KINGSBURY, Roy, Felicity O'DELL a Guy WELLMAN. Longman practice exams for the Cambridge certificate in advanced English : teacher's guide containing a full desciption of the CAE examination, practice exam administration notes, and paper 4 listening tapescripts, together with detailed answers and sugg. Harlow: Longman Group UK, 1991, 48 s. ISBN 0582018080.
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Originální název Longman practice exams for the Cambridge certificate in advanced English : teacher's guide containing a full desciption of the CAE examination, practice exam administration notes, and paper 4 listening tapescripts, together with detailed answers and sugg
Autoři KINGSBURY, Roy, Felicity O'DELL a Guy WELLMAN.
Vydání Harlow, 48 s. 1991.
Nakladatel Longman Group UK
Další údaje
ISBN 0582018080
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