Cíle studijního programu

The Master's degree programme Pharmacy is designed to meet the current level of pharmaceutical, medical, and natural sciences, the needs of the practice, and to be a quality basis for further education (doctoral degree programme, post-gradual specialization, and lifelong education). It is carried out in full-time form and the standard period of study is five years. The goal of education in the programme Pharmacy is to prepare graduates to practice the healthcare profession of a pharmacist and to acquire general and special knowledge about medicines, which leads to maximizing the effect and minimizing risks for the patient and society. The study is ended with a state final exam, which includes the defence of a diploma thesis. The programme allows students to choose elective subjects in order to a higher degree of specialization and adaptation to individual interests. The content of education is in accrodance with the requirements of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 187/2009 Coll. on the minimum requirements for study programs in general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and the educational program in general practical medicine and Government Regulation No. 275/2016 Coll. on areas of education in higher education.

The goal is to enable the acquisition of knowledge about:

- medicines and substances used in the production and preparation of medicinal products, their safe and effective use, effectiveness and indications, contraindications, interactions, dosage and method of administration, health prevention when working with pharmaceutical products, chemical, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and substances toxic to reproduction,

- metabolism and effects of medicines, pharmacokinetics, as well as about the effects of toxic substances, and about the way of using medicines,

- pharmaceutical technology, preclinical and clinical trials of medicines, and on clinical pharmacy,

- scientific and practical knowledge enabling to provide appropriate information about medicines and to cooperate with attending physicians in optimizing pharmacotherapy for specific patients,

- health promotion preparations and medical devices,

- basic legal regulations related to healthcare and the profession of pharmacist,

- provision of professional information about medicines,

- radiation protection,

- professional ethics of pharmacist-patient contact,

- issues of healthcare financing and basic economic relations, knowledge of the basics of management,

- the basics of managing the quality of healthcare provided and ensuring the safety of patients;

and skills at:

- preparation of dosage forms of medicinal products,

- production and control of medicines,

- storage and distribution of medicines,

- preparation, control, storage, and dispensing of medicinal products in pharmacies,

- practical communication with the patient with an emphasis on patient rights and their application.

Studijní plány


  • Cíle

    The Master's degree programme Pharmacy is designed to meet the current level of pharmaceutical, medical, and natural sciences, the needs of the practice, and to be a quality basis for further education (doctoral degree programme, post-gradual specialization, and lifelong education). It is carried out in full-time form and the standard period of study is five years. The goal of education in the programme Pharmacy is to prepare graduates to practice the healthcare profession of a pharmacist and to acquire general and special knowledge about medicines, which leads to maximizing the effect and minimizing risks for the patient and society. The study is ended with a state final exam, which includes the defence of a diploma thesis. The programme allows students to choose elective subjects in order to a higher degree of specialization and adaptation to individual interests. The content of education is in accrodance with the requirements of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 187/2009 Coll. on the minimum requirements for study programs in general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and the educational program in general practical medicine and Government Regulation No. 275/2016 Coll. on areas of education in higher education.

    The goal is to enable the acquisition of knowledge about:

    - medicines and substances used in the production and preparation of medicinal products, their safe and effective use, effectiveness and indications, contraindications, interactions, dosage and method of administration, health prevention when working with pharmaceutical products, chemical, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and substances toxic to reproduction,

    - metabolism and effects of medicines, pharmacokinetics, as well as about the effects of toxic substances, and about the way of using medicines,

    - pharmaceutical technology, preclinical and clinical trials of medicines, and on clinical pharmacy,

    - scientific and practical knowledge enabling to provide appropriate information about medicines and to cooperate with attending physicians in optimizing pharmacotherapy for specific patients,

    - health promotion preparations and medical devices,

    - basic legal regulations related to healthcare and the profession of pharmacist,

    - provision of professional information about medicines,

    - radiation protection,

    - professional ethics of pharmacist-patient contact,

    - issues of healthcare financing and basic economic relations, knowledge of the basics of management,

    - the basics of managing the quality of healthcare provided and ensuring the safety of patients;

    and skills at:

    - preparation of dosage forms of medicinal products,

    - production and control of medicines,

    - storage and distribution of medicines,

    - preparation, control, storage, and dispensing of medicinal products in pharmacies,

    - practical communication with the patient with an emphasis on patient rights and their application.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • orientovat se v léčivech a látkách použitých při výrobě a přípravě léčivých orient in medicines and substances used in the production and preparation of medicinal products, their safe and effective use, effectiveness and indications, contraindication
    • communicate with the patient with an emphasis on patient rights and their application
    • prepare, control, store, and dispense medicinal products in pharmacies
    • store and distribute medicines at pharmaceutical wholesalers
    • cooperate with physicians in optimizing pharmacotherapy for specific patients and participate in the work of multidisciplinary teams
    • orient in the field of public health protection and promotion, healthcare financing and basic economic relations, and apply the basics of management,
    • propose, explain, and use methods of evaluation the quality, safety, effectiveness and efficiency of medicines, and apply them in the process of health protection and disease management,
    • solve complex professional problems of medicines handling and to coordinate related professional activities
    • use at least one foreign language and apply relevant information and digital technologies in their professional activities
    • make decision on professional problems taking into account the social consequences of this decision and further deepen professional education

  • Uplatnění absolventa

    A graduate of the degree programme can be employed as a:

    - pharmacist in facilities providing pharmaceutical care,

    - clinical pharmacist in hospitals, possibly other healthcare facilities,

    - bioanalyst in healthcare laboratories,

    - professional in laboratories for research, development, and drug control,

    - professional in pharmaceutical production and wholesaler companies,

    - academic/researcher in the academic sphere and in other institutions dealing with science, research, development, and innovation,

    - professional in the management structures of healthcare,

    - expert/researcher in the field of chemical, food, and cosmetic industry,

    - expert/consultant in the non-profit sector involved in the protection, support, and development of the health of individuals and specific groups of the population

  • Regulovaná povolání
    • Farmaceut
  • Pravidla a podmínky pro vytváření studijních plánů

    Bakalářské a magisterské studium probíhá podle celouniverzitního kreditního systému, který je v souladu s pravidly European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Povinně volitelné předměty jsou ve studijním plánu organizovány do jedné čí více skupin; student volí povinně volitelné předměty na základě stanoveného minimálního počtu kreditů v každé skupině.

    Celouniverzitní pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů, která zpřesňují pravidla vymezená v metodice Národního akreditačního úřadu Doporučené postupy pro přípravu studijních programů, upravuje směrnice Masarykovy univeritzy č. 1/2024 Pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů a programů celoživotního vzdělávání. Směrnice vymezuje šest typů studijních plánů a jejich použití a kombinace v jednotlivých typech studijních programů. Jedná se o

    1. jednooborový studijní plán,
    2. studijní plán se specializací,
    3. hlavní studijní plán (maior),
    4. vedlejší studijní plán (minor),
    5. studijní plán ve spolupráci s jinou vysokou školou či jinou právnickou osobou,
    6. studijní plán na dostudování (určen pouze pro dostudování ve studijním oboru, studijním programu nebo studijním plánu, který zanikne).

    Premisou pravidel je, že studijní plány umožňují naplnění cílů studia a dosažení profilu absolventa studijního programu. Výjimkou je pouze vedlejší studijní plán, který doplňuje hlavní studijního plán jiného studijního programu. Student nemůže studovat pouze podle vedlejšího studijního plánu.

  • Praxe

    Among the minimum requirements for obtaining the professional qualification of pharmacist belongs the obligation to complete at least 6 months of practical training in a pharmacy. The content and scope of professional practice is fully in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC, on the recognition of professional qualifications and its amendment 20013/ 55/EC, and corresponds to Act No. 95/2004 Coll., on the conditions for obtaining and recognizing professional competence and specialized competence to perform the medical profession of doctor, dentist and pharmacist, as amended, and its implementing decree No. 187/2009 Coll. , on the minimum requirements for the study programs of general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and the educational program of general practical medicine, as amended.

    During the internship, students perform professional activities under the supervision of a qualified employee of the healthcare facility (trainer). The practice gives students the opportunity to become familiar with the daily operation of pharmacy care facilities and to participate in all professional pharmacy activities, thereby achieving the required connection of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    Students also have the opportunity to choose from a range of elective subjects and attend professional practical training at a workplace other than a pharmacy (pharmaceutical industry, wholesaler, control, medicines information centers, medical device dispensaries, medical laboratories, scientific research institutions, social care and veterinary care facilities, etc.).

  • Cíle kvalifikačních prací

    Working out a diploma thesis is an obligatory part of the study in the degree programme Pharmacy. Diploma thesis defence is one of the parts of the final state examination. Most diploma theses defended in this degree programme have original character, based on a laboratory experiment, or clinical/social original research. The diploma thesis consists of a theoretical part, a methodical part, results, discussion, and conclusions. The aim of the diploma thesis is to support the own creative and explorational activities of the student, the ability of practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge, and the presentation of the results of own work.

  • Návaznost na další studijní programy

    Study in the Master's degree programme Pharmacy can be followed by study in doctoral degree programmes in the field of Pharmacy. Graduates of the programme may also apply for admission to doctoral degree programmes offered by other faculties of Masaryk University or other universities of a related field (e.g. medical, natural science, chemical-technological fields).

    The general conditions for admission to study at MSP Pharmacy are:

    a) attainment of secondary education with matriculation examination;

    b) passing the admission procedure.

    The entrance exam has a written form and includes a test in Biology (40%) and Chemistry (40%) in the scope of the grammar school curriculum, as well as a test of general study prerequisites (20%). The result obtained from the entrance exams will be decisive for admission. Applicants who rank in the bottom 30% will not be admitted to study. Successful applicants will be invited to register. Estimated number of applicants admitted to the 1st year of study: 50.

    The terms and conditions of the admission procedure for studying MSP for each academic year will be approved by the Academic Senate of FaF MU in accordance with § 27, paragraph 1, letter e) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities.

Základní údaje

Titul v rigorózním řízení
Doba studia
5 roků
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina
Roční poplatek za studium
7000 €

počet aktivních studentů
počet závěrečných prací

Farmaceutická fakulta
Program zajišťuje