PINKOVÁ, Aneta. Lobbying Legitimacy in the Czech Republic. In 24TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF CEPSA. 2019.
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Basic information
Original name Lobbying Legitimacy in the Czech Republic
Name in Czech Legitimita lobbování v České republice
Name (in English) Lobbying Legitimacy in the Czech Republic
Authors PINKOVÁ, Aneta.
Other information
Type of outcome Presentations at conferences
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Keywords (in Czech) Lobbování, legitimita, občanská společnost, survey experiment
Keywords in English Lobbying; Legitimacy; Civil Society; Population-Based Experiment
Tags legitimacy, lobbying, survey experiment
Tags International impact
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Aneta Pinková, Ph.D., učo 52717. Changed: 6/1/2020 09:34.
The research questions explored in this paper are: How legitimate is the practice of lobbying for the Czech public? Does the perceived legitimacy of lobbying increase when the lobbying subject is a domestic, rather than foreign company? Is lobbying done by certain types of stakeholders such as state-owned companies, NGOs or big employers seen as more legitimate? The paper is based on a statistical analysis of data from a representational survey and a population-based survey experiment.
Abstract (in Czech)
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na zodpovězení výzkumné otázky: Jak je vnímána legitimita lobbingu v České republice? Je vnímání legitimity lobbingu odlišné, když lobbuje domácí, resp. zahraniční subjekt? Liší se vnímání legitimity lobbingu v závislosti na charakteru, resp. právní formě lobbujícího subjektu (např. státní podnik, NGO, významný zaměstnavatel)? Text je založen na kvantitativní analýze výsledků dotazníkového šetření na reprezentativním vzorku populace kombinovaného se survey experimentem.
Abstract (in English)
The research questions explored in this paper are: How legitimate is the practice of lobbying for the Czech public? Does the perceived legitimacy of lobbying increase when the lobbying subject is a domestic, rather than foreign company? Is lobbying done by certain types of stakeholders such as state-owned companies, NGOs or big employers seen as more legitimate? The paper is based on a statistical analysis of data from a representational survey and a population-based survey experiment.
GA18-16928S, research and development projectName: Distributivní politika ve střední Evropě
Investor: Czech Science Foundation
PrintDisplayed: 18/9/2024 04:43