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    1. SHAPIRO, Roman. Новый Тайваньский центр синологии в Брно. Radio Taiwan International, 2022.
    2. SHAPIRO, Roman. Foneticheskaja jevoljucija sychuan'skogo dialekta kitajskogo jazyka. 1. vyd. Moscow: Internauka, 2022, 148 s. edice Internauka. ISBN 978-5-6047435-0-8.


    1. SHAPIRO, Roman. Прощальное интервью с Романом Шапиро (A Farewell Interview with Roman Shapiro). Radio Taiwan International, 2021.
    2. SHAPIRO, Roman. Feng Menglong’s Three Words: the Untranslated Stories. In D.N. Voskresensky Readings. Institute for Asian and African Studies, Moscow University, 2021, s. 12-14.
    3. SHAPIRO, Roman. Historical Survey of Russian Cartoon Art. In Radio Taiwan International Moveable Studio Invited Lecture. 2021.
    4. SHAPIRO, Roman. Historical Survey of Russian Vocal Music. In Radio Taiwan International Moveable Studio Invited Lecture. 2021.
    5. SHAPIRO, Roman. China in Russian Music. In Radio Taiwan International Moveable Studio Invited Lecture. 2021.
    6. SHAPIRO, Roman. Chinese Philology. Translation and Music Against the Traditional Chinese Scholar Background. In I Have Changed All the Arms for These Ones: Our Choices in Science. International Round Table. Historical and Cultural Research Laboratory. SHAGI RANHiGS. Moscow. 2021.
    7. SHAPIRO, Roman. Lexicology of Chinese Pidgin Russian. In Modern Problems of Slavic Philology. Proceedings. Taipei: National Chengchi University, 2021, s. 54-63.
    8. SHAPIRO, Roman. Princess Turandot Story in Contemporary Plays of Traditional Chinese Theatre. In The 9th International Conference on the Problems of the Literatures of the Far East. St Petersburg University. 2021.
    9. SHAPIRO, Roman. Russian Art Song. Radio Taizhong Music Hour, 2021.
    10. SHAPIRO, Roman. Russian Folk Musical Games and Songs Lecture 1. In Taiwan World Game Society. 2021.
    11. SHAPIRO, Roman. Russian Folk Musical Games and Songs Lecture 2. In Taiwan World Game Society. 2021.
    12. SHAPIRO, Roman. Russian Folk Musical Games and Songs Lecture 3. In Taiwan World Game Society. 2021.
    13. SHAPIRO, Roman. Russian Folk Musical Games and Songs Lecture 4. In Taiwan World Game Society. 2021.
    14. SHAPIRO, Roman. The Girl in a Green-Apple Skirt (foreword). In 三毛. 撒哈拉的故事 (Sanmao. Stories from Sahara Desert). Moscow: AST publishers, 2021, s. 3-10. ISBN 978-5-17-147707-3.
    15. SHAPIRO, Roman. The Oriental Princess who came from the West: the prototype, evolution and cross-cultural transformation. In 2021新媒體時代下的文化衝擊與社會責任國際研討會. Shixin University, 2021, s. 71-78.
    16. SHAPIRO, Roman. The Romantic Myth of the Orient: Chinese Motifs in G. Puccini’s Turandot. In Confucianism and Art International Conference. Taipei City University, Taipei. 2021.
    17. SHAPIRO, Roman. Three Centuries of Chinese Poetry. Lecture 1. In Symposion Academy. 2021.
    18. SHAPIRO, Roman. Three Centuries of Chinese Poetry. Lecture 2. In Symposion Academy. 2021.
    19. SHAPIRO, Roman. Three Centuries of Chinese Poetry. Lecture 3. In Symposion Academy. 2021.
    20. SHAPIRO, Roman. Turandot and Taiwanese Culture. In Taiwan Musical Society Invited Lecture. Taipei. 2021.
    21. SHAPIRO, Roman. Turandot: the Children Version. In Taipei Children Literature Lovers Society Invited Lecture. 2021.
    22. SHAPIRO, Roman. 21世紀西方歌劇與中華戲曲文化的創新(以杜蘭朵公主故事爲例)(Western Opera and Cultural Innovation in Chinese Theatre in the 21st Century). In 文化創新暨文化數位加值國際學術研討會. Taizhong University of Science and Technology. Taizhong. 2021.


