HONELOVÁ, Michaela a Lucie VIDOVIĆOVÁ. Why do (middle-aged) women undergo cosmetic/aesthetic surgery? Scoping review. Women's Studies International Forum. Volume 101, November–December 2023, 102842, 2023. ISSN 0277-5395. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2023.102842.
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Základní údaje
Originální název Why do (middle-aged) women undergo cosmetic/aesthetic surgery? Scoping review
Autoři HONELOVÁ, Michaela a Lucie VIDOVIĆOVÁ.
Vydání Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 101, November–December 2023, 102842, 2023, 0277-5395.
Další údaje
Originální jazyk čeština
Typ výsledku Článek v odborném periodiku
Obor 50401 Sociology
Stát vydavatele Česká republika
Utajení není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Impakt faktor Impact factor: 1.400 v roce 2022
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wsif.2023.102842
Klíčová slova anglicky Cosmetic surgery; Aesthetic surgery; Anti-aging; Factors; Motivation; Predictors; Women; Middle-aged women
Změnil Změnila: Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, Ph.D., učo 11638. Změněno: 1. 1. 2024 18:06.
Modern society gives great importance to the body and physical appearance. The fascination with youthfulness and physical attractiveness in Western societies has led (among other things) to a proliferation of cosmetic/aesthetic products, services, and surgical procedures. Today, many women seeking to conform to contemporary standards of beauty ideals choose to use various rejuvenation procedures and/or surgery to enhance or maintain a physically attractive appearance. Due to the rapid development, rising popularity, and influence of these services in society, researchers have begun to look at the correlations among women's positive attitudes toward cosmetic/aesthetic surgery. This review study aims to posit the following question: What are the known about the motivation, factors, predictors, and attitudes that motivate/influence women to undergo cosmetic/aesthetic surgery procedure(s)? The scoping review findings indicate that the motivations and factors leading women to undergo cosmetic/aesthetic surgery procedures often combine macro level, mezo level, and micro level of positive factors and motivations toward aesthetic procedures.
VytisknoutZobrazeno: 1. 6. 2024 13:34