KANIOK, Petr. Czech Republic : Best or Worst in Covid Country? In Lynggaard, Kennet - Jensen, Mads Dagnis - Kluth, Michael F. Governments' Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe : Navigating the Perfect Storm. 1st ed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, s. 135-145. ISBN 978-3-031-14144-7. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14145-4_12.
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Základní údaje
Originální název Czech Republic : Best or Worst in Covid Country?
Autoři KANIOK, Petr (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí).
Vydání 1st ed. Cham, Governments' Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe : Navigating the Perfect Storm, od s. 135-145, 11 s. 2023.
Nakladatel Palgrave Macmillan
Další údaje
Originální jazyk angličtina
Typ výsledku Kapitola resp. kapitoly v odborné knize
Obor 50601 Political science
Stát vydavatele Švýcarsko
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Forma vydání tištěná verze "print"
Kód RIV RIV/00216224:14230/23:00130093
Organizační jednotka Fakulta sociálních studií
ISBN 978-3-031-14144-7
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14145-4_12
Klíčová slova anglicky covid 19; Czechia; government; Andrej Babiš; lockdown
Štítky rivok
Příznaky Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změnil Změnila: Mgr. Blanka Farkašová, učo 97333. Změněno: 30. 1. 2024 12:08.
Despite being unprepared for the COVID-19 outburst in spring 2020, Czechia did particularly well in handling the first weeks of the pandemic. However, the government which was the key actor in the whole process did not use the following summer months to prepare the country for autumn and winter, and the Czech success turned into a catastrophe that continued until Spring 2021. This chapter argues that this undesired development was caused particularly by a combination of cabinet being cradled by success in spring 2020 and its general populist tendencies. This mixture led to the underestimation of the risks associated with the autumn months by the government causing its unwillingness to adopt suitable but unpopular decisions in later stages of the pandemic. As a consequence, the government quickly lost the credibility among the general public whose compliance with the often confusing and problematic rules was constantly decreasing especially if compared to the spring 2020 months.
VytisknoutZobrazeno: 19. 6. 2024 18:07