HANUŠ, Jiří. Historie moderní doby. Rozhovory o základních pojmech, událostech a problémech 19. století. (The histor of the modern times. Interview about concepts, events and issues of the 19th century.). Brno: Barrister a principal, 2004, 220 pp. Studium, sv. 4. ISBN 80-86598-64-0.
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Basic information
Original name Historie moderní doby. Rozhovory o základních pojmech, událostech a problémech 19. století.
Name in Czech Historie moderní doby. Rozhovory o základních pojmech, událostech a problémech 19. století.
Name (in English) The histor of the modern times. Interview about concepts, events and issues of the 19th century.
Authors HANUŠ, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor).
Edition Brno, 220 pp. Studium, sv. 4, 2004.
Publisher Barrister a principal
Other information
Original language Czech
Type of outcome Book on a specialized topic
Field of Study 60101 History
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
Organization unit Faculty of Arts
ISBN 80-86598-64-0
Keywords in English modern times; 19th century
Tags 19th century, modern times
Changed by Changed by: prof. PhDr. Jiří Hanuš, Ph.D., učo 17132. Changed: 25/6/2007 21:16.
Historie moderní doby. Rozhovory o základních pojmech, událostech a problémech 19. století.
Abstract (in English)
The histor of the modern times. Interview about concepts, events and issues of the 19th century.
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