Masaryk University

Publication Records

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    1. VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. La ville sans vent. Brno: Host, 2022. ISBN 978-80-275-1043-6.
      Name in Czech: Bezvětrné město

      Keywords in English: fantasy, translation, French, novel

      Changed by: Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D., učo 20439. Changed: 28/4/2022 12:49.


    1. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Prevodat i negovite predizvikatelstva - budeštěto na prevodačeskata profesia (Translation and its challenges - the future of the translation profession). In Online přednáška pro studenty slavistiky na Sofijské univerzitě Sv. Klimenta Ochridského (28.05.2021). 2021.
      Name in Czech: Překlad a jeho výzvy - budoucnost překladatelské profese
      Name (in English): Translation and its challenges - the future of the translation profession
      Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Keywords in English: translation; specialized terminology; training of translators and interpreters
      Type of participation: requested lecture

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 17/1/2022 11:25.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena and Petr MAINUŠ. Překladatel ve službě společnosti (strasti a slasti profese soudního tlumočníka) (Translator in the service of society (the sorrows and pleasures of the profession of court interpreter)). FF MU, 2021.
      Name in Czech: Překladatel ve službě společnosti (strasti a slasti profese soudního tlumočníka)
      Name (in English): Translator in the service of society (the sorrows and pleasures of the profession of court interpreter)
      Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: translation; specialized translation; training of translators and interpreters; terminology

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 11/4/2022 10:41.
    3. KREJČOVÁ, Elena and Nadezhda STALYANOVA. Specializiranite rečnici kato posobija za didaktičeska rabota s čuždestranni bălgaristi (Specialized dictionaries as a tool for didactic work with foreign students of Bulgarian). In Obučenieto po bălgaristika zad granica, Melitopolski dăržaven pedagogičeski univesritet "B. Chmelnicki". 2021.
      Name in Czech: Specializované slovníky jako nástroje pro didaktickou práci se zahraničními bulharisty
      Name (in English): Specialized dictionaries as a tool for didactic work with foreign students of Bulgarian

      Keywords in English: specialized dictionaries; terms; Slavic languages

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Elena Krejčová, Ph.D., učo 23084. Changed: 28/6/2021 19:38.
    4. KREJČOVÁ, Elena and Nadezhda STALYANOVA. Specializiranite rečnici v pomošt na didaktičeskata rabota săs studenti slavisti (Specialized dictionaries and their use in didactic work with students of Slavonic studies). In Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia pri príležitosti 30. výročia slovakistiky na Univerzite sv. Klimenta Ochridského v Sofii. 2021.
      Name in Czech: Specializované slovníky a jejich využití při didaktické práci se studenty slavistiky
      Name (in English): Specialized dictionaries and their use in didactic work with students of Slavonic studies

      Keywords in English: dictionary; specialized translation; Slavic languages

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Elena Krejčová, Ph.D., učo 23084. Changed: 28/6/2021 19:41.
    5. VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. True Bastards. Brno: Host, 2021. ISBN 978-80-275-0522-7.
      Name in Czech: Praví bastardi
      Name (in English): True Bastards

      Keywords in English: fantasy, translation, English, novel

      Changed by: Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D., učo 20439. Changed: 12/9/2021 13:01.
    6. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Za obučenieto na studenti slavisti v oblastta na specifikite na leksikografskata rabota (About teaching students of Slavonic studies in the field of specifics of lexicographic work). Bălgarska reč. Spisanie za ezikoznanie i ezikova kultura. Sofija: Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2021, vol. 28, No 1, p. 120-123. ISSN 1310-733X.
      web časopisu
      Name in Czech: O výuce studentů slavistiky v oblasti specifik lexikografiské práce
      Name (in English): About teaching students of Slavonic studies in the field of specifics of lexicographic work
      RIV/00216224:14210/21:00121870 Article in a journal. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Slavic lexicography; bilingual dictionaries; specialized translation
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 17/1/2022 09:36.


    1. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Prevodăt i negovite predivzikatelstva (Translation and its Challenges). 1st ed. Sofie: Paradigma, 2020, 164 pp. Prevodăt i negovite predivzikatelstva. ISBN 978-954-326-414-8.
      Name in Czech: Překlad a jeho výzvy
      Name (in English): Translation and its Challenges
      RIV/00216224:14210/20:00117627 Book on a specialized topic. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; specialized translation; training of translators
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 19/3/2021 14:10.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Specifiki na profesijata na sadebnija prevodach v Čehija (Specifics of the work of a court interpreter in Czechia). Savremenna lingvistika. Sofie: Sofijská univerzita Sv. Klimenta Ochridského, 2020, vol. 2020, 1/2020, p. 36-41. ISSN 2603-4425.
      Name in Czech: Specifika práce soudního tlumočníka v Česku
      Name (in English): Specifics of the work of a court interpreter in Czechia
      RIV/00216224:14210/20:00117645 Article in a journal. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; court interpreting; translation
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Igor Hlaváč, učo 342491. Changed: 22/3/2021 08:35.


    1. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Izbrani problemi, svurzani sus suzdavaneto na prevodnija češko-bulgarski juridičeski rečnik (Selected problems related to the creation of the Czech-Bulgarian legal dictionary). Online. In Aleksova, Krasimira; Tiševa, Jovka; Džonova, Marina. Bulgaristični ezikovedski četenija: Materiali ot meždunarodnata konferencija po slučaj na 130-godišninata na Sofijskija universitet "Sv. Kliment Ohridski". 1. vyd. Sofie: Sofijski universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2019, p. 458-463. ISBN 978-619-7433-31-9.
      Name in Czech: Vybrané problémy spojené s vytvořením česko-bulharského právního slovníku
      Name (in English): Selected problems related to the creation of the Czech-Bulgarian legal dictionary
      RIV/00216224:14210/19:00111673 Proceedings paper. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (100 Bulgaria, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: language for special (specific) purposes; language of law; legal language; legal dictionary
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Igor Hlaváč, učo 342491. Changed: 2/3/2020 12:07.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Njakoi beležki za specializiranija prevod (Some issues of specialized translation). Bălgarska reč. Spisanie za ezikoznanie i ezikova kultura. Sofie: Sofijská univerzita Sv. Klimenta Ochridského, 2019, vol. 15, No 1, p. 106-110. ISSN 1310-733X.
      Name in Czech: Některé otázky specializovaného překladu
      Name (in English): Some issues of specialized translation
      RIV/00216224:14210/19:00124798 Article in a journal. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (100 Bulgaria, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; specialized texts; translation of specialized texts
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. et Mgr. Stanislav Hasil, učo 415267. Changed: 16/2/2023 08:44.
    3. KREJČOVÁ, Elena, Mirna STEHLÍKOVÁ DURASEK and Ana PETROV. Tematický slovník češtiny, bulharštiny, srbštiny a chorvatštiny (Thematic dictionary of Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian and Croatian). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2019, 167 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9336-2.
      Name (in English): Thematic dictionary of Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian and Croatian
      RIV/00216224:14210/19:00111075 Textbook. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Stehlíková Durasek, Mirna (191 Croatia, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: thematic dictionary; Bulgarian; Czech; Croatian; Serbian
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Igor Hlaváč, učo 342491. Changed: 3/4/2020 16:23.


    1. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Embedded narratives in the self-help and guide genre : a comparative study of English and Czech. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August - 2 September, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018.
      Name in Czech: Vyprávění vnořená v žánru self-help literatury : srovnávací studie pro angličtinu a češtinu
      RIV/00216224:14210/18:00105839 Presentations at conferences. English. Czech Republic.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: narrative; embedded; discourse; self-help; translation; English; Czech
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Igor Hlaváč, učo 342491. Changed: 8/3/2019 08:43.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Vybrané problémy spojené s tvorbou překladového právnického slovníku (na materiálu bulharštiny a češtiny) (Some Problems Associated with Creating a Legal Dictionary (on Bulgarian and Czech Language Material)). In Area Slavica 2. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2018, p. 135-143. Area. ISBN 978-80-7599-008-2.
      Name (in English): Some Problems Associated with Creating a Legal Dictionary (on Bulgarian and Czech Language Material)
      RIV/00216224:14210/18:00104077 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translatology; translation dictionary; law; legal language; translation; legal dictionaries
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 16/3/2019 09:42.


