D 2002

Evaluation of antioxidative activity of flavonoids and exctract of Scutellaria baicalensis with coulochemical detection


Basic information

Original name

Evaluation of antioxidative activity of flavonoids and exctract of Scutellaria baicalensis with coulochemical detection


BOCHOŘÁKOVÁ, Hana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor), Hana PAULOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Jiří SLANINA (203 Czech Republic) and Eva TÁBORSKÁ (203 Czech Republic)


Bratislava, Zborník XVIII.Biochemický zjazd, p. 251-251, 2002


VEDA, vydavatelstvo SAV

Other information



Type of outcome

Proceedings paper

Field of Study

10600 1.6 Biological sciences

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords in English

Scutellaria baicalensis; flavonoids; HPLC-EC; antioxidants
Changed: 23/6/2009 08:43, RNDr. Hana Paulová, CSc.


V originále

In the present study, measuring of hydrodynamic voltammograms using HPLC-ECD was used for the estimation of oxidative potentials of five flavonoids of SCB (B,BG, W, WG, O), and two standards (rutin R, quercetin Q). The compounds with lower potentials (below 400 mV) are regarded as strong antioxidants. Among the individual flavonoids of SCB only B a BG displayed significantly lower values of the first oxidative potentials (50, 150 mV resp.). The HPLC-ECD method was then applied on the analysis of crude extracts from SCB. The peak of BG was absolutely dominant in the chromatogram of the extract, indicating that due to high content and low oxidative potential BG is predominantly responsible for the antioxidative effect of the extract. In conclusion, the HPLC-EC presented here is very suitable for screening of antioxidative components in complex mixtures, especially in plant extracts.

In Czech

V prezentované práci byly měřeny hydrodynamické voltamogramy stanovené pomocí HPLC-ECD a jejich hodnocením byly získány oxidační potenciály pěti flavonoidů z SCB (B, BG, W, WG, O) a dvou standardů flavonoidů (rutinu a quercetinu). Sloučeniny s nižším potenciálem (pod 400mV) jsou považovány za silné antioxidanty. Z flavonoidů izolovaných z SCB pouze B a BG vykazovaly nižší potenciál. Stejným postupem byl proměřen i surový extrakt SCB. Bylo prokázáno, že BG (dominantní pík v chromatogramu extraktu) je převážně odpovědný za antioxidační aktivitu extraktu SCB. Metoda HPLC-ECD je velmi vhodná pro screening antioxidačních látek v komplexních směsích, zvláště v rostlinných extraktech.


GA303/00/D062, research and development project
Name: Biologická dostupnost a mechanismus antioxidačního účinku fenolických kyselin a lignanů
Investor: Czech Science Foundation, Bioavailability and mechanism of antioxidant activity of phenolic acids and lignans