FOLETTI, Ivan, Marie OKÁČOVÁ and Adrien PALLADINO. A Radical Turn? Subversions, Conversions, and Mutations in the Post-classical World (3rd-8th c.). 2021.
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Basic information
Original name A Radical Turn? Subversions, Conversions, and Mutations in the Post-classical World (3rd-8th c.)
Authors FOLETTI, Ivan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Marie OKÁČOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Adrien PALLADINO (250 France, belonging to the institution).
Edition 2021.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Organization of a conference
Field of Study 60401 Arts, Art history
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14210/21:00122612
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
Keywords (in Czech) pozdní antika; subverze; konverze; dekonstrukce narativů;
Keywords in English Late Antiquity; subversion; conversion; deconstruction of narratives
Tags conversion, deconstruction of narratives, Late Antiquity, rivok, Subversion
Tags International impact
Changed by Changed by: prof. Ivan Foletti, MA, Docteur es Lettres, Docent in Church History, učo 115455. Changed: 24/1/2023 09:00.
“Late Antiquity” has been historiographically constructed as a mere transitional phenomenon between the classical past and the medieval future. The rehabilitation of the period and its cultural production in the past decades resulted in the deconstruction of such a reductive perspective on the past and raised questions about its significance and impact in terms of continuity and change. This interdisciplinary conference therefore brought together scholars from different disciplines (archaeology, religious studies, liturgical studies, history, art history, and classical philology) whose combined insights challenged the established narratives on the period and offered new perspectives on its truly protean nature.
Abstract (in Czech)
„Pozdní antika“ byla dlouho chápána jako pouhé přechodné období mezi klasickou minulostí a středověkou budoucností. Rehabilitace tohoto období a jeho kulturní produkce v posledních desetiletích vedla k dekonstrukci takovéhoto reduktivního pohledu na minulost a vyvolala řadu otázek ohledně jejího významu a dopadu ve smyslu kontinuity a změny. Cílem této interdisciplinární konference bylo proto optikou různých vědních disciplín (archeologie, religionistika, liturgická studia, historie, dějiny umění a klasická filologie) znovu a komplexně prověřit zavedené narativy a nabídnout nové pohledy na klíčové aspekty této transformační doby.
PrintDisplayed: 19/9/2024 23:49