J 2023

Radio Emission of Nearby Early-type Galaxies in the Low and Very Low Radio Luminosity Range

WÓJTOWICZ, Anna Patrycja, Łukasz STAWARZ, C. C. CHEUNG, Norbert WERNER, Dominik RUDKA et. al.

Základní údaje

Originální název

Radio Emission of Nearby Early-type Galaxies in the Low and Very Low Radio Luminosity Range


WÓJTOWICZ, Anna Patrycja (616 Polsko, garant, domácí), Łukasz STAWARZ, C. C. CHEUNG, Norbert WERNER (703 Slovensko, domácí) a Dominik RUDKA


Astrophysical Journal, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2023, 0004-637X

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


10308 Astronomy

Stát vydavatele

Velká Británie a Severní Irsko


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství


Impakt faktor

Impact factor: 4.900 v roce 2022



Organizační jednotka

Přírodovědecká fakulta



Klíčová slova anglicky

Radio active galactic nuclei; Radio galaxies; Radio cores; Early-type galaxies; Radio jets



Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změněno: 24. 3. 2023 11:34, Mgr. Marie Novosadová Šípková, DiS.


V originále

We analyze radio continuum emission of early-type galaxies with dynamical measurements of central supermassive black hole (SMBH) masses and well-characterized large-scale environments, but regardless of the exact level of the nuclear activity. The 1.4 GHz radio fluxes collected with ∼arcmin resolution for 62 nearby targets (distances ≲153 Mpc) correspond to low and very low monochromatic luminosities of Lr ∼ 1035–1041 erg s−1. We quantify possible correlations between the radio properties with the main parameters of SMBHs, host galaxies, and hot gaseous halos, finding a general bimodality in the radio luminosity distribution, with the borderline between radio-bright and radio-dim populations at $\mathrm{log}{L}_{{\rm{r}}}/{L}_{\mathrm{Edd}}\simeq -8.5$. We analyze the far-infrared data for the targets, finding that all radio-bright and over a half of the radio-dim sources are overluminous in radio wavelengths with respect to the far-infrared–radio correlation. High-resolution radio maps reveal that the overwhelming majority of radio-dim sources is unresolved on the arcsecond scale, while the bulk of radio-bright sources display extended jets and lobes of low- and intermediate-power radio galaxies; these jets dominate the radio emission of radio-bright objects. Regarding the origin of the radio emission of radio-dim sources, we discuss two main possibilities. One possibility is the advection-dominated accretion flow model, in which the radio and nuclear X-ray radiative outputs at very low accretion rates are both dominated by unresolved jets. The other possibility is that the radio-dim sources, unlike the radio-bright ones, are characterized by low values of SMBH spins, so that their radio emission is not related to the jets, but instead is due to a combination of star-forming processes and previous nuclear outbursts.


GX21-13491X, projekt VaV
Název: Zkoumání žhavého vesmíru a porozumění kosmické zpětné vazbě (Akronym: EHU)
Investor: Grantová agentura ČR, Exploring the Hot Universe and Understanding Comic Feedback
MUNI/I/0003/2020, interní kód MU
Název: MUNI Award in Science and Humanities 3 (Akronym: Space-Based High-Energy Astrophysics)
Investor: Masarykova univerzita, MUNI Award in Science and Humanities 3, MASH - MUNI Award in Science and Humanities