HRDLIČKA, Aleš, Linda ZAORÁLKOVÁ, Michaela GALIOVÁ, Tereza ČTVRTNÍČKOVÁ, Viktor KANICKÝ, Vítězslav OTRUBA, Karel NOVOTNÝ, Pavel KRÁSENSKÝ, Jozef KAISER, Radomír MALINA and Kateřina PÁLENÍKOVÁ. Correlation of acoustic and optical emission signals produced at 1064 and 532 nm laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of glazed wall tiles. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, vol. 64, No 1, p. 74-78. ISSN 0584-8547.
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Basic information
Original name Correlation of acoustic and optical emission signals produced at 1064 and 532 nm laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of glazed wall tiles
Name in Czech Korelace akustického a optického emisního signálu vznikajícího při spektroskopii 1064 a 532 nm laserem vybuzeného mikroplazmatu (LIBS) glazovaných dlaždic
Authors HRDLIČKA, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Linda ZAORÁLKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Michaela GALIOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Tereza ČTVRTNÍČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Viktor KANICKÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Vítězslav OTRUBA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Karel NOVOTNÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Pavel KRÁSENSKÝ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution), Jozef KAISER (203 Czech Republic), Radomír MALINA (203 Czech Republic) and Kateřina PÁLENÍKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic).
Edition Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2009, 0584-8547.
Other information
Original language English
Type of outcome Article in a journal
Field of Study 10402 Inorganic and nuclear chemistry
Country of publisher Czech Republic
Confidentiality degree is not subject to a state or trade secret
WWW stránka s odkazem na článek
Impact factor Impact factor: 2.719
RIV identification code RIV/00216224:14310/09:00034527
Organization unit Faculty of Science
UT WoS 000262960000009
Keywords in English LIBS; Acoustic signal; Normalization; Internal standard; Ceramic tile; Depth profiling.
Tags Acoustic signal, Ceramic tile, Depth profiling., Internal standard, LIBS, Normalization
Tags International impact, Reviewed
Changed by Changed by: Mgr. Michaela Vašinová Galiová, Ph.D., učo 64008. Changed: 10/1/2011 15:04.
An acoustic signal was used for the internal standardization of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of a glazed wall tile. For the LIBS analyses, 1064 nm and 532 nm wavelengths of the Nd:YAG laser were utilized. The tile was depth profiled by a single-spot ablation from the glaze into the substrate. Some lines of major elements Si(I) 252.418, Si(I) 252.851, Al(I) 257.509, Cr(I) 295.368, Al(I) 309.271 nm and Ti(II) 334.904 nm were monitored. The decrease in the optical emissions during the ablation was successfully compensated for by normalization to the square power of the acoustic signal in the interval of 290-340 nm. This approach failed for the lines between 250-270 nm. The results were the same for both lasing wavelengths despite different irradiances. The acquired profiles are in good agreement with the reference X-ray fluorescence measurement.
Abstract (in Czech)
Akustický signál byl použit jako vnitřní standard při spektroskopii laserem vybuzeného mikroplazmatu (LIBS)glazovaných dlaždic. Experiment byl proveden s 1064 a 532 nm zářením Nd:YAG laseru ablací do bodu přes glazuru do střepu pro emisní čáry vybraných majoritních prvků: Si(I) 252.418, Si(I) 252.851, Al(I) 257.509, Cr(I) 295.368, Al(I) 309.271 nm a Ti(II) 334.904 nm. Pokles optické emise během ablace byl úspěšně kompenzován normalizací na druhou mocninu akustického signálu v intervalu vlnových délek 290-340 nm. To se však nedařilo pro interval 250-270 nm. Výsledky byly stejné pro obě vlnové délky laseru, byť byly použity rozdílné iradiace. Takto naměřené hloubkové profily jsou v souladu s referenčním měřením rentgenofluorescencí.
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