    1. SHAPIRO, Roman. 中俄文學與思想文化交流史. In 國立臺灣大學中文系暨中文所學會學術講座. 2020.
    2. SHAPIRO, Roman. 中外文學交流的歷史. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.
    3. SHAPIRO, Roman. 中西文學與藝術的關聯. In 中西文學與藝術行銷等跨領域講座,臺北市立大學. 2020.
    4. SHAPIRO, Roman. 俄羅斯中文教學. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.
    5. SHAPIRO, Roman. 俄羅斯漢學研究的歷史發展與現況. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.
    6. SHAPIRO, Roman a 家恆 吳. 如歌的拉赫曼尼諾夫. In 大師與名作系列一馬祖耶夫/拉赫曼尼諾夫 鋼琴協奏曲全集演講,Taitung Opera Theatre. 2020.
    7. SHAPIRO, Roman. 我對中國戲曲的認識與研究:傀儡戲與圖蘭朵公主. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.
    8. SHAPIRO, Roman. 第一届拉赫瑪尼諾夫的藝術歌曲:華人演唱特點. 2020.
    9. SHAPIRO, Roman. 第二届拉赫瑪尼諾夫的藝術歌曲:華人演唱特點. 2020.
    10. SHAPIRO, Roman. 莫斯科文化歷史中的中國與台灣. In 《都城與常理》暨《儒與藝》國際學術研討會,臺北市立大學. 2020.
    11. SHAPIRO, Roman. 華人合唱傳統與歐洲聲樂技巧. 2020.
    12. SHAPIRO, Roman. 華裔作家成功的秘密. In Fujen University, Monumenta Serica 基督宗教與道家/道教的會遇:經典、詮釋與對話 學術研討會, 漢學學群工作坊/ 青年學者論壇漢學的跨領域交談 [Christianity and Taoism / Taoist meetings: Cannon, commentary and dialogue Academic seminar, Sinology group workshop / Young scholars forum for interdisciplinary discussions in Sinology]. Taipei: Fujen University, Monumenta Serica, 2020, s. 47-56.
    13. SHAPIRO, Roman. 西方來的東方公主:論杜蘭朵的原型、變體與跨文化展演. In 中央研究院中國文哲研究所 [Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy]. 2020.
    14. SHAPIRO, Roman. 西方漢學研究歷史與現況. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.
    15. SHAPIRO, Roman. 西方的中國公主:從波斯童話通過普契尼歌劇到中國戲曲. In 寰宇漢學講座. 2020.
    16. SHAPIRO, Roman. Интервью с Романом Шапиро, ч. 1. 2020.
    17. SHAPIRO, Roman. Интервью с Романом Шапиро, ч. 2. 2020.
    18. SHAPIRO, Roman. 羅子毅 (Roman Shapiro) 教授演講「西方的中國公主:從波斯童話通過普契尼歌劇到中國戲曲」紀要. Online. Ming-Qing Studies Newsletter. The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, 2020.
    19. SHAPIRO, Roman. Classical Chinese Puppet Theatre Plays. In S. Nikolskaya. 3rd Dmitry Voskresensky Philological Readings, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Moscow University. Moscow: Moscow State University, 2020, s. 14-21.
    20. SHAPIRO, Roman. 兩國居民語言不通時產生的混雜語言:Chinese Pidgin English, Chinese Pidgin Russian. In 臺北市立大學中國與文學系暨華語文教學碩士學位學程109學年度歐洲韓雪系列講座. 2020.


    1. SHAPIRO, Roman. 与余华携手同行:权利、边界、挑战与困惑. In 翻译家的对话 [Translators' Dialogues]. Beijing: 作家出版社 [Zuojia Publishers], 2017, s. 166-179. ISBN 978-7-5063-9495-6.
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