Cíle studijního programu

The main aim of the suggested programme is to provide students with multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary for

a) understanding basic economic concepts and specifics and complexity of public policy and decision-making in the public sector, and for

b) analytical thinking and using the theoretical concepts in dealing with socio-economic problems in practice.

The programme is intended for everyone who wants to understand relationships between the public and private sectors. Students will be introduced to the theoretical concepts related to the economics, economic policy, public administration and public policy and will be encouraged to employ them and think critically. They will also be provided with a knowledge on relevant decision-making and evaluation methods and tools.

Studijní plány

Přijímací řízení
Application procedure into Bachelor's degree programmes in English - Spring semester 2024/2025
Termín podání do půlnoci 15. 10. 2024

  • Informace o přijímacích zkouškách v tomto studijním programu

    Our Bachelor's degree programmes are open to students who successfully finished secondary school education. Applicants must have a good command of the English language. Please see our website for complete information on how to apply or contact admission@econ.muni.cz.

    For the application process, the applicant needs to attach the following documents to the e-application:

    1. Complete e-application form - online in Masaryk University Information System
    2. Personal data form
    3. Certified copy of a Secondary School-Leaving Certificate and final transcripts of records
    4. Statement of purpose
    5. English Language Certification
    6. Essay on a chosen topic

    All application materials must be in English or in Czech.

    The tuition fee is 3500 EUR for the academic year.

  • Kritéria hodnocení uchazečů o tento studijní program

    Information available at our website.


  • Cíle

    The main aim of the suggested programme is to provide students with multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are necessary for

    a) understanding basic economic concepts and specifics and complexity of public policy and decision-making in the public sector, and for

    b) analytical thinking and using the theoretical concepts in dealing with socio-economic problems in practice.

    The programme is intended for everyone who wants to understand relationships between the public and private sectors. Students will be introduced to the theoretical concepts related to the economics, economic policy, public administration and public policy and will be encouraged to employ them and think critically. They will also be provided with a knowledge on relevant decision-making and evaluation methods and tools.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • understand and explain main theoretical concepts of economics;
    • understand and explain main theoretical concepts of management;
    • understand and explain main theoretical concepts of public economics, public policy and public administration;
    • understand, explain and discuss developments in the European integration and policies, governance structures and law of the European Union;
    • understand, explain and discuss developments in economic policy and the public sector in their home countries;
    • think analytically, creatively and critically about current topics and issues from the above areas;
    • efficiently search for relevant information and data, prepare a high quality academic texts dealing with the topics and present their work efficiently either individually or in a team;
    • use the theoretical knowledge in discussing and solving real problems of economic and public policy.

  • Uplatnění absolventa

    Graduates of the programme will obtain competences that will help them pursue their careers in the private as well as the public sector. They will be qualified to apply for economic and administrative positions in private companies or public administration and public sector organizations (including international organizations) where it is required to understand the complexity of the public sector and the necessity to approach it critically also from the economic perspective.

    Passing the programme may also help graduates apply for similarly oriented master degree programmes in Czechia or abroad.

  • Pravidla a podmínky pro vytváření studijních plánů

    Bakalářské a magisterské studium probíhá podle celouniverzitního kreditního systému, který je v souladu s pravidly European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Povinně volitelné předměty jsou ve studijním plánu organizovány do jedné čí více skupin; student volí povinně volitelné předměty na základě stanoveného minimálního počtu kreditů v každé skupině.

    Celouniverzitní pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů, která zpřesňují pravidla vymezená v metodice Národního akreditačního úřadu Doporučené postupy pro přípravu studijních programů, upravuje směrnice Masarykovy univeritzy č. 1/2024 Pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů a programů celoživotního vzdělávání. Směrnice vymezuje šest typů studijních plánů a jejich použití a kombinace v jednotlivých typech studijních programů. Jedná se o

    1. jednooborový studijní plán,
    2. studijní plán se specializací,
    3. hlavní studijní plán (maior),
    4. vedlejší studijní plán (minor),
    5. studijní plán ve spolupráci s jinou vysokou školou či jinou právnickou osobou,
    6. studijní plán na dostudování (určen pouze pro dostudování ve studijním oboru, studijním programu nebo studijním plánu, který zanikne).

    Premisou pravidel je, že studijní plány umožňují naplnění cílů studia a dosažení profilu absolventa studijního programu. Výjimkou je pouze vedlejší studijní plán, který doplňuje hlavní studijního plán jiného studijního programu. Student nemůže studovat pouze podle vedlejšího studijního plánu.

  • Praxe

    Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan. Students may attend a voluntary course of practical training.

  • Cíle kvalifikačních prací

    Elaboration of the final work of about 30-35 pages (without attachments) should verify the ability of students to apply problem-oriented approach to interest entities (businesses, public and state institutions, non-profit organizations, cities and regions, information systems, etc.), search for necessary set of relevant information, identify and accurately describe problem fields in accordance with acquired theoretical knowledge, determine appropriate methods and procedures for their applied analysis, describe and analyze obtained data and propose specific and typically feasible measures to resolve problem or optimized situations. The focus of the final work and its practical outcomes will be closely linked to the compulsory course of Practice, both content and form will be decided on in cooperation with the supervisor.

  • Návaznost na další studijní programy

    The Bachelor degree study programme is followed by Master and Doctoral degree study programmes.

    The direct course of study is provided by the follow-up Master's degrees in Economics and Public Finance and Economics which are offered at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the Masaryk University in English in full-time form of study.

Základní údaje

Doba studia
3 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina
Roční poplatek za studium
95000 Kč

počet aktivních studentů

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta
Program zajišťuje