    1. DOLEŽALOVÁ, Pavla. Nová Astrea. Překlad s výkladem nejen o Seladonovi a nových Arkádiích (La Nouvelle Astrée. Translation and commentary on not only Céladon and new Arcadias). 1st ed. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2017, 237 pp. Kultura, 554. ISBN 978-80-7325-436-0.
      Name (in English): La Nouvelle Astrée. Translation and commentary on not only Céladon and new Arcadias
      RIV/00216224:14210/17:00098082 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Doležalová, Pavla (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: pastoral novel in France; literary translation; modernization
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Pavla Doležalová, Ph.D., učo 399. Changed: 22/2/2018 14:55.
    2. MYRONOVA, Halyna. Prodovžennja… Ale či stane vono tradycijeju??? I na zaveršennja... (Continuation ... But will it become a tradition? And in the end ...). Brno: Jan Sojnek - Galium, 2017, p. 13-17, 157-159, 8 pp. ISBN 978-80-906798-4-9.
      Name in Czech: Pokračování ... Ale bude to tradice? A na závěr ...
      Name (in English): Continuation ... But will it become a tradition? And in the end ...
      Linguistics. Ukrainian. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Meeting with Ukrainian writers, Institute of Slavic Studies, FF MU, presentation of invited guests, accomplices of cultural events, Ukrainian-language centers, interstate act
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 12/2/2018 09:02.


    1. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Česko-bulharský specializovaný slovník právnické, ekonomické a společensko-politické terminologie (Czech-Bulgarian dictionary of juridical, economic and socio political termonology). 1. vydání. Brno: Jan Sojnek - Galium, 2016, 174 pp. ISBN 978-80-906183-6-7.
      Name (in English): Czech-Bulgarian dictionary of juridical, economic and socio political termonology
      RIV/00216224:14210/16:00093366 Book on a specialized topic. Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: dictionary; juridical terminology; economical terminology; social and political terminology
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Marie Skřivanová, učo 262124. Changed: 5/4/2017 15:05.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena, Nadežda STALJANOVA and Olga SOROKA. Kratuk tematičen rečnik na bulgarskija, češkija, polskija i ukrainskija ezik (Short thematic dictionary of Bulgarian, Czech, Polish and Ukrainian). 1. vyd. Sofija: Paradigma, 2016, 152 pp. Paradigma. ISBN 978-954-326-282-3.
      Name in Czech: Stručný tematický slovník bulharsko-česko-polsko-ukrajinský
      Name (in English): Short thematic dictionary of Bulgarian, Czech, Polish and Ukrainian
      RIV/00216224:14210/16:00090564 Book on a specialized topic. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Staljanova, Nadežda (100 Bulgaria) -- Soroka, Olga (804 Ukraine)
      Keywords in English: thematic dictionary; Bulgarian; Czech; Polish; Ukrainian
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Elena Krejčová, Ph.D., učo 23084. Changed: 14/11/2016 10:09.
    3. BEGANOVIĆ, Velid. Misli o miru tokom zračnog napada : Virginia Woolf (Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid : Virginia Woolf). In Oslobođenje. Sarajevo: Oslobođenje, 2016, p. 30-31. ISSN 2232-9986.
      This article was published both electronically and in print
      Name (in English): Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid : Virginia Woolf
      RIV/00216224:14210/16:00091762 Popularizing texts and activities. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Bosnian. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
      Beganović, Velid (70 Bosnia and Herzegovina, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Virginia Woolf; Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid; essay; translation; introduction; bosnian; Velid Beganović Borjen; peace; 1940

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 19/2/2018 20:38.
    4. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Prevodut i prevodačut na publična reč i duržavnite institucii (Translation and translators/interpreters and the state institutions). In Seminar Prevodut i prevodačut na publična reč i duržavnite institucii, 29.3.2016 Sofie, Bulharsko. 2016.
      Name in Czech: Překlad a překladatel ve službách státních institucí
      Name (in English): Translation and translators/interpreters and the state institutions
      RIV/00216224:14210/16:00089678 Requested lectures. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; interpreting; state institutions
      Type of participation: requested lecture

      Changed by: Mgr. Pavel Pilch, Ph.D., učo 216028. Changed: 18/4/2017 10:59.
    5. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Transfer i interferencija v ramkite na nominalnata sintagma (vurhu material ot slavjanskite ezici) (Transfer and interference in the nominal syntagma (on material of Slavic languages)). Slavistika. Belgrad: Slavističko društvo Srbije, 2016, vol. 20, No 1, p. 700-705. ISSN 1450-5061.
      Name in Czech: Transfer a interference v rámci nominálního syntagmatu (na materiálu ze slovanských jazyků)
      Name (in English): Transfer and interference in the nominal syntagma (on material of Slavic languages)
      RIV/00216224:14210/16:00093367 Article in a journal. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Serbia.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: language interference; language transfer; Slavonic languages
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Marie Skřivanová, učo 262124. Changed: 7/4/2017 13:47.


    1. OKÁČOVÁ, Marie. Gaius Valerius Flaccus (2015). Argonautica. Z latinského originálu přeložila, předmluvou, rejstříkem a bibliografií opatřila Irena Radová (408 stran, Antická knihovna, sv. 84). Praha: Arista, Baset. In Graeco-Latina Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, p. 212-213. ISSN 1803-7402.
      Digitální knihovna FF MU
      Name (in English): Gaius Valerius Flaccus (2015). Argonautica. Z latinského originálu přeložila, předmluvou, rejstříkem a bibliografií opatřila Irena Radová (408 stran, Antická knihovna, sv. 84). Praha: Arista, Baset
      RIV/00216224:14210/15:00085749 Popularizing texts and activities. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Okáčová, Marie (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Valerius Flaccus; Argonautica; translation

      Changed by: Mgr. Marie Okáčová, Ph.D., učo 52294. Changed: 25/4/2020 22:21.
    2. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Persuasion strategies in environmental discourse from a Translation-Studies and comparative perspective. In 10th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, The Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University and The Czech Association for the Study of English (CZASE), 5.-7. 2. 2015, Brno. 2015.
      Name in Czech: Přesvědčovací strategie v environmentálním diskurzu z translatologické a komparativní perspektivy perspe
      RIV/00216224:14210/15:00085590 Presentations at conferences. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; persuasion; strategies; environmental discourse; contrastive pragmatics; English; Czech
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 27/4/2018 21:14.
    3. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Transediting and transcreation as translation pedagogy tools. In AD TRANSLATIONEM, Brno, 13.-14. března 2015. 2015.
      Name in Czech: Transediting a transcreation jako nástroje ve výuce překladu
      RIV/00216224:14210/15:00085607 Presentations at conferences. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: transediting; transcreation; translation pedagogy; translation
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 27/4/2018 21:14.
    4. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Za prevoda na njakoi frazeologizmi ot tvorčestvoto na Karel Čapek na bulgarski i srubski (Translation of some phrasems from the works of Karel Čapek to Bulgarian and Serbian). In Žoržeta Čolakova et al. Paisievi četenija. Slavistika, Plovdiv, 29–31 oktomvri 2015. Naučni trudove, tom 53, kn. 1, sb. V, 2015 – Filologija. Plovdiv: Plovdivski universitet, 2015, p. 97-105. ISSN 0861-0029.
      Name in Czech: O překladu některých frazeologizmů z díla Karla Čapka do bulharštiny a srbštiny
      Name (in English): Translation of some phrasems from the works of Karel Čapek to Bulgarian and Serbian
      RIV/00216224:14210/15:00093368 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: phrasems; translation; Slavonic languages
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Marie Skřivanová, učo 262124. Changed: 24/4/2017 16:29.


    1. KAMENICKÁ, Renata and Jeffrey Alan VANDERZIEL. Cohesion and Coherence Issues in Student Translations of Heritage Promotion Texts. In Rázusová, Magdalena. English in Heritage Presentation. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo PU v Prešove, 2014, p. 41-51. ISBN 978-80-555-1099-6.
      Name in Czech: Problémy s kohezí a koherencí ve studentských překladech textů na propagaci národního dědictví
      RIV/00216224:14210/14:00079312 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Linguistics. English. Slovakia.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vanderziel, Jeffrey Alan (840 United States of America, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: cohesion; coherence; L2 translation; heritage promotion texts; error typology
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 27/4/2018 21:13.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Za da bude dobre razbran v čužbina, politikat trjabva da ostavi prevodača da si svurši rabotata (In order to be understood abroad, politics should let the interpreter to work). 1. vyd. Sofija: Paradigma, 2014, p. 203-207. Ezikovi portrteti na balgarskite politici. ISBN 978-954-326-225-0.
      Name in Czech: Aby byl pochopen v zahraničí, politik má nechat tlumočníka pracovat
      Name (in English): In order to be understood abroad, politics should let the interpreter to work
      RIV/00216224:14210/14:00078745 Popularizing texts and activities. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; interpreting

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Elena Krejčová, Ph.D., učo 23084. Changed: 14/11/2016 10:26.


    1. DIVIZIA, Paolo. Integrazioni al censimento dei codici italiani di Brunetto Latini (Additions to the census of Italian manuscripts of Brunetto Latini). Medioevo Romanzo. Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2013, XXXVII, No 1, p. 184-185. ISSN 0390-0711.
      Medioevo Romanzo
      Name (in English): Additions to the census of Italian manuscripts of Brunetto Latini
      RIV/00216224:14210/13:00067352 Article in a journal. Documentation, librarianship, work with information. Italian. Italy.
      Divizia, Paolo (380 Italy, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Brunetto Latini manuscripts census catalogue
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Ivo Buzek, Ph.D., učo 103619. Changed: 22/4/2014 13:17.


    1. DAVIDSON, T, S J GAY, Hynek MLNAŘÍK, Rajagopal NAGARAJAN and N PAPANIKOLAOU. Model Checking for Communicating Quantum Processes. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. Old City Publishing, Inc., 2012, vol. 8, No 1, p. 73-98. ISSN 1548-7199.

      Keywords in English: Quantum computing; quantum communication; process calculus; model-checking; translation; semantics
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: RNDr. Hynek Mlnařík, Ph.D., učo 4326. Changed: 11/11/2012 10:57.
    2. VORANAU, Vital. Ostatni zajazd na Litwie jako punkt zwrotny w białorusko-polskim dialogu (Last Lithuanian Foray as the turning point in the Belarusian-Polish dialogue). In Konferencja popularno naukowa z okazji Festiwalu Kultury Bialoruskiej. 2012.
      Name (in English): Last Lithuanian Foray as the turning point in the Belarusian-Polish dialogue
      Linguistics. Polish. Poland.
      Keywords in English: Belarus, Lithuania, Mickiewicz, translation
      Type of participation: requested lecture

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 30/11/2016 16:56.


    1. VORANAU, Vital. Kubuś Puchatek w tłumaczeniach na języki słowiańskie (Winnie-the-Pooh in Slavic Translations). In Slovanstvo před dávnými časy a dnes - jazyk, literatura, kultura. 2011.
      Official website of the conference
      Name (in English): Winnie-the-Pooh in Slavic Translations
      Linguistics. English. Poland.
      Keywords in English: Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne, Belarusian, Slavic, translation
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D., učo 39970. Changed: 30/11/2016 16:57.
    2. KREJČOVÁ, Elena. Specifiki na profesijata na sădebnija prevodač v Čehija (Some specifics of the profession of the court interpretor in Czechia). Ezikov svjat = Orbis linguarum. Blagoevgrad: Jugozapaden universitet "Neofit Rilski", 2011, Neuveden, No 2, p. 169-172. ISSN 1312-0484.
      Name in Czech: Specifika profese soudního tlumočníka v Česku
      Name (in English): Some specifics of the profession of the court interpretor in Czechia
      RIV/00216224:14210/11:00076317 Article in a journal. Linguistics. Bulgarian. Bulgaria.
      Krejčová, Elena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Bulgarian language; translation
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Elena Krejčová, Ph.D., učo 23084. Changed: 14/11/2016 10:39.


    1. NĚMEC, Martin. Is the Pope a Catholic? Translation of Affirmative Statements from English into Czech in Light of Equivalence Theory and Meaning. In Theories in Practice: Proceedings of the First International Conference on English and American Studies. Zlín: Neuveden, 2010, p. 113-118. ISBN 978-80-7318-823-8.
      Name in Czech: Je snad papež katolík? Překlady afirmativních idiomů z angličtiny do češtiny ve světle ekvivalentní teorie a významu
      Name (in English): Is the Pope a Catholic? Translation of Affirmative Statements from English into Czech in Light of Equivalence Theory and Meaning
      RIV/00216224:14410/10:00046164 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Němec, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: affirmative; affirmative statements; translation; theory of translation; colloquial; equivalence; meaning

      Changed by: Dana Nesnídalová, učo 831. Changed: 25/3/2015 18:10.
    2. NĚMEC, Martin. Překladatelská cvičení online (Translation Seminar online). In 2010. 2010.
      Mezinárodní konference
      Name in Czech: Překladatelská cvičení online
      Name (in English): Translation Seminar online

      Keywords in English: moodle; online;translation; pedagogical translation
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 1/1/2011 17:35.
    3. NĚMEC, Martin. Translation - the potential of the translation in the education of students - future English teachers (Translation - the potential of the translation in the   education of students - future English teachers). In Theories and Practice Second Annual International Conference in English and American Studies. 2010.
      Name in Czech: Překlad - potenciál překladu při vzdělávání studentů - budoucích učitelů angličtiny
      Name (in English): Translation - the potential of the translation in the   education of students - future English teachers

      Keywords in English: translation; pedagogical translation; potential; methodology
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 1/1/2011 18:35.
    4. NĚMEC, Martin. Translation - the potential of the translation in the education of students - future English teachers (Translation - the potential of the translation in the   education of students - future English teachers). In Theories and Practice Second Annual International Conference in English and American Studies. 2010.
      Name in Czech: Překlad - potenciál překladu při vzdělávání studentů - budoucích učitelů angličtiny
      Name (in English): Translation - the potential of the translation in the   education of students - future English teachers

      Keywords in English: translation; pedagogical translation; potential; methodology
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 1/1/2011 18:31.


    1. MYRONOVA, Halyna and Oxana GAZDOŠOVÁ. Česko-ukrajinský právnický slovník (Czech-Ukrainian Law Dictionary). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009, 374 pp. Spisy FF Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, č.378. ISBN 978-80-210-4816-4.
      Name in Czech: Česko-ukrajinský právnický slovník
      Name (in English): Czech-Ukrainian Law Dictionary
      RIV/00216224:14210/09:00035379 Book on a specialized topic. Linguistics. Ukrainian. Czech Republic.
      Myronova, Halyna (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Gazdošová, Oxana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: law dictionary; terminology; law; translation; Czech-Ukrainian
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: Alena Rokosová, učo 107259. Changed: 14/6/2011 11:58.
    2. MUNZAR, Jiří. Unser Heinrich Böll (Our Heinrich Böll). In Jana Ondráková, Jürgen Beyer, Petra Besedová (Hg.): Beiträge zur germanistischen Pädagogik. první. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2009, p. 7-20. ISBN 978-80-7435-023-8.
      Name in Czech: Náš Heinrich Böll
      Name (in English): Our Heinrich Böll
      RIV/00216224:14210/09:00039629 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Czech Republic.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Heinrich Böll; reception; Czech literature; Božena Němcová; Jaroslav Hašek; translations; German literature after 1945
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 28/1/2013 15:00.


    1. GAZDA, Jiří. Češskije imena sobstvennyje v russkich internetovskich tekstach kak problema mežkuĺturnogo obščenija (Czech Proper Nouns in Russian Internet Texts as a Problem of Intercultural Communication). In Rossica Olomucensia XLVI-II. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference XIX. Olomoucké dny rusistů 30.08. - 01.09.2007. 1. vydání. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2008, p. 279-284. ISBN 978-80-244-1994-7.
      Name in Czech: Česká vlastní jména v ruských internetových textech jako problém interkulturní komunikace
      Name (in English): Czech Proper Nouns in Russian Internet Texts as a Problem of Intercultural Communication
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00024793 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Gazda, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Czech; Russian; Proper Nouns; Orthography; Transcription; Transliteration; Translation; Intercultural Communication
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Oxana Čmelíková, Ph.D., učo 39877. Changed: 19/3/2011 17:41.
    2. BROM, Vlastimil. Die Form der Eigennamen in den ältesten Übersetzungen der Dalimil-Chronik (The Form of the Proper Names in the Oldest Translations of Dalimil-Chronicle). Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik - Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity - řada germanistická (R). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, R13, ., p. 11-26. ISSN 1211-4979.
      Name in Czech: Podoba vlastních jmen v nejstarších překladech Dalimilovy kroniky
      Name (in English): The Form of the Proper Names in the Oldest Translations of Dalimil-Chronicle
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00024404 Article in a journal. Linguistics. German. Czech Republic.
      Brom, Vlastimil (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Proper Names; Translation; Old Czech; Chronicle; German; Latin; Medieval Bohemia;
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 13/1/2009 13:36.
    3. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Explicitation profile and translator style. In PYM, Anthony and Alexander PEREKRESTENKO. Translation Research Projects 1. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2008, p. 117-130. Translation Research Projects. ISBN 978-84-611-8821-5.
      Name in Czech: Explicitační profil a styl překladatele
      Name (in English): Explicitation profile and translator style
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00033964 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Linguistics. English. Spain.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; translator's style; explicitation; explicitation profile; translation universals; implicitation; explicitation typology; plicitation quotient
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D., učo 458. Changed: 18/3/2012 21:32.
    4. FIŠER, Zbyněk. Funkcionalistická koncepce překládání a tvůrčí psaní. (Funktional Strategy of Translating and Creative Writing.). In Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, p. 37-46. ISBN 978-80-210-4686-3.
      Name in Czech: Funkcionalistická koncepce překládání a tvůrčí psaní.
      Name (in English): Funktional Strategy of Translating and Creative Writing.
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00033933 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Fišer, Zbyněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: creative writing; translation
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 11/4/2010 22:38.
    5. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Jak se vyhnout rutině při výuce překladu: Metodologická případová studie (Avoiding routine in translator training: a methodological case study). In POKRIVČÁKOVÁ, Silvia and Jozef FILO. Cudzie jazyky v škole 5. Nitra: Pedagogická fakulta univerzity v Nitre, 2008, p. 219-226, 260 pp. ISBN 978-80-8094-416-2.
      Name in Czech: Jak se vyhnout rutině při výuce překladu: Metodologická případová studie
      Name (in English): Avoiding routine in translator training: a methodological case study
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00033963 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. Czech. Slovakia.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; translator training; student translations; professional translation; social constructivism
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D., učo 458. Changed: 18/3/2012 21:29.
    6. MUNZAR, Jiří. Joseph von Eichendorff im tschechischen Kontext (Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context). In Joseph von Eichendorff – Aspekte seines Werkes und seiner Rezeption. Hg. von Klaus Werner. první. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav cizích jazyků, 2008, p. 7-16. Spisy Filosofické fakulty Slezské univerzity v Opa. ISBN 978-80-7248-500-0.
      Name in Czech: Joseph von Eichendorff v českém kontextu
      Name (in English): Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00039619 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Czech Republic.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Joseph von Eichendorff; Silesia; identity; romanticism; reception; translations
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 28/1/2013 12:38.
    7. MUNZAR, Jiří. Joseph von Eichendorff im tschechischen Kontext (Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context). In Joseph von Eichendorff – Aspekte seines Werkes und seiner Rezeption. Hg. von Klaus Werner. první. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav cizích jazyků, 2008, p. 7-16. Beiträge einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung. ISBN 978-80-7248-500-0.
      Name in Czech: Joseph von Eichendorff v českém kontextu
      Name (in English): Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Joseph von Eichendorff; Silesia; identity; romanticism; reception; translations
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 14/4/2010 22:13.
    8. MUNZAR, Jiří. Joseph von Eichendorff im tschechischen Kontext (Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context). In Joseph von Eichendorff – Aspekte seines Werkes und seiner Rezeption. Hg. von Klaus Werner. Opava: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústav cizích jazyků, 2008, p. 7-16. Beiträge einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung. ISBN 978-80-7248-500-0.
      Name in Czech: Joseph von Eichendorff v českém kontextu
      Name (in English): Joseph von Eichendorff in Czech context
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Joseph von Eichendorff; Silesia; identity; romanticism; reception; translations
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 14/4/2010 22:13.
    9. MIESSLER, Jan. Lost in Translation? Comparing Media Discourses in Different Languages. In Communication in International R&D Projects: A Perspective from Social Sciences and Humanities. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2008, p. 93-95. ISBN 978-80-87029-28-2.
      Name in Czech: Ztraceno v překladu? Komparace mediálních diskurzů v různých jazycích
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00033349 Proceedings paper. Sociology, demography. English. Austria.
      Miessler, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: culture; translation; text; context
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Jan Miessler, učo 52729. Changed: 10/4/2009 16:59.
    10. MÁCHA, Jakub. Margit Ruffing: "Samostatné myšlení" a "pravdomluvnost" - úvahy ke Kantově zetetické metodě (Margit Ruffing: "Independent Thinking" and "Truthfulness" - Remarks on Kant's zetetic method). In Ľ. Belás & E. Andreanský (eds.): Človek – dejiny – kultúra II. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity, 2008, p. 198-206. ISBN 978-80-8068-869-1.
      Name (in English): Margit Ruffing: "Independent Thinking" and "Truthfulness" - Remarks on Kant's zetetic method
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00035070 Proceedings paper. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Slovakia.
      Mácha, Jakub (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation;Kant;zetetic method
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Mgr. Zdeňka Jastrzembská, Ph.D., učo 11408. Changed: 28/1/2013 16:49.
    11. MUNZAR, Jiří. Na závěr vybraných spisů Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (On Finishing Selected Works of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach in Czech). In U mých krajanů. 1st ed. Brno: Barrister and Principal, 2008, p. 282-209, 8 pp. ISBN 978-80-87029-36-7.
      Name in Czech: Na závěr vybraných spisů Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
      Name (in English): On Finishing Selected Works of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach in Czech
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00039617 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach; Moravian literature in German language; genres aphorismus; reception
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 28/1/2013 11:50.
    12. NĚMČÍK, Václav, Dana HLAVÁČKOVÁ, Aleš HORÁK, Karel PALA and Michal ÚRADNÍK. Processing Czech Verbal Synsets with Relations to English WordNet. In RASLAN 2008. 2nd ed. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2008, p. 49-55. ISBN 978-80-210-4741-9.
      Name in Czech: Zpracování českých slovesných synsetů s odkazy do anglického WordNetu
      RIV/00216224:14330/08:00024369 Proceedings paper. Use of computers, robotics and its application. English. Czech Republic.
      Němčík, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Hlaváčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Horák, Aleš (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Pala, Karel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Úradník, Michal (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: WordNet; Verbalex; Czech; linking; translation; valency; valency frame; human readable form
      Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings

      Changed by: Mgr. Dana Hlaváčková, Ph.D., učo 17907. Changed: 19/11/2011 18:56.
    13. NĚMČÍK, Václav, Karel PALA and Dana HLAVÁČKOVÁ. Semi-automatic Linking of New Czech Synsets Using Princeton WordNet. In Intelligent Information Systems XVI, Proceedings of the International IIS'08 Conference. Warszawa: Academic Publishing House EXIT, 2008, p. 369-374. ISBN 978-83-60434-44-4.
      Name in Czech: Poloautomatické zavěšování nových českých synetů pomocí Princeton WordNetu
      RIV/00216224:14330/08:00024227 Proceedings paper. Use of computers, robotics and its application. English. Poland.
      Němčík, Václav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Pala, Karel (203 Czech Republic) -- Hlaváčková, Dana (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: WordNet; Verbalex; Czech; linking; translation; dictionary
      Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Václav Němčík, učo 39616. Changed: 7/11/2008 12:04.
    14. NĚMEC, Martin. Shakespeare - lost in the translation. In Translation Workshop 2008. 2008.
      Name in Czech: Shakespeare - ztraceno v překladu
      Name (in English): Shakespeare - lost in the translation

      Keywords in English: translation; analysis; close reading; Shakespeare, Czech; English; cloze reading
      Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 9/1/2009 12:53.
    15. GARAJOVÁ, Kateřina. Traduzione italiana di alcuni antroponimi dalle Favole di Karel Čapek (Translation of selected antroponyms in the book of fairytales by Karel Čapek). Etudes romanes de Brno. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008, roč. 38, č. 1, p. 99-108. ISSN 0231-7532.
      Name in Czech: Překlad některých antroponym v Pohádkách Karla Čapka
      Name (in English): Translation of selected antroponyms in the book of fairytales by Karel Čapek
      RIV/00216224:14210/08:00051022 Article in a journal. Linguistics. Italian. Czech Republic.
      Garajová, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; antroponyms; Karel Čapek
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Petra Georgala, učo 32967. Changed: 13/8/2012 14:53.
    16. NĚMEC, Martin. Translation Seminar - Nick Twisp, translation and analysis. 2008.
      Name in Czech: Překladatelská cvičení - Nick Twisp

      Keywords in English: translation; analysis; close reading; Nick Twisp, C.D. Payne;
      Type of participation: requested lecture

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 13/1/2009 15:20.
    17. KŠICOVÁ, Danuše. Zrcadlení; písmeno, obraz, slovo. (Reflection Letter, Image, Word). In Text a kontext. 1st ed. Ostrava: MU,.FF, 2008, p. 9-17. ISBN 978-80-7329-176-1.
      Name in Czech: Zrcadlení; písmeno, obraz, slovo.
      Name (in English): Reflection Letter, Image, Word
      RIV/00216224:14410/08:00028403 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Kšicová, Danuše (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: transformation; lettter ; image; Věra Nováková; Chagalls poems; translation
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Danuše Kšicová, DrSc., učo 1144. Changed: 18/6/2008 16:50.


    1. FIŠER, Zbyněk. Brecht píše česky aneb Zamlčovaný překladatel Ludvík Kundera (Brecht writes Czech or Translater Ludvík Kundera). In Literatura určená k likvidaci III. Sborník příspěvků z konference pořádané v Brně 7.-8. listopadu 2006. 1st ed. Praha: Obec spisovatelů, 2007, p. 143-148. ISBN 80-239-8500-0.
      Name in Czech: Brecht píše česky aneb Zamlčovaný překladatel Ludvík Kundera
      Name (in English): Brecht writes Czech or Translater Ludvík Kundera
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00032614 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Fišer, Zbyněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Translation; Samizdat; Ludvík Kundera

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 12/4/2010 00:11.
    2. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Defining explicitation in translation. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Brněnské univerzity, Řada anglistická: Brno Studies in English 33. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2007, 33/2007, No 1, p. 45-57, 155 pp. ISSN 1211-1791.
      Name in Czech: Definice překladové explicitace
      Name (in English): Defining explicitation in translation
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00033386 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: explicitation; translation; definition; implicitation; specification; generalization; addition; omission
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D., učo 458. Changed: 18/3/2012 21:15.
    3. URVÁLKOVÁ, Zuzana. Filosofie Komenského pansofie. (Philosophy of Komenskys Pansophie). Brno: Host, 2007, 5 pp. Teoretická knihovna. ISBN 978-80-7294-224-4.
      Name in Czech: Filosofie Komenského pansofie.
      Name (in English): Philosophy of Komenskys Pansophie
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Komensky; Pansofie, Translation

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Zuzana Urválková, Ph.D., učo 6750. Changed: 8/4/2010 13:37.
    4. GAZDOŠOVÁ, Oxana. K problematice sestavovaní Česko-ukrajinského právnického slovníku (On the issue of creating the Czech-Ukrainian Law Dictionary). In SLAVICA IUVENUM. VIII. mezinárodní vědecká konference. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ostrava, 2007, p. 65-70. ISBN 978-80-7368-407-5.
      Name (in English): On the issue of creating the Czech-Ukrainian Law Dictionary
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00033178 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Gazdošová, Oxana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Lexicography; Law Dictionary; legal terms; terminology; translation; Czech-Ukrainian Dictionary
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings

      Changed by: Mgr. Oxana Čmelíková, Ph.D., učo 39877. Changed: 12/7/2016 16:08.
    5. POMIKÁLEK, Jan. MetaTrans -- Multilingual Meta-Translator. In RASLAN 2007 Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, Brno, 2007, p. 109-115. ISBN 978-1-56592-479-6.
      www interface paper
      Name in Czech: MetaTrans -- překladový metaslovník
      RIV/00216224:14330/07:00023246 Proceedings paper. Informatics. English. Czech Republic.
      Pomikálek, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: dictionary; translation; web
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings

      Changed by: RNDr. Pavel Šmerk, Ph.D., učo 3880. Changed: 7/6/2021 22:11.
    6. GRENAROVÁ, Renée. Některé reáliové a lingvodidaktické aspekty frazeologismů při vyučování ruskému jazyku (Some Cultural Studies and the Linguistic and Didactic Aspects of Phraseological Expressions in Russian Language Teaching). In XXV International Colloquium on the Management of Educational Process. 1st ed. Brno: University of Defence, 2007, p. 1-8. ISBN 978-80-7231-228-3.
      Name in Czech: Některé reáliové a lingvodidaktické aspekty frazeologismů při vyučování ruskému jazyku
      Name (in English): Some Cultural Studies and the Linguistic and Didactic Aspects of Phraseological Expressions in Russian Language Teaching
      RIV/00216224:14410/07:00032072 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Grenarová, Renée (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: linguistic and didactic aspects of phraseological expression; foreign language teaching; new strategies; national and cultural sementics
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: PaedDr. Renée Grenarová, Ph.D. et Ph.D., učo 2079. Changed: 14/3/2010 16:28.
    7. VYBÍRAL, Zbyněk. Nepřijatelné zkreslení překladu Gregoryho Batesona (Inacceptable distortion of translation of Gregory Bateson's book). Psychoterapie. Brno: FSS MU, 2007, vol. 1, 3-4, p. 209-213. ISSN 1802-3983.
      Name in Czech: Nepřijatelné zkreslení překladu Gregoryho Batesona
      Name (in English): Inacceptable distortion of translation of Gregory Bateson's book
      RIV/00216224:14230/07:00023217 Article in a journal. Psychology. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Vybíral, Zbyněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: pattern; Bateson; translation
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Zbyněk Vybíral, Ph.D., učo 56065. Changed: 7/1/2008 09:50.
    8. RAMBOUSEK, Jiří. Translation in Times of Open Sources: Need for New Definitions and Approaches? Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Brněnské univerzity, Řada anglistická: Brno Studies in English 32. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2007, vol. 2006, No 32, p. 65-76. ISSN 1211-1791.
      Name in Czech: Překlad v éře otevřených zdrojů: je třeba nových definic a přístupů?
      Name (in English): Translation in Times of Open Sources: Need for New Definitions and Approaches?
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00033260 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Rambousek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: translation; corporate authorship; internet texts

      Changed by: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Rambousek, Ph.D., učo 2362. Changed: 31/10/2008 14:28.
    9. KÁŇA, Tomáš. Übersetzung und Übersetzungsfehler (Translation and Translation Faults). In Der moderne Unterricht des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. 1st ed. Olomouc: Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, 2007, p. 199-204. ISBN 978-80-244-1777-6.
      Name in Czech: Překlady a chyby
      Name (in English): Translation and Translation Faults
      RIV/00216224:14410/07:00022782 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. German. Czech Republic.
      Káňa, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: translation; translation faults; typology of translation faults; German-Czech translation; passive translation; translation in curriculum
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Káňa, Ph.D., učo 363. Changed: 1/11/2007 11:20.
    10. MUNZAR, Jiří. Zu den Übersetzungen der Werke Schillers ins Tschechische, insbesondere zu Ludvík Kunderas Übertragung von Don Carlos (On Translations of Friedrich Schiller s Works into Czech with Special Regard tothe Translation of Don Carlos by Ludvík Kundera). In Alice Stašková (Hg.): Friedrich Schiller und Europa. první. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007, p. 265-273. Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, Band 238. ISBN 978-3-8253-5244-8.
      Name in Czech: K překladům děl Friedricha Schillera do češtiny, zvláště k překladu Dona Carlose od Ludvíka Kundery
      Name (in English): On Translations of Friedrich Schiller s Works into Czech with Special Regard tothe Translation of Don Carlos by Ludvík Kundera
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00033318 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Germany.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Friedrich Schiller; Ludvík Kundera; reception; translations
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Jiří Munzar, CSc., učo 1721. Changed: 28/3/2010 23:31.
    11. BROM, Vlastimil and Veronika BROMOVÁ. Zur sprachlichen Form der ältesten Dalimil-Übersetzungen im Vergleich zum Originaltext - Stichprobe Verbformen (On the Language of the Old Translations of Dalimil-Chronicle - Verbs). Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik - Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity - řada germanistická (R). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2007, R12, ., p. 99-116, 17 pp. ISSN 1211-4979.
      Name in Czech: K jazykové stránce nejstarších překladů Dalimilovy kroniky - sonda na základě slovesných tvarů
      Name (in English): On the Language of the Old Translations of Dalimil-Chronicle - Verbs
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00019508 Article in a journal. Linguistics. German. Czech Republic.
      Brom, Vlastimil (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Bromová, Veronika (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Translation; Old Czech; Chronicle; German; Latin; Medieval Bohemia;
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 7/12/2007 12:55.
    12. MUNZAR, Jiří. Zur tschechischen Heine-Rezeption nach 1945 (On the reception of Heinrich Heine after 1945). In Jana Ondráková – Lenka Vaňková (Hg.): Germanistik an tschechischen Universitäten: Gegenwart und Zukunft. První. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2007, p. 179-183. ISBN 978-80-7368-327-6.
      Name in Czech: K recepci Heinricha Heina po roce 1945
      Name (in English): On the reception of Heinrich Heine after 1945
      RIV/00216224:14210/07:00033337 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Czech Republic.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Heinrich Heine; reception; translations; analysis and comparison of all translations
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Jiří Munzar, CSc., učo 1721. Changed: 28/3/2010 23:45.


    1. ADAM, Martin. A Comparison of Different English Translations of Identical Passages Based on FSP. Discourse and Interaction. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, vol. 2, No 1, p. 29-41. ISSN 1802-9930.
      Name in Czech: Srovnání různých anglických překladů identického textu založené na FSP.
      RIV/00216224:14410/06:00017245 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Adam, Martin (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Firbas; Bible; translation; comparison;
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Martin Adam, Ph.D., učo 14990. Changed: 25/8/2009 11:07.
    2. BROM, Vlastimil. Die "Deutsche Reimchronik von Böhmen" - einige Aspekte der mittelalterlichen Übersetzung (The German Rhymed Chronicle of Bohemia - on some Aspect of the Medieval Translation). Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik - Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity - řada germanistická (R). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, R11, No 1, p. 99-113. ISSN 1211-4979.
      Name in Czech: Německá rýmovaná kronika Čech - některé aspekty překládání ve středověku
      Name (in English): The German Rhymed Chronicle of Bohemia - on some Aspect of the Medieval Translation
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00019350 Article in a journal. Linguistics. German. Czech Republic.
      Brom, Vlastimil (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Medieval Bohemia; Translation; Chronicle; German;
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 17/6/2008 17:18.
    3. RAMBOUSEK, Jiří. Eliška, Evička, Alenka, Carroll a Dodgson (Eliška, Evička, Alenka, Alice, Carroll, and Dodgson). Rozrazil. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2006, vol. 2006, No 10, p. 47-49. ISSN 1801-4755.
      Name in Czech: Eliška, Evička, Alenka, Carroll a Dodgson
      Name (in English): Eliška, Evička, Alenka, Alice, Carroll, and Dodgson
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00018699 Article in a journal. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Rambousek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Alice in Wonderland; Lewis Carroll; translation; Karoline Leach

      Changed by: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Rambousek, Ph.D., učo 2362. Changed: 21/6/2007 17:58.
    4. DRÁBEK, Pavel. František Nevrla, překládání Shakespeara a kult E. A. Saudka (František Nevrla, translating Shakespeare and the cult of E. A. Saudek). In Český překlad II (1945-2004). 1st ed. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2006, p. 168-176. ISBN 8073081016.
      Name in Czech: František Nevrla, překládání Shakespeara a kult E. A. Saudka
      Name (in English): František Nevrla, translating Shakespeare and the cult of E. A. Saudek
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00015309 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: translation; William Shakespeare; František Nevrla; E. A. Saudek

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 6/3/2006 15:39.
    5. PODHORNÁ-POLICKÁ, Alena. Les aspects stylistiques de la verlanisation (Stylistic aspects of "verlanisation"). In Dialogue des cultures: interprétation, traduction. Praha: Ústav translatologie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, 2006, p. 37-62. ISBN 80-7308-147-4.
      Name in Czech: Stylistické aspekty "verlanizace"
      Name (in English): Stylistic aspects of "verlanisation"
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00032511 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. French. Czech Republic.
      Podhorná-Polická, Alena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: verlan; youth slang; suburban areas; stereotypes; translation; stylistics
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Alena Němcová Polická, Ph.D., učo 12093. Changed: 13/10/2013 18:27.
    6. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Současné strategie zapojování překladů z anglicky psané poezie do české kultury (Current strategies of integrating translations of poetry in English into the Czech culture). In Preklad a tlmočenie 7. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Béla, Filologická fakulta, 2006, p. 201-210. ISBN 80-8083-342-7.
      Name (in English): Current strategies of integrating translations of poetry in English into the Czech culture
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00018707 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Finland.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: translation; poetry; into Czech; paratext strategies
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings

      Changed by: Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D., učo 458. Changed: 29/3/2010 10:59.
    7. MOLIERE, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Antonín PŘIDAL, Daniela JOBERTOVÁ and Pavel DRÁBEK. Tartuffe. 1st ed. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2006, 122 pp. Repertoár 10. ISBN 8086907236.
      Name in Czech: Tartuffe
      Name (in English): Tartuffe
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00015289 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (250 France) -- Přidal, Antonín (203 Czech Republic) -- Jobertová, Daniela (203 Czech Republic) -- Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Shakespeare; Othello; edition; Czech; translation

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 18/6/2009 22:49.
    8. DRÁBEK, Pavel. Václav Renč a trable s překládáním Shakespeara v 60. letech (Václav Renč and the problems of translating Shakespeare in the 1960s). In Literatura určená k likvidaci III: Sborník příspěvků z konference pořádané v Brně 7.-8. listopadu 2006. 1st ed. Praha: Obec spisovatelů, 2006, p. 47-53. ISBN 80-239-8500-0.
      Name in Czech: Václav Renč a trable s překládáním Shakespeara v 60. letech
      Name (in English): Václav Renč and the problems of translating Shakespeare in the 1960s
      RIV/00216224:14210/06:00019536 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Václav Renč; translation; translation of drama; William Shakespeare
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 21/12/2007 16:51.


    1. ROSTAND, Edmond, Jaroslav VRCHLICKÝ, Petr CHRISTOV, Pavel DRÁBEK and Jana CHARTIEROVÁ. Cyrano de Bergerac. 1st ed. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2005, 240 pp. Repertoár 8. ISBN 8086907228.
      Name in Czech: Cyrano de Bergerac
      Name (in English): Cyrano de Bergerac
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00019301 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Rostand, Edmond (250 France) -- Vrchlický, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic) -- Christov, Petr (203 Czech Republic) -- Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Chartierová, Jana (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Edmond Rostand; Cyrano de Bergerac; edition; Czech; translation; Jaroslav Vrchlický

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 25/6/2009 16:02.
    2. FICTUMOVÁ, Jarmila. E-learning for translators and interpreters - the Case of CMS Moodle. In Resources and Tools for e-Learning in Translation and Localisation. 21-23 March 2005. Leeds, Great Britain: University of Leeds, 2005, p. 16 - 19.
      Name in Czech: E-learning pro pekladatele a tlumocníky - CMS Moodle
      Name (in English): E-learning for translators and interpreters - the Case of CMS Moodle
      Linguistics. English. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
      Keywords in English: e-Learning; localisation; translation
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: PhDr. Jarmila Fictumová, učo 56188. Changed: 11/4/2010 22:13.
    3. CHRISTOV, Petr. Francouzské drama dnes :antologie překladů současné francouzské dramatiky. (Anthology of Modern French Drama). Translated by Daniela Jobertová - Kateřina Neveu - Petr Christov. Vyd. 1. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2005, 166 pp. Divadelní hry 1. ISBN 8086151875.
      Name (in English): Anthology of Modern French Drama
      RIV: Book on a specialized topic. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Christov, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: theatre; drama; french; translation

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Petr Christov, Ph.D., učo 12403. Changed: 15/6/2007 17:37.
    4. SHAKESPEARE, William, František NEVRLA and Pavel DRÁBEK. Hamlet. 1st ed. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2005, 208 pp. Repertoár 5. ISBN 8086907163.
      Name in Czech: Hamlet
      Name (in English): Hamlet
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00019294 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Shakespeare, William (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) -- Nevrla, František (203 Czech Republic) -- Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Shakespeare; Hamlet; edition; Czech; translation

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 25/6/2009 16:02.
    5. VÁCHA, Štěpán, Irena VESELÁ, Vít VLNAS and Petra VOKÁČOVÁ. Korunovační cesta Karla VI. do Prahy 1723 (The Coronation Journey of Charles VI to Prague in 1723). Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Národní galerie v Praze, 2004, 2005.
      Grantová agentura AVČR
      Name in Czech: Korunovační cesta Karla VI. do Prahy 1723
      Name (in English): The Coronation Journey of Charles VI to Prague in 1723
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00013470 Research and development projects. History. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Vácha, Štěpán (203 Czech Republic) -- Veselá, Irena (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Vlnas, Vít (203 Czech Republic) -- Vokáčová, Petra (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Selection and analysis and interpretation of sources to the visit of Charles VI in Bohemian Lands in 1723; two newly discovered manuscripts; its preparation for critical edition; scientific study; translation; pictures

      Changed by: Mgr. Petra Vokáčová, Ph.D., učo 9650. Changed: 26/1/2023 11:10.
    6. PODHORNÁ-POLICKÁ, Alena. La soupe aux choux a-t-elle la meme saveur en tcheque et en francais? (Does the Cabbage soupe taste similar in Czech and in French?). In Marc Sourdot. René Fallet, vingt ans apres. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2005, p. 71-84, 13 pp. ISBN 2-7068-1756-9.
      Name in Czech: Má Zelňačka stejnou chuť v češtině i ve francouzštině?
      Name (in English): Does the Cabbage soupe taste similar in Czech and in French?
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00032543 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. French. France.
      Podhorná-Polická, Alena (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: translation; interculturality; dialect; René Fallet
      Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Alena Němcová Polická, Ph.D., učo 12093. Changed: 13/10/2013 19:41.
    7. SHAKESPEARE, William, Antonín PŘIDAL and Pavel DRÁBEK. Othello. 1st ed. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2005, 162 pp. Repertoár 4. ISBN 8086907155.
      Name in Czech: Othello
      Name (in English): Othello
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00019290 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Shakespeare, William (826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) -- Přidal, Antonín (203 Czech Republic) -- Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Shakespeare; Othello; edition; Czech; translation

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 25/6/2009 16:03.
    8. NĚMEC, Martin. Překladatelské cvičení (Translation Course). 2005.
      Name (in English): Translation Course
      Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: translation

      Changed by: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D., učo 35923. Changed: 29/3/2011 16:12.
    9. NECHUTOVÁ, Nechutová. Sv. Augustín, O kresťanskej náuke, O milosti a slobodnej voli. Preložili, úvodné štúdie napísali, poznámky a registre spracovali Marcela Andoková a Robert Horka (St. Augustin, De doctrina christiana). SPFFBU. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005, vol. 2005, N10, p. 123-132, 2 pp. ISSN 1211-6335.
      Name in Czech: Sv. Augustin, O křesťanské nauce
      Name (in English): St. Augustin, De doctrina christiana
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00021423 Article in a journal. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Nechutová, Nechutová (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Augustin; Translation

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Jana Nechutová, CSc., učo 506. Changed: 19/6/2007 16:04.
    10. MUNZAR, Jiří. Zum Stand der Arbeit an der Übesetzung Johann Georg Hamanns ins Tschechische (On Present State of Translation of Johann Georg Hamann into Czech). In B.Gajek (Hrsg.): Die Gegenwärtigkeit J.G.Hamanns. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005, p. 649-653. ISBN 3-631-52418-8.
      Name in Czech: Stav práce na překladu Johanna Georga Hamanna do češtiny
      Name (in English): On Present State of Translation of Johann Georg Hamann into Czech
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00031193 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Germany.
      Munzar, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Johann Georg Hamann; Present State; Translation; Czech;

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 14/4/2010 20:29.
    11. DRÁBEK, Pavel, Klára KOLINSKÁ and Jeffrey Alan VANDERZIEL. 8th Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. 2005.
      Name in Czech: 8. brněnská mezinárodní konference anglistů, amerikanistů a kanadistů
      Name (in English): 8th Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies
      RIV/00216224:14210/05:00013368 Organization of a conference. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. English. Czech Republic.
      Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Kolinská, Klára (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Vanderziel, Jeffrey Alan (840 United States of America, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: conference; English studies; American Studies; Canadian studies; literature; linguistics; cultural studies; methodology; translation; film; drama

      Changed by: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A., učo 37043. Changed: 11/4/2012 17:33.


    1. NECHUTOVÁ, Jana. Aurelius Augustinus, Křesťanská vzdělanost - De doctrina christiana (Aurelius Augustinus, The Christian Doctrine). Praha: Vyšehrad, 2004, 232 pp. ISBN 80-7021-740-5.
      Name (in English): Aurelius Augustinus, The Christian Doctrine
      RIV/00216224:14630/04:00011050 Book on a specialized topic. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Nechutová, Jana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Aurelius Augustinus; translation

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Jana Nechutová, CSc., učo 506. Changed: 22/6/2009 11:10.
    2. DRÁBEK, Pavel. Brno Studies in English. Brno Studies in English. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2004, vol. 30, No 10, p. 1-225. ISSN 1211-1791.
      Name in Czech: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada anglistická
      Name (in English): Brno Studies in English
      RIV/00216224:14210/04:00019295 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Drábek, Pavel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: collection; English studies; linguistics; translation; literature; cultural studies

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Pavel Drábek, Ph.D., učo 7851. Changed: 24/6/2007 22:51.
    3. OSOLSOBĚ, Petr. Jan Zahradníček nad Dantovým Peklem (Jan Zahradníček on the Edge of Dante's Inferno). In Literatura určená k likvidaci. Praha: Obec spisovatelů, 2004, p. 120-134. ISBN 80-239-7212-X.
      Name (in English): Jan Zahradníček on the Edge of Dante's Inferno
      RIV/00216224:14210/04:00011364 Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Osolsobě, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Jan Zahradníček; Dante Alighieri; poetry; translation; ethical imagination; eschatology

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D., učo 2218. Changed: 27/3/2010 20:53.


    1. KAMENICKÁ, Renata. Between tentativeness and certainty: Research into one aspect of translator behaviour. In Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2003, p. 103-110. ISBN 80-210-3283-9.
      Name in Czech: Mezi dohady a jistotou: jeden z aspektů chování překladatele
      RIV/00216224:14210/03:00030784 Proceedings paper. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
      Kamenická, Renata (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: translation; third code; intensifiers; adjectival and adjunct; attitudinal disjuncts; English; Czech

      Changed by: Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D., učo 458. Changed: 30/3/2010 11:16.
    2. DORÉ, Isabelle and Petr CHRISTOV. César et Drana (César and Drana). Translated by Petr Christov. 1. české vydání. Brno: Větrné mlýny, 2003, 38 pp. Dramatické texty, sv. 27. ISBN 80-86151-73-5.
      Name in Czech: César a Drana
      Name (in English): César and Drana
      RIV: Book on a specialized topic. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Doré, Isabelle (124 Canada) -- Christov, Petr (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: theatre; drama; french; translation; Canadian literature

      Changed by: doc. Mgr. Petr Christov, Ph.D., učo 12403. Changed: 15/6/2007 17:44.
    3. NAVRÁTIL, Vladislav. Didaktická hodnota nového kurzu fyziky (Didactic value of the new course of physics). In 13. mezinárodní konference DIDFYZ 2002. I. Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, 2003, p. 305-309. ISBN 80-8050-581-0.
      Name (in English): Didactic value of the new course of physics
      Pedagogy and education. Czech. Slovakia.
      Keywords in English: Physics course; didactics; translation

      Changed by: prof. RNDr. Vladislav Navrátil, CSc., učo 129. Changed: 16/4/2003 16:23.
    4. HODOVSKÝ, Ivan. Max Scheler Můj filosofický pohled na svět (Max Scheler My philosofical worldview). 1. vyd. Praha: Vyšehrad, spol. s.r.o., 2003, 288 pp. ISBN 80-7021-390-6.
      Name (in English): Max Scheler My philosofical worldview
      Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Max Scheler; bibliographie; translation

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Ivan Hodovský, DrSc., učo 1549. Changed: 4/2/2004 09:47.
      Identification numbers: 3129118858, 3201034700, 3201035264, 3201035265
    5. UHROVÁ, Eva. Problém překladu tzv. mluvících jmen v literárním textu (On the Problem of Translation of so called Speaking Names in the Literature Text). Universitas, revue Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2003, vol. 2003, No 2, p. 3-11. ISSN 1212-8139.
      Name in Czech: Problém překladu tzv. mluvících jmen v literárním textu
      Name (in English): On the Problem of Translation of so called Speaking Names in the Literature Text
      RIV: Article in a journal. Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Uhrová, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Speaking names; Translation; Literature; Linguistics;

      Changed by: Mgr. Vlastimil Brom, Ph.D., učo 10978. Changed: 18/6/2008 12:25.
    6. JUŘÍČKOVÁ, Miluše. Zámek uvnitř (The lock inside). Host. Brno, 2003, XIX, No 7, p. 64-66. ISSN 1211-9938.
      překlad ukázky norského textu do češtiny s komentářem
      Name in Czech: Zámek uvnitř
      Name (in English): The lock inside
      RIV: Article in a journal. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Juříčková, Miluše (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Translation

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Miluše Juříčková, CSc., učo 864. Changed: 21/6/2007 19:25.


    1. RAMBOUSEK, Jiří. Do Children Read What the Author Wrote? In Children's Literature in English at the Turn of the Millennium. Hradec Králové: The British Council; Gaudeamus, University Hradec Králové, 2002, p. 147-162. ISBN 80-7041-940-7.
      Name in Czech: Čtou děti skutečně text, jak jej autor napsal?
      Name (in English): Do Children Read What the Author Wrote?
      RIV: Proceedings paper. Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. English. Czech Republic.
      Rambousek, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Translation; Children's Literature;

      Changed by: Ing. Mgr. Jiří Rambousek, Ph.D., učo 2362. Changed: 14/6/2007 13:50.
      Identification numbers: 2570203572, 2570204708, 3201030479, 3201030480, 3201030481


    1. KŠICOVÁ, Danuše. Balmont, Duše Českých zemí ve slovech a činech, vydání, studie, komentář, překlad. (Balmont, The Soul of the Czech Lands, edition, papers, translation.). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2001, 339 pp. Masarykova univerzita. ISBN 80-210-2560-3.
      Name (in English): Balmont, The Soul of the Czech Lands, edition, papers, translation.
      RIV/00216224:14210/01:00008540 Book on a specialized topic. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Kšicová, Danuše (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: K. D. Balmont; The Soul of the Czech Lands; edition; translation; papers; photos
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Danuše Kšicová, DrSc., učo 1144. Changed: 28/6/2007 15:01.
      Identification numbers: 2570103096, 2570103097, 2570207748


    1. NOVÁKOVÁ, Ester. Rukopisy Královédvorský a Zelenohorský (The Manuscripts of Králův dvůr and Zelená hora). Třebíč: Vydavatelství Blok, 2000. ISBN 80-7268-071-4.
      Name in Czech: Rukopisy Královédvorský a Zelenohorský
      Name (in English): The Manuscripts of Králův dvůr and Zelená hora

      Keywords in English: czech literature; translation

      Changed by: Mgr. Ester Nováková, Ph.D., učo 21335. Changed: 17/12/2013 14:50.
    2. FIŠER, Zbyněk. Tvořivost v literárním překladu. (Creativity in the Literary Translation.). In Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2000, p. 91-102. ISBN 802102643X.
      Name (in English): Creativity in the Literary Translation.
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Creativity; Translation

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 10/12/2008 13:18.


    1. FIŠER, Zbyněk. Die Autorübersetzung: Ein Schritt über die Grenze (Translate of the Autor). In BEYLARD-OZEROFF, Ann, Jana KRÁLOVÁ and Barbara (eds) MOSER-MERCER. Translators' Strategies and Creativity. 1st ed. Amsterodam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998, p. 33-39. ISBN 90-272-1630-4.
      Name (in English): Translate of the Autor
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. German. Netherlands.
      Keywords in English: Creativity; Translation; Strategy of Creativity
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 11/12/2008 12:55.
    2. FIŠER, Zbyněk. Pocta interpretