge acquired in the theoretical courses. In the seminars, and especially in the preparation of the bachelor thesis, students will learn to report and discuss the results of their own research activities.

    The same applies to the study of the Physics, Astrophysics specialisation, except that the scope of the mathematics and physics-based courses is noticeably smaller than in the Physics specialisation.

    Taking specific astrophysics courses allows students to gain an orientation to astrophysics, learn astronomical observational techniques, and learn to present astrophysical and physical knowledge in a popular way.

    The study of the Physics, Biophysics specialization will provide students with a solid mathematical and physical foundation. Biophysics differs from the Physics specialization in the scope of courses in this foundation and in that it is not prescribed as a required rigorous four-semester course in theoretical physics. Chemical, biological, and biophysical courses are prescribed, the completion of which will enable students to understand basic chemical concepts and the relationships among them to the extent necessary for the study of living matter, and to acquire the fundamentals of biophysical description of the structure and function of living matter at the molecular and cellular levels.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • master the mathematical apparatus necessary for the description of physical phenomena.
    • understand basic physics concepts, relations and equations within the scope of the four-semester course in general physics, and to solve problems in the relevant areas of physics.
    • perform simple physical experiments, analyze the results including estimation of experimental uncertainties, interpret the results using the knowledge acquired in theoretical courses.
    • use computer technology for processing of measurement results and for simple numerical modelling.
    • report and discuss the results of his/her own research activities.
    • orient himself/herself in the areas of physics covered by the four-semester course of theoretical physics, and to solve elementary problems in these areas (this outcome belongs to the specialisations Physics and Astrophysics).
    • orientate in the basics of plasma physics and solid state physics, and solve elementary problems in these areas (this outcome belongs to the Physics specialisation).
    • orientate himself in the problems of astrophysics, and to master astronomical observation techniques so that he can become a worker or observer at astronomical institutions (this outcome belongs to the Astrophysics specialization).
    • popularize astrophysics and other related fields of science and communicate with the public so that he/she can become a lecturer at an observatory, planetarium or museum, or a press spokesperson (the output belongs to the Astrophysics specialization)
    • understand basic chemical concepts and relationships between them to the extent necessary for the study of living matter (this outcome belongs to the Biophysics specialisation).
    • describe the structure and function of living matter at the molecular and cellular level, including its physical and chemical properties (this outcome belongs to the Biophysics specialisation).

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    A graduate who has chosen the Physics specialization will be familiar with the basics of experimental physics and theoretical physics and will be prepared to study in the follow-up master's degree programme in Physics. Due to the relatively universal nature of physics education, he/she will also be able to find employment in a variety of institutions involved in basic and/or applied research, as well as in professions outside the field, where he/she will be able to use his/her physics, mathematics and computer science skills and the ability to combine them, which is developed in the Physics programme.

    In addition to a common mathematical-physical foundation, a graduate who has chosen the Astrophysics specialization will be proficient in the fundamentals of astrophysics, cosmology and astronomical observations, in addition to being able to present physical and astrophysical issues at a popular level. He/she will be prepared for study in the follow-up master's programme in Physics and for employment in the institutions mentioned above in connection with the specialisation in Physics. Thanks to this specialisation, he will also be able to find employment as a qualified demonstrator and populariser of science in an observatory.

    In addition to a common mathematical and physical background, a graduate who has chosen the Biophysics specialisation will also be familiar with the parts of chemistry and biology that are relevant in the context of biophysics and will be familiar with the fundamentals of biophysics. He/she will be prepared for study in the follow-up master's programme in Biophysics and for employment in the institutions mentioned above in the context of the Physics specialisation. Thanks to this specialisation, he will also be able to find employment in institutions where chemical, biochemical and biological laboratory methods are used, e.g. in biomedical laboratories.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training (several alternatives) is listed among elective courses.

  • Goals of Theses

    The bachelor thesis in the Physics programme is usually experimentally oriented. The candidate demonstrates his/her ability to independently solve an experimental problem of medium difficulty, including the design of the experiment, mastery of appropriate techniques or methods of data acquisition, processing of measurements, and interpretation of results.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the Physics programme with a specialisation in Physics or Astrophysics will be prepared to continue their studies in the follow-up master's degree programme in Physics, while graduates with a specialisation in Astrophysics are expected to choose the same specialisation at master's level. Graduates of the programme with a specialisation in Biophysics will be prepared to study in the master's degree programme in Biophysics.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Science
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor