Masaryk University

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    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Netradiční král v netradiční hře od netradičního autora (An Unconventional King in an Unconventional Play by an Unconventional Author). In Hrdinová, Anna. Christopher Marlowe : Neklidná vláda a žalostná smrt Edvarda Druhého, krále anglického. 1st ed. Kolín: Filip Krajník, 2023, p. 23-55. Anglické restaurační drama ve studentském vydání, sv. 2. ISBN 978-80-11-03319-4.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Anna HRDINOVÁ. (Not) Beyond the Shoe : Shakespeare and Theatre Rivalries in the Augustan Period. Ostrava Journal of English Philology. Ostrava, 2023, vol. 15, No 2, p. 31-47. ISSN 1803-8174. Available from:
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. On Nuns, Husbands and Purgatories : Aphra Behn’s The History of the Nun and 18th-Century Actors’ Adaptation for the Theatre. In English and Irish Women Writers of the Long Eighteenth Century, Pécs, 24-25 November 2023. 2023.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Ivona MIŠTEROVÁ. Passion and Politics in Diego de Brea and Jakub Čermák’s "Edward II" : Marlowe’s Controversial History on Czech Stages. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance. POLAND: LODZ UNIV PRESS, 2023, vol. 28, No 43, p. 227-243. ISSN 2083-8530. Available from:
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip and David DROZD. Playing the Poems : Five Faces of Shakespeare’s Sonnets on Czech Stages. In Kingsley-Smith, Jane; Rampone, W. Reginald. Shakespeare’s Global Sonnets : Translation, Appropriation, Performance. 1st ed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, p. 183-200. Global Shakespeares. ISBN 978-3-031-09471-2. Available from:
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Shakespeare in His Country’s Service : Two Early-18th-Century Adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew. In Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2023, 23-24 March 2023. 2023.
    7. HRDINOVÁ, Anna and Filip KRAJNÍK. "The form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad" : Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and the Multi-Genre Theatre of the Long English Restoration. In Crhová, Marie; Weiss, Michaela. Silesian Studies In English 2021. Proceedings of the 6th international conference of English and American studies, 9th-10th September 2021. 1st ed. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2023, p. 407-424. ISBN 978-80-7510-556-1.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Before the Bard : Shakespeare and Popular English Theatre Culture of the Early 18th Century. In Zvláštní přednáška pro studenty a zaměstnance na Univerzitě v Pécsi, Maďarsko. 2022.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Converting a Saul into a Paul in St. Cecily: or, The Converted Twins (1666) : Pro-Catholic Polemics on the Early Restoration English Stage. Caliban: French Journal of English Studies. Toulouse (Francie): Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2022, vol. 2022, 67-68, p. 237-252. ISSN 2425-6250. Available from:
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip, Anna HRDINOVÁ and Pavel DRÁBEK. Dramaturgical Translation as a Means of Training a Young Generation of Translators for the Theatre. In Kubánek, Michal; Klabal, Ondřej; Molnár, Ondřej. Teaching Translation vs. Training Translators : Proceedings of the Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2022, p. 69-77. ISBN 978-80-244-6079-6. Available from:
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Her Majesty's Shakespeare : Shakespearean Echoes in Songs by Queen. Theory and Practice in English Studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022, vol. 11, No 1, p. 151-159. ISSN 1805-0859.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "Jednání uzpůsobte slovu a slovo jednání" : Překlad Shakespearova Hamleta ve 21. století ("Suit the action to the word, the word to the action" : Translating Shakespeare's Hamlet in the 21st century). In Zvláštní přednáška pro studenty a veřejnost na Filozoficko-přírodovědecké fakultě Slezské univerzity v Opavě. 2022.
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Shakespeare and Co. "Quite Undone" : English Renaissance Plays as Late Restoration Popular Entertainments. In How to Do Things with Early Modern Words, 14-16 July 2022, Loughborough University. 2022.
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Eva KYSELOVÁ. Shakespeare at Four Castles : Summer Shakespeare Festival in Prague, Brno, Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Bratislava (Slovakia). In Cinpoes, Nicoleta; March, Florence; Prescott, Paul. Shakespeare on European Festival Stages. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022, p. 55-74. The Arden Shakespeare. ISBN 978-1-350-14016-5. Available from:
    8. KRAJNÍK, Filip and David DROZD. Sonnets on the Stage : Performing Shakespeare’s Sonnets on Czech Stages after the Year 2000. In ESSE Conference, 29 August-2 Septemberm 2022, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. 2022.
    9. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Svár rozumu a emoce v Shakespearově Hamletovi (The Struggle between Reason and Emotion in Shakespeare's Hamlet). In Mikyšková, Anna. William Shakespeare : Tragický příběh o Hamletovi, dánském princi. Kolín: Filip Krajník, 2022, p. 15-50. ISBN 978-80-11-01890-0.
    10. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "Tak mám, nebo ne?" : O překládání Hamleta pro čtení i hraní ("Should I, or should I not?" : On Translating Hamlet for Page and Stage). In Divadelní piknik Volyně 2022 : Celostátní přehlídka amatérského činoherního a hudebního divadla. 2022.
    11. KRAJNÍK, Filip. The Translator as Author : The Case of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls. In Poplawski, Paul. Studying English Literature in Context : Critical Readings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, p. 27-43. n/a. ISBN 978-1-108-74957-2.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Converting a Saul into a Paul in Matthew Medbourne's St Cecily, or, The Converted Twins (1666) - 19 .10. 2021, online conference. In English Theatre Culture 1660-1737 Online Symposium #2 : Theatre, Society and Politics, 19 and 21 October 2021, Brno, Masaryk University. 2021.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip, Anna MIKYŠKOVÁ, Klára ŠKROBÁNKOVÁ, Pavel DRÁBEK and David DROZD. English Theatre Culture 1660-1737 Online Symposium #2 : Theatre, Society and Politics, 19 and 21 October 2021, Brno, Masaryk University. 2021.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Haunted Purgatory : Boccaccio's Decameron 3.8 as an Eighteenth-Century Afterpiece. Theory and Practice in English Studies (THEPES). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, vol. 10, No 1, p. 49-62. ISSN 1805-0859.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Murdering Sleep on the Early Modern English Stage. Journal of Early Modern Studies. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2021, vol. 10, No 1, p. 125-150. ISSN 2279-7149. Available from:
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Reading Shylock's Dream : A Pathological Miser or an Anxious Dream Interpreter? Ostrava Journal of English Philology. Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, 2021, vol. 13, No 2, p. 43-50. ISSN 1803-8174. Available from:
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Restored and De-restored : Killing Off Garrick in John Philip Kemble's King Lear. Theatralia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021, vol. 24, No 1, p. 92-100. ISSN 1803-845X. Available from:
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Revisiting Restoration Performance Culture for the Second Time : Restoration Online Symposium #2, "Theatre, Society and Politics". Theory and Practice in English Studies. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2021, vol. 10, No 1, p. 133-137. ISSN 1805-0859.
    8. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Sonnet-Mania in Shakespeare's England: Traditions, Conventions and Clichés of Renaissance English Sonnets. In Přednáška na Ústavu cizích jazyků Filozoficko-přírodovědecké fakulty Slezské univerzity v Opavě. 2021.
    9. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Spirituality and Anxiety in Songs by Queen. In Přednáška na Ústavu cizích jazyků Filozoficko-přírodovědecké fakulty Slezské univerzity v Opavě. 2021.
    10. KRAJNÍK, Filip. St Cecily as a Pro-Catholic Advocate in Matthew Medbourne's Tragedy Converted Twins (1666). In Dispute et Tolérance Religieuses à la Renaissance, June 4, 2021, Université Toulouse. 2021.
    11. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Anna MIKYŠKOVÁ. "The form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad" : Doctor Faustus and the Multi-Genre Theatre of the Long English Restoration. In 6th International Conference of English and American Studies, Silesian Studies in English – SILSE 2021, 9-10t September 2021, Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University in Opava. 2021.
    12. KRAJNÍK, Filip. The Ghost of Boccaccio in Early-Modern English Theatre. In Přednáška na Katedře anglického jazyka a literatury Filozofické fakulty Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2021.
    13. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Michaela WEISS. "Their hour will be his hour" : Margaret Atwood's Hag-Seed and the Conventions of Renaissance Revenge Plays. Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. Hradec Králové: Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové, 2021, vol. 8, 1-2, p. 80-86. ISSN 2336-3347.


    1. CHOVANEC, Jan, Filip KRAJNÍK, Anna MIKYŠKOVÁ and Lenka ŽÁRSKÁ. Book of Abstracts: Breaking the Boundaries. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020, 100 pp.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Matthew Medbourne’s St. Cecily : or, The Converted Twins : The Medieval Saint as a Restoration Papist. In In/Outside the Frame Conference, 15th International Cultural Studies Conference & 4th International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning, 5th-6th November 2020, University of Pardubice, Pardubice. 2020.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. O první lidské neposlušnosti, věčné prozřetelnosti a cestách Božích... : John Milton a Ztracený ráj (Of Man's First Disobedience, Eternal Providence and the Wayes of God... : John Milton and Paradise Lost). In John Milton, Dodo Gombár : Ztracený ráj (zpráva o člověku) (Městské divadlo Brno, program k 786. premiéře a šesté inscenaci v sezóně 2019/2020). Brno: Městské divadlo Brno, 2020, p. 33-43.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Obraz dvou světů a jedné lásky (An Image of Two Worlds and One Love). In William Shakespeare : Antonius a Kleopatra (Městské divadlo Brno, program k 789. premiéře a osmé inscenaci v sezóně 2019/2020). Brno: Městské divadlo Brno, 2020, p. 21-37.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. On the Issue of Adaptation in Restoration Theatre : Some Theoretical and Methodological Observations. In 11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies : "Breaking the Boundaries : In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions", 12–14 February, 2020, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. 2020.
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Zpupný krákal – Shakespeara pro naši dobu (The Upstart Crow - Shakespeare for Our Times). Theatralia. Masarykova univerzita, 2020, vol. 23, No 2, p. 198-202. ISSN 1803-845X. Available from:
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip, Ivona VRZALOVÁ, Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ, Jan CHOVANEC, Tomáš KAČER, Anna MIKYŠKOVÁ, Jana PELCLOVÁ, František TŮMA, Stefan VELESKI and Renata KAMENICKÁ. 11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies : "Breaking the Boundaries : In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions", 12–14 February, 2020, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. 2020.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Alžbětinské divadlo a Shakespearův divadelní jazyk (Elizabethan Theatre and Shakespeare's Theatrical Language). In Přednáškový cyklus "Dějiny divadla v kontextu vývoje západní kultury" na DAMU, Praha. 2019.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. An Interview with Olivia Lomenech Gill (and Elzéard Lomenech Gill) About Stories, Art, and (Not Only) Fantastic Beasts. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Anglické divadlo a drama období restaurace (English Theatre and Drama of the Restoration Period). In Přednáškový cyklus "Dějiny divadla v kontextu vývoje západní kultury" na DAMU, Praha. 2019.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Elizabethan Theatre in the Context of English Literature and Culture. In Přednáškový cyklus "Přehled britské literatury" na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě. 2019.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Harry Potter : The Boy Whose Story We Have Always Heard. In Crhová, Marie; Weiss, Michaela. Silesian Studies in English 2018 : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of English and American Studies (6th-7th September 2018). Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2019, p. 108-115. ISBN 978-80-7510-398-7.
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. “I hope we shall grow wiser in the End” : Romeo and Juliet in the midst of Restoration Party Politics. In Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference, 28-29 March 2019, University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 2019.
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip. “Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous, / By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams” : Political Dreams in Shakespeare’s History Plays. In Myth and Dream / The Dreaming of Myth, University of Bologna, 23-24 May 2019. 2019.
    8. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Restoration Theatre and Drama and Their Place in the History of English Literature. In Přednáškový cyklus "Přehled britské literatury" na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě. 2019.
    9. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Restoring Shakespeare, Adapting Tate, Killing off Garrick : Staging King Lear on the Post-Restoration London Stages. In European Shakespeare Research Association Conference : Shakespeare and European Geographies: Centralities and Elsewheres, Rome, 9-12 July, 2019. 2019.
    10. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Romeo a Julie a noc (Romeo and Juliet and Night). In Moderní divadlo. Praha: Městská divadla pražská, 2019, p. 6-7. ISSN 2571-1423.
    11. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Romeo and Juliet in the Context of Elizabethan Theatre. In Přednáškový cyklus "Přehled britské literatury" na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě. 2019.
    12. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Romeo and Juliet in the Midst of Early 18th-Century English Party Politics. Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. Hradec Králové: Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové, 2019, vol. 6, No 1, p. 79-88. ISSN 2336-3347.
    13. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Sonetová mánie v shakespearovské Anglii (The Sonnet Mania in Shakespeare's England). In Moderní divadlo. Praha: Městská divadla pražská, 2019, p. 10-13. ISSN 2571-1423.
    14. KRAJNÍK, Filip. William Shakespeare jako filmová a televizní postava (William Shakespeare as a Film and TV Character). In FILOVER : Přednášky pro veřejnost na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. 2019.
    15. ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Kristína, Radek NOVÁK, Ivona VRZALOVÁ, Jiří LUKL, Filip KRAJNÍK, Jana CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ and Naděžda KUDRNÁČOVÁ. 6th IDEAS English Students' Conference, English Students' Club, 10 May 2019, The Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, 2019. 2019.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip, Margaret BRIDGES and Klára PETŘÍKOVÁ. ESSE 2018 Conference Seminar "Writing (about) Women in Medieval England". 2018.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Harry Potter : The Boy Whose Story We Have Always Heard. In 5th International Conference of English and American Studies SILESIAN STUDIES IN ENGLISH — SILSE 2018, 6-7 September 2018, Opava, Czech Republic. 2018.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Medieval Performance in the Twenty-First Century? : The Case of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls and Its Translation for Modern Audiences. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2018 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Medieval Performance in the Twenty-First Century? : The Case of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls and Its Translation for Modern Audiences. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2018 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018. ISBN 978-80-210-9015-6.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Mirrors of/for the times : Shakespeare in Central European theatre. Theatralia. Masarykova univerzita, 2018, vol. 21, No 2, p. 201-203. ISSN 1803-845X. Available from:
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Restored and Un-restored : King Lear on the 18th-Century London Stage. In 14th International Cultural Studies Conference & 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning, 8th-9th November, 2018, University of Pardubice, Pardubice. 2018.
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Restored and Un-restored : King Lear on the 18th-Century London Stage. In 14th International Cultural Studies Conference & 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching and Learning, 8th-9th November, 2018, University of Pardubice, Pardubice. 2018.
    8. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Writing (Divine) Love : Blending the Sacred and the Secular in the Mystical Marriages of St Katherine and the Pearl-Maiden. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2018 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018.
    9. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Writing (Divine) Love : Blending the Sacred and the Secular in the Mystical Marriages of St Katherine and the Pearl-Maiden. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August – 2 September 2018 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018. ISBN 978-80-210-9015-6.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Geoffrey Chaucer : The Parliament of Fowls / Ptačí sněm. Praha: Argo, 2017, 328 pp. ISBN 978-80-257-1608-3.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Translating the translator : Modern renditions of Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls. In Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc 2017 : "Translating the Wor(l)d : Beyond Language", November 10–11, 2017, Olomouc. 2017.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Translating the Translator : On Rendering Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowls into Modern Languages. Czech and Slovak linguistic review. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, 2017, vol. 2017, 1-2, p. 142-156. ISSN 1805-1502.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Death-as-Sleep Metaphor and Its Dramatic Roles in Shakespeare’s Plays. In British Shakespeare Association 2016 Conference, 8.-11. 9. 2016, Hull. 2016.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Desdemona & Co. : Sleeping Beauties on the Jacobean Stage. In Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2016, 22.-23. 3. 2016, Hradec Králové. 2016.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Aneta MITRENGOVÁ. Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus in Three Czech Translations. In Jitka Zehnalová a kol. Interchange between Languages and Cultures : The Quest for Quality. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, 2016, p. 151-176. ISBN 978-80-244-5107-7.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. „Nejstarší nejvíc nes’“ : Stáří Shakespearova krále Leara v českých obrozeneckých překladech (“The oldest hath borne most” : The Old Age of Shakespeare’s King Lear in Czech Translations from the 18th and 19th Centuries). Slavica Wratislaviensia. Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2016, CLXIII, No 1, p. 449-462. ISSN 0137-1150.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Organizace cyklu přednášek "Shakespearovské jeviště od renesance po současnost" pořádaném u příležitosti Týdne humanitních věd FF MU, 2016 (Organisation of the lecture cycle "Shakespearean Stage from the Renaissance to the Present" organised as part of the Week of the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, 2016). 2016.
    6. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Přízrak tmavovlásky v životě a díle Philipa K. Dicka (The Phantom of the Dark-Haired Girl in Philip K. Dick’s Life and Fiction). In Philip K. Dick : Dokážeme vás stvořit (Praha: Argo, 2016). Vydání první. Prague: Argo, 2016, p. 261-289. ISBN 978-80-257-1699-1.
    7. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Shakespeare: byl, či nebyl? (Shakespeare: Was He or Was He Not?). 2016.
    8. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "V svém loži mrtev" : spící oběti a váhaví vrazi v alzbětinských historiích ("Dead in his bed" : Sleeping Victims and Hesitant Murderers in Elizabethan Histories). Divadelní revue. Praha: Institut umění - Divadelní ústav, 2016, vol. 27, No 1, p. 7-23. ISSN 0862-5409.


    1. CHOVANEC, Jan, Martina HORÁKOVÁ, Renata KAMENICKÁ and Filip KRAJNÍK. Creating, Shaping, Signifying : Abstracts. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 135 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7690-7.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "I think this ending is much better." Two Recent Film Adaptations of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet for Younger Audiences. In Klára Kolinská, Carlos A. Sanz Mingo. Read on Screen : Film Adaptations of Literature in English. 1st edition. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2015, p. 77-99. ISBN 978-80-87956-11-3.
    3. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Shakespearův divadelní jazyk (Shakespeare's Dramatic Language). In Dějiny divadla v kontextu vývoje západní kultury , 9. 12. 2015, Katedra teorie a kritiky, Divadelní fakulta AMU v Praze. 2015.
    4. KRAJNÍK, Filip. The Dreams of Three Emperors : The Journey of Achmet's Oneirocriticon from Byzantium to Bohemia. In Othello's Island 2015, 20.-22. 3. 2015, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2015.
    5. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "You dream by the book": Shakespeare's Dreams and Dream Interpretation Manuals. In 10th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, The Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University and The Czech Association for the Study of English (CZASE), 5.-7. 2. 2015, Brno. 2015.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "For þat þou lestez watz bot a rose": Elements of Courtly Dream-Vision in the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine and the Pearl-Maiden. In Hradec Králové Anglophone Conference 2014. 2014.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "I think this ending is much better": Four Film Adaptations of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet for Children. In Read on Screen: Film Adaptations of Literature in English. 2014.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. Pátrání po Shakespearovi (ztraceném v lese) (Searching for Shakespeare (Lost in the Forrest)). Institut umění - Divadelní ústav, 2013.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "Then draw the Curtaines againe": The Strange Case of Good Duke Humphrey (of William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part Two). The Luminary. 2013, No 3, p. 26-37.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip and Jana KOLÁŘOVÁ. Prolegomena k české středověké verzi Achmetova Oneirokritikon, její pražské latinské předloze a řeckému originálu (Prolegomena to the Medieval Bohemian Version of Achmet’s Oneirocriticon, its Prague Latin Model and the Greek Original). Listy filologické. Praha: Kabinet pro klasická studia, FLÚ AV ČR, 2012, vol. 135, 3-4, p. 287-331. ISSN 0024-4457.
    2. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "Slušie-li lidu křesťanskému věřiti sennému vidění a jeho výkladóm": Snář mistra Vavřince v kontextu středověké snové nauky ("Whether it is suitable for Christian people to believe in dreams and dream interpretation": The Dreambook of Master Laurentius in the Context of Mediaeval Dream Lore). Slavica Wratislaviensia. Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2012, CLV, No 1, p. 329-336. ISSN 0239-6661.


    1. KRAJNÍK, Filip. "Spát! Snad mít i sny...": Spánek a sen v Shakespearovi ("To sleep, perchance to dream…": Sleeping and Dreaming in Shakespeare). Rozrazil - revue na provázku. Brno: Centrum pro kulturu a společnost, 2008, vol. 2008, No 2, p. 69-72. ISSN 1801-4755.


    1. DRÁBEK, Pavel and Klára KOLINSKÁ. Shakespearovští odborníci z celého světa se sešli u jednoho stolu (Shakespeare Scholars from the Whole World Encountered). Literární noviny. Praha: Společnost pro literární noviny, 2006, vol. 17, No 8, p. 10-11. ISSN 1210-0021.
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