Degree programme objectives

The individual specialisations of the Applied Mathematics programme are related to the specialisations of the same name in the Bachelor of Mathematics programme. The exception is the specialisation Differential Equations and their Applications, which is related to the specialisations General Mathematics and Modelling and Computation in the Bachelor's programme Mathematics.

The aim of the study is to provide students with an extended mathematical foundation in the supporting disciplines of applied mathematics and statistics and a more in-depth comprehensive education in the individual specialisations of modern applied mathematics and statistics. Graduates will be capable of independent creative activity, acquiring new skills needed in practice or in future further education.

Graduates will be able to analyse a problem in collaboration with experts in the relevant field, approach it with mathematical and statistical insight, solve it numerically, use standard models or creatively innovate and implement them in a programming language in order to study, simulate, predict its behaviour or apply it to real data. They can interpret the results correctly and thus contribute to the solution of complex interdisciplinary problems.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2022/2023 (beginning: Autumn 2022)
Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2022


  • Objectives

    The individual specialisations of the Applied Mathematics programme are related to the specialisations of the same name in the Bachelor of Mathematics programme. The exception is the specialisation Differential Equations and their Applications, which is related to the specialisations General Mathematics and Modelling and Computation in the Bachelor's programme Mathematics.

    The aim of the study is to provide students with an extended mathematical foundation in the supporting disciplines of applied mathematics and statistics and a more in-depth comprehensive education in the individual specialisations of modern applied mathematics and statistics. Graduates will be capable of independent creative activity, acquiring new skills needed in practice or in future further education.

    Graduates will be able to analyse a problem in collaboration with experts in the relevant field, approach it with mathematical and statistical insight, solve it numerically, use standard models or creatively innovate and implement them in a programming language in order to study, simulate, predict its behaviour or apply it to real data. They can interpret the results correctly and thus contribute to the solution of complex interdisciplinary problems.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Identify interactions between mathematical and statistical disciplines.
    • Apply general mathematical and statistical results to solve practical problems.
    • Interpret knowledge gained from self-study of specialized literature.
    • Create a consistent technical text.
    • Formulate ideas in a formal mathematical and statistical language.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate will be well employed in scientific and pedagogical institutions, financial, banking, insurance institutions, institutions of state administration and local government, in the manufacturing and commercial sphere, in services and in bodies cooperating with the European Union in solving interdisciplinary tasks, especially in the field of economics, banking, insurance, biometrics, environment and other natural and technical fields. The graduate will be qualified to teach applied mathematics and statistics at universities. It is expected that some graduates will go on to a third level of study (PhD programme) in mathematics, statistics or related fields of study.

    The acquired education in Applied Mathematics is so versatile that the graduate will be well prepared for flexible adaptation in a wide range of required work activities related to the analysis of real data.

  • Goals of Theses

    The elaboration and defence of the Master's thesis is a compulsory part of the study programme Applied Mathematics. By elaborating the master's thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to be oriented in the problems given by the topic of the master's thesis, the ability to work professionally under the guidance of his/her supervisor and the ability of written and oral presentation.

    The standard thesis assignment period is in the first semester of the Master's degree. By assigning the Master's thesis, the teacher who wrote the topic becomes the supervisor of the Master's thesis for the student who chose it. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics registers and archives the written assignment of the Master's thesis. A student may suggest or agree on a topic for his/her Master's thesis to any teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. In this case, the teacher proposes the topic of the Master's thesis for a particular student.

    The guidelines for the preparation of the master's thesis are regulated by the Dean's Measure 5/2014 Guidelines for the preparation of bachelor's, master's and rigorous theses at the MU Faculty of Science.

  • Access to Further Studies

    A graduate of the Master's degree programme in Mathematics may (after meeting the admission requirements) continue in any doctoral programme.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations