Mathematical thinking is the key to understand Data

Cíle studijního programu

The Bachelor's program in Data Analytics intends to offer a unique professional cross-disciplinary program, meant to equip practitioners (international and domestic, including those already working in various IT branches) with the mathematical foundations, problem-solving skills, and mindset. At the same time, mathematics-oriented students will pick up practical skills and applied vision in data analytics. Close cooperation with a consortium of industrial partners will be built by leveraging our research, and consultancy cooperation networks will add a strong practical component to the program, create immediate placement opportunities for the alumni, and attract resources for funding the best students. We aim at attracting the top student talent, and Brno seems to be a perfect spot for hosting it, due to its cultural benefits, central European location, and relative affordability.

Studijní plány

Přijímací řízení
Additional admission to Bachelor's programme Data Analytics 2024/2025
Termín podání do půlnoci 15. 8. 2024

  • Informace o přijímacích zkouškách v tomto studijním programu
    See more information regarding the admission process here.
    Mandatory parts of the application form are a professional CV and motivation letter.
    The applications Will be assessed and evaluated on a rolling basis between 23 May and 15 August.

    Applicants may be admitted directly without an entrance exam if they submit one of the following documents:
    The following illustrative list of international competency confirmation documents would support a direct admission to the studies without further tests, once acknowledged: 
    1. winning a national or international olympiad in relevant areas – confirmation/certificate is required
    2. success in similar international student research competitions in relevant areas – confirmation/certificate is required
    3. essential training courses run by multinational companies or work experience in relevant areas – confirmation/certificate is required
    4. successful completion of Phase 1 of the MDA Bootcamp certificate – now or in the past, see the Bootcamp page
    Applicants will be informed of the decision once the document has been reviewed.

    Applicants not accepted directly will be asked to enter Phase 1 of the MDA Bootcamp. They will be approached by email and get the Entry Trial Test task.

    Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 
    Please, always check your spam folders as it can happen that our e-mails ends up in there.
  • Doporučená literatura ke zkouškám v tomto studijním programu
    The successful admission is not based on the study of literature.
  • Kritéria hodnocení uchazečů o tento studijní program
    Admission is based on the results of an admission process and the programme's capacity. The applicants can achieve up to 100 points for the Entry Trial Test. The evaluation standards will be listed in the task specification. The threshold to successfully pass is 75 out of 100.


  • Cíle

    The Bachelor's program in Data Analytics intends to offer a unique professional cross-disciplinary program, meant to equip practitioners (international and domestic, including those already working in various IT branches) with the mathematical foundations, problem-solving skills, and mindset. At the same time, mathematics-oriented students will pick up practical skills and applied vision in data analytics. Close cooperation with a consortium of industrial partners will be built by leveraging our research, and consultancy cooperation networks will add a strong practical component to the program, create immediate placement opportunities for the alumni, and attract resources for funding the best students. We aim at attracting the top student talent, and Brno seems to be a perfect spot for hosting it, due to its cultural benefits, central European location, and relative affordability.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • explain the main concepts and tools of Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science
    • actively employ mathematical approach to formulation and solution of problems
    • combine diverse mathematical tools to enhance or create algorithms in the Data Science applications
    • implement software solutions to diverse tasks related to Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science
    • participate in R&D teams, contributing the expertise in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science
    • generate and advocate her/his professional decisions and bear full responsibility for them
    • positive professional self-realization, self-education and self-reflection

  • Uplatnění absolventa

    The graduates of this program acquire knowledge and skills necessary to perform independent work in R&D or any practical area related to mathematical modelling and data analysis. They will be ready to start independent businesses or to lead implementations of larger projects in teams, too. They can also continue in most ambitious continuing education related to Mathematics, Statistics, or Data Science at MU and worldwide.

  • Pravidla a podmínky pro vytváření studijních plánů

    Bakalářské a magisterské studium probíhá podle celouniverzitního kreditního systému, který je v souladu s pravidly European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Povinně volitelné předměty jsou ve studijním plánu organizovány do jedné čí více skupin; student volí povinně volitelné předměty na základě stanoveného minimálního počtu kreditů v každé skupině.

    Celouniverzitní pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů, která zpřesňují pravidla vymezená v metodice Národního akreditačního úřadu Doporučené postupy pro přípravu studijních programů, upravuje směrnice Masarykovy univeritzy č. 1/2024 Pravidla pro tvorbu studijních programů a programů celoživotního vzdělávání. Směrnice vymezuje šest typů studijních plánů a jejich použití a kombinace v jednotlivých typech studijních programů. Jedná se o

    1. jednooborový studijní plán,
    2. studijní plán se specializací,
    3. hlavní studijní plán (maior),
    4. vedlejší studijní plán (minor),
    5. studijní plán ve spolupráci s jinou vysokou školou či jinou právnickou osobou,
    6. studijní plán na dostudování (určen pouze pro dostudování ve studijním oboru, studijním programu nebo studijním plánu, který zanikne).

    Premisou pravidel je, že studijní plány umožňují naplnění cílů studia a dosažení profilu absolventa studijního programu. Výjimkou je pouze vedlejší studijní plán, který doplňuje hlavní studijního plán jiného studijního programu. Student nemůže studovat pouze podle vedlejšího studijního plánu.

  • Praxe

    This professional program includes the bachelor practice / capstone project worth 30 credits, which is realized as practical training at some of the confirmed commercial partners (equivalent to one semester full work position), resulting also in a technical report or theoretical paper.

  • Cíle kvalifikačních prací

    This is a professional program and there will be no bachelor thesis involved in the program. Instead, there is the final technical report or theoretical paper resulting from the bachelor practice / capstone project worth 30 credits, which is a crucial milestone in the study.

  • Návaznost na další studijní programy

    After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in any Master's degree program at MU and worldwide (after satisfying the admission requirements specific for the choice).

  • Zajištění odborné praxe v cizím jazyce

    The entire program will be taught exclusively in English. We do not count with including any further working language.

  • Přehled pracovišť, na kterých má být praxe uskutečňována

    A partial list of partners is available as of August, 2024.

    The wide and intensive discussion with potential partners in our consortium started in Summer 2023 and it is an ongoing process. The first phase will culminate once we have the first student cohort enrolled, i.e. in September 2024. We are building on meetings and direct campaigns in 2024, and leveraging the research networks of the Digital City Lab, similarly to the earlier partners collaborating with the leader of this Lab, prof. Stanislav Sobolevsky, which included BBVA, Lockheed Martin, Future Cities Catapult, Arcadis as well as US federal organizations, such as Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Research Energy Lab.

    We developed an experimental hackathon type admission activity, the Bootcamp, which helped to acquire high quality international students, and to attract several potential partners. Some of them are already working with us, and we are establishing a consortium, including e.g. the following partners: CzechMath, a.s.; Ústav zdravotnických informací a statistiky ČR; Kyndryl Česká republika, spol. s r.o.; Notino, s.r.o. and many further joining soon.

Základní údaje

Doba studia
3.5 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina
Roční poplatek za studium
14000 €

odhadovaný počet přijatých
počet aktivních studentů

Přírodovědecká fakulta
Program zajišťuje
Ve spolupráci s