Chemistry is a powerful charm

Představení studijního programu

The doctoral study program of Chemistry aims at training highly skilled specialists in five specialization fields of study - analytical, inorganic, physical, materials, and organic chemistry. Training of doctoral students is carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and is based on scientific research and independent creative activity in selected fields and areas of research or development. Major research topics in individual specialization fields are:

Analytical Chemistry

Development of methodology and instrumentation in the field of spectrometry and analytical

Instrumental analysis of inorganic, organic and biological samples.

Analytical applications and characterization of nanomaterials.

Inorganic Chemistry

Synthesis and characteriazation of metal complexes and coordination polymers

Synthesis of organometallic compounds and studies of their structure and properties

Synthesis of molecular compounds as precursors to new materials

Physical Chemistry

Physical-chemical characterization of compounds and materials - studies of their properties by modern research methods

Application of quantum chemical methods to problems in structure, reactivity, and molecular spectroscopy

Characterization and study of biomolecules by modern spectral and electrochemical methods

Materials Chemistry

Chemical synthesis of nanoparticles of metals and oxides

Phase equilibria and transformations of materials

Quantum chemistry computations in materials chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Modern approaches in synthetic and medicinal chemistry directed toward the preparation of novel organic compounds with targeted biological activity

Mechanistic organic chemistry and photochemistry

Synthesis of macrocyclic compounds and investigation of their supramolecular properties

The work of doctoral students under the supervision of their tutors is focused either on independent and creative experimental activity or theoretical pursuits. The study is based on a thorough theoretical knowledge of the whole discipline of chemistry. The student acquires this knowledge by completing compulsory optional courses, which are supplemented by the latest information in the given area, and through optional courses gaining experimental technique skills, as well as learning new methods. In addition, the programme contributes to developing the abilities of students to critically evaluate findings gained from literature and pass on these as well as their own findings to the public by means of seminars. Teaching experience is gained by assisting in selected courses for students of bachelor and master programs. An important goal of doctoral studies is also gaining a broad scientific view of the discipline, international experience and language skills, which is facilitated by research stays at domestic and foreing partner institutions and by active participation at national and international scientific conferences. During their studies, student will learn to prepare manuscripts in English. The ultimate goal of this study is to obtain significant scientific results that can be published in prestigious journals and finally summarize them in a doctoral dissertation thesis.

Studijní plány

Přijímací řízení
International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants not included)
Termín podání do půlnoci 30. 11. 2021


  • Cíle

    The doctoral study program of Chemistry aims at training highly skilled specialists in five specialization fields of study - analytical, inorganic, physical, materials, and organic chemistry. Training of doctoral students is carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and is based on scientific research and independent creative activity in selected fields and areas of research or development. Major research topics in individual specialization fields are:

    Analytical Chemistry

    Development of methodology and instrumentation in the field of spectrometry and analytical

    Instrumental analysis of inorganic, organic and biological samples.

    Analytical applications and characterization of nanomaterials.

    Inorganic Chemistry

    Synthesis and characteriazation of metal complexes and coordination polymers

    Synthesis of organometallic compounds and studies of their structure and properties

    Synthesis of molecular compounds as precursors to new materials

    Physical Chemistry

    Physical-chemical characterization of compounds and materials - studies of their properties by modern research methods

    Application of quantum chemical methods to problems in structure, reactivity, and molecular spectroscopy

    Characterization and study of biomolecules by modern spectral and electrochemical methods

    Materials Chemistry

    Chemical synthesis of nanoparticles of metals and oxides

    Phase equilibria and transformations of materials

    Quantum chemistry computations in materials chemistry

    Organic Chemistry

    Modern approaches in synthetic and medicinal chemistry directed toward the preparation of novel organic compounds with targeted biological activity

    Mechanistic organic chemistry and photochemistry

    Synthesis of macrocyclic compounds and investigation of their supramolecular properties

    The work of doctoral students under supervision of their tutors is focused either on independent and creative experimental activity or theoretical pursuits. The study is based on a thorough theoretical knowledge of the whole discipline of chemistry. The student acquires this knowledge by completing compulsory optional courses, which are supplemented by the latest information in the given area, and through optional courses gaining experimental technique skills, as well as learning new methods. In addition, the programme contributes to developing the abilities of students to critically evaluate findings gained from literature and pass on these as well as their own findings to the public by means of seminars. Teaching experience is gained by assisting in selected courses for students of bachelor and master programs. An important goal of doctoral studies is also gaining broad scientific view of the discipline, international experience and language skills, which is facilitated by research stays at domestic and foreing partner institutions and by active participation at national and international scientific conferences. During their studies student will learn to prepare manuscripts in English. The ultimate goal of this study is to obtain significant scientific results that can be published in prestigious journals and finally summarize them in a doctoral dissertation thesis. Graduates of this program will be primarily prepared to pursue scientific carries in academic institutions, but they also could be employed in research and development departments of various companies, in medical establishments, and in government institutions.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • employ thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry as a whole and specifically in the area of his/her specialization field
    • independently and creatively pland and execute scientific and reasearch activities and handle experimental methods and theoretical models in the area of his/her specialization field
    • write and prepare for publication a scientific text in a form of research articles in the area of his/her specialization field
    • present nad defend results of his/her research at an international scientific forum in the area of his/her specialization field
    • search and critically evaluate latest results and follow scientific development in the area of his/her specialization field
    • communicate fluently in scientific English
    • use experience and contacts  gained in international cooperation projects projects and during stays abroad
    • effectively communicate his/her knowledge, scientific results, and experience to others because of good pedagogical abilities
    • employ gained soft skills for writing small research projects, for defence of project results, and for motivating younger students for research topics in the area of his/her specialization field

  • Uplatnění absolventa

    Graduates of the Chemistry program according to their specialization field find employment at university departments, at institutes of Academy of Sciences, at various research institutes and control laboratories in private firms and government institutions. Further opportunities are found in chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, and food industries, laboratories in the fields of environmental protection, health care, agriculture and biotechnology. They also find employment in areas of development and production of instrumentation and also in qualified sale and service. Graduates are flexible and easily adapt to various requirements of chemistry oriented companies and they are trained not only for professional careers in their specialization, but their wide-ranging education allows them to adjust easily for careers in other fields as well. By their work in research teams and by their educational work in bachelor and master degree programs, the doctoral students also cultivate their ability to lead younger colleagues. By that they acquire further essential experience for their expected professional role as the executives. Language skills, international contacts, and study stays abroad allows graduates to find employment also at foreign leading institutions.

  • Praxe

    A minimum stay abroad must last for one month at minimum.

    A one-semester stay at a foreign research institution is recommended in this programme.

  • Standardy kvalifikačních prací

    Doctoral thesis contains an overview of up-to-date literary knowledge in given scientific field, important impulses for the work itself, experimental part describing experiments in detail and results which are described, documented and discussed in the context of contemporary scientific knowledge, the final summary of results and conclusions, Czech and English abstract, list of references, and the list of abbreviations used in the thesis. The results must be published, or at least accepted for publication, in a renowned scientific journal. The admission of the doctoral thesis for the defense is based on fulfilling of the following criteria:

    1. The student is an author of 2 publications in journals ranked in quartiles Q1 or Q2 in a particular category according to Web of Science.

    If the publication is ranked in more than one category, the best rank is considered. The student is the first author of at least one of these publications.

    (Co-/authorship of a submitted or granted international patent application may be accepted as authorship of one of these publications, but only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).


    2. The student is the first author of one publication in journals ranked in the first decile in a particular category according to the Web of Science with an exception of review articles (this alternative is allowed only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).

    Doctoral thesis can be submitted in Czech or English language.

    The student submits with his/her application for thesis defense for the benefit of opponents and committee members following documents:

    1. Summary of thesis in Czech and English, summarizing motivations and results of the work

    2. Curriculum vitae of the author

    3. List of publications and conference presentations

Základní údaje

Doba studia
4 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina
Roční poplatek za studium
3000 €

Přírodovědecká fakulta
Program zajišťuje
Ve spolupráci s
Akademie věd ČR
Ústav analytické chemie AV ČR