To understand and contribute to knowledge.

Degree programme objectives

The general objective of the study program Philosophy consists of systematic and intensive work on a particular, highly specialized philosophical topic. The topic areas include the history of philosophy, ethics, epistemology, ontology, logic, etc. The methods focus on conceptual and discursive analysis, adequate interpretation of relevant studies and explanation of their consequences, historical perspectives of the topic. The overall conception emphasizes the self-reliance of the study and the originality of the proposed solutions.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2024/2025 (beginning: Spring 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30. 11. 2024

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme

    Deadline for submitting applications: 1 August - 30 November

    Deadline for submitting documents for the admission procedure: until 15 December

    Documents for the admission procedure:

    • signed CV;
    • list of publishing activities (if any);
    • doctoral thesis project of about 5 pages (plus 1-2 pages of literature);
    • motivational letter in which the applicant states why they want to study the field of Philosophy and why they have chosen the Department of Philosophy, FA MU.

      Documents for the admission procedure must be inserted into the e-application (rubric “Documents”) by 15 December. Applicants are required to include their full name and application number on all attached documents.

      Recommendation: Applicants are advised to contact a potential supervisor before submitting their application in order to consult the research focus and its possible guidance (an external supervisor is also possible).

      The entrance examination takes the form of an oral discussion over the doctoral thesis project.

      Notice: A poof of completion of a Master’s degree programme (officially certified copy of the diploma, in the case of education obtained abroad also the so-called recognition) shall be submitted by the accepted applicants upon enrolment in the studies. For the entrance examination, a proof of completion of a Master’s degree programme is not required.

  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme
    • Pass/fail line: 60 points (out of 100).


  • Objectives

    The general objective of the study program Philosophy consists of systematic and intensive work on a particular, highly specialized philosophical topic. The topic areas include the history of philosophy, ethics, epistemology, ontology, logic, etc. The methods focus on conceptual and discursive analysis, adequate interpretation of relevant studies and explanation of their consequences, historical perspectives of the topic. The overall conception emphasizes the self-reliance of the study and the originality of the proposed solutions.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • to understand theories, concepts, and methods that are currently employed in a given philosophical specialization;
    • (independent) research work in the field;
    • to publish research papers in both national and international environment;
    • to create and present one's research on both national and international conferences;
    • critical and rational thinking;
    • qualification for employment in humanities and related fields;
    • to educate high-school and university students in philosophy;
    • to apply knowledge of the history of philosophy, ethics, or epistemology in scientific and popularisation activities;
    • to offer applications, if possible (e.g. ethics, argumentation theory);
    • to recognize general (and even ethical) methodology of scientific work;
    • to prepare competitive grant proposals;

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Our graduates can be employed in academia (researchers, teachers), i.e. at universities and research institutions, mostly in humanities and related fields.

    They can be employed in a gamut of job positions in which critical, methodological and systematic thinking is needed, both in an academic and non-academic environment.

    The knowledge and skills gathered from the study can be used e.g. in organizations critically working with texts and documents, using grant mechanisms, etc.

    Some skills can be utilized even within conceptual or managerial activities.

  • Practical Training

    During their study, students of the doctoral program are obliged

    (a) to publish article even in the international environment,

    (b) realize a least one international study stay (or to have active research participation at some international grant project),

    (c) fulfill (limited) teaching duties at the department.

    If needed, students also help with the organization of conferences/workshops of the department.

  • Goals of Theses

    The dissertation thesis presents a result of successful research of a selected philosophical topic, its introduction, and contextual placement, interpretation of related texts, and mainly a critical discursive analysis of the main topic and related themes, using standard philosophical methods and means.

    The dissertation thesis must be delivered in 3 copies, 200000 symbols printed on white A4 paper, numbered lists, fixed spine. (Alternatively, the thesis is an already printed book or a set of published papers accompanied with a commentary and introduction; both these possibilities must be approved by the committee in advance).

    Each copy must contain a title page with the name of the university, faculty, and department; the field of study; title; the name of the author and supervisor; year; originality statement; English (German, ...) resume; content; list of bibliography references. For details, please see The Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations, article 32 and the actual faculty template.

    The Dissertation Thesis Report ['autoreferát']. Its goal is to present the thesis from a more general perspective; with the investigated topics one reports also the main results and the used methodology.

    The form: A5 brochure, 20-25 (standard) pages. The title page is identical to the content identical with the dissertation thesis; the style and the list of references are also the same. A specific content: (1) annotation in Czech and English (German, ...); (2) an introduction to the main textual part; (3) a description of the state of art; (4) aims of the dissertation thesis; (5) methods; (6) main results (accentuating own contribution); (7) conclusions.

    For details, please see The Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations, article 33.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by