V originále
Pro chronická orgánová onemocnení ( napr.jater, pankreatu ) je charakteristická fibrogeneze a ztráta vlastního funkcního parenchymu, která je dost casto velmi progresivní. Ve sdedelní je uvedeno systematický popis vudcich znaku jednotlivych typu chronicke pankreatitidy se zduraznenim vudcich a spolecnych histopatomorfologickych procesu a z nich plynoucich znaku. Pancreatic stellate cells prestavuji bunecny typ zodpovedny za fibroprodukci pri chronicke pankreatitide, desmoplasitcke reakci okolo nadoru pankreatu. Text obsahuje veskere dnes zname vudci bunecne charakteristiky stellate cells, mozne cesty dalsich analyz. Jsou zdurazneny oblasti moznych terapeutickych vstupu pro regulaci fibroprodukce, vcetne aktualni fokusace nasi pracovni skupiny.
The chronical diseases of some organs ( f.e. liver, pancreas,...) are accompanied by loss of functional parenchym and incerase of scarring, which is often progressive. In this article there are described the main types of chrincal pancreatitis, mainly their histopatomorphological similarities and main characteristics. The pancreatic stellate cells are the cellular type, which is responsible for the scarring of pancreatic parenchyma. There are described the main cellular characteristics of these cells, also the areas of possible therapeutic infuelnce for the regulation of fibroproduction in these cells.