Language in change. Change in language.

Degree programme specification

The Ph.D. study program "Indo-european linguistics" is fit for those serious to study the development of languaes, especially of Indo-European. Preferable it is for such students who want to professionally follow their carrier with the diachronic linguistics.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The program s goal is to recognize and understand the diachronic development of languages, primarily Indo-European; to understand structures and trajectories, on which these structures are changing and to acquaint the basic language facts and methodology.

    The goals of the study are:

    i. to acquaint the basic typological and structural properties of the language systems of the old Indo-European languages;

    ii. to acquaint the needed methodology of the diachronic description of languages;

    iii. to apply these methods to analyse a concrete problem (the subject of the Ph.D. thesis)

    The program is a possible superstructure either for the M.A. program "General linguistics" (of the same department) or any other concrete philology of a given IE language.

    The students follow an individual study plan, framed up by their supervisor and oriented toward a concrete methodological development and linguistic analysis. The study is single-subject only.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • both synchronically and diachronically analyze the systems and structures of the Indo-European languages
    • apply the chosen method independently
    • bring own innovative approach both material and methodological
    • to write a paper and publish it, to actively take part on the scientific conferences
    • know the history of the methods of the Indo-European linguistics

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The study is primarily for those interested in the professional carrier in academics.

  • Practical Training

    An integral part of the study is publishing papers (in the extent given by the individual study program) and teaching at least one term course.

  • Goals of Theses

    The extent and form of the PhD thesis follow the study regulations of Masaryk University. An important pre-requirement is the preparation of a PhD thesis proposal.

    By writing a PhD thesis the students must demonstrate their knowledge of the current state of the field and of the adequate methodology as well as provide their own innovation both in the methodology and understanding of the topic under study.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor