KOUKAL, Pavel. Economic and Moral Rights of the Deceased Designer in the Czech Republic. In Jacek Gołaczyński, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosław Turłukowski, Daniel Karkut. Non omnis moriar Osobiste i majątkowe aspekty prawne śmierci człowieka. Zagadnienia wybrane. Wroclaw: Oficyna Prawnicza, 2015, s. 473-487. ISBN 978-83-62832-08-8.
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Základní údaje
Originální název Economic and Moral Rights of the Deceased Designer in the Czech Republic
Název česky Majetková a osobnostní práva zemřelého designéra v České republice
Autoři KOUKAL, Pavel.
Vydání Wroclaw, Non omnis moriar Osobiste i majątkowe aspekty prawne śmierci człowieka. Zagadnienia wybrane, od s. 473-487, 15 s. 2015.
Nakladatel Oficyna Prawnicza
Další údaje
Originální jazyk angličtina
Typ výsledku Stať ve sborníku
Obor 50500 5.5 Law
Stát vydavatele Polsko
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Forma vydání tištěná verze "print"
Organizační jednotka Právnická fakulta
ISBN 978-83-62832-08-8
Klíčová slova česky právní ochrana designu; majetková práva; osobnostní práva; dědická sukcese; autorská díla; průmyslové vzory
Klíčová slova anglicky legal protection of design; economic rights; moral rights; hereditary succession; copyrighted works; industrial designs
Změnil Změnila: Mgr. Petra Georgala, učo 32967. Změněno: 29. 2. 2016 15:10.
In this paper the author deals with the inheritance of intellectual property rights related to design. Firstly the author defines the concept of design and subsequently describes intellectual property regimes under which the design is protected, especially industrial designs, copyright, trademarks protection and unfair competition in general. Within provisions of the new inheritance law (i. e. the New Civil Code of the Czech Republic) the author deals especially with the hereditary succession of author's rights and registered industrial designs. The author provides the argumentation that the design as the intangible asset cannot be considered as the intangible thing in the legal sense (Art. 496 para. 2 of the New Civil Code), but it is a special object of economic and moral rights of the designer (economic and moral author’s rights and economic and moral industrial design rights). In general, the economic rights of the designer are considered as intangible things with the exception of economic author’s rights which are not alienable and are not subject of the economic valuation. In this regulatory context and according to the conclusions of the Czech legal doctrine the author emphasizes that it is necessary to distinguish which rights and which objects might be subject matter of the universal succession stipulated by the inheritance law. Firstly the design as the intangible asset is not transferrable (neither inter vivos nor mortis causa), secondly only economic rights of the designer are inheritable. It is also necessary to differentiate between inheriting the property rights to physical objects from inheriting of intellectual property rights. Finally, the author focuses on the difference between inheritance succession of economic rights and post-mortem protection of interests of deceased designer.
VytisknoutZobrazeno: 6. 6. 2024 07:21