VANDERZIEL, Jeffrey Alan. Indigenous American Cultures and History. In Guest Lecture, Department of English and American Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Palacký Unvierzity, Olomouc. 2015.
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Basic information
Original name Indigenous American Cultures and History
Authors VANDERZIEL, Jeffrey Alan.
Edition Guest Lecture, Department of English and American Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Palacký Unvierzity, Olomouc, 2015.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Requested lectures
Field of Study Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
Keywords in English Native Americans; Native American Culture; Native American History
Tags American Indians, cultural studies, Native Americans
Changed by Changed by: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A., učo 37043. Changed: 22/4/2015 11:04.
Guest lecture at the Department of English and American Studies, Philosophical Faculty, Palacký University, Olomouc, presents an overview of traditional Native American cultures in North America, the major historical milestones in Native American-Euro-American interaction and a discussion of issues (cultural, social, economic) of importance to Native Americans today.
PrintDisplayed: 11/9/2024 05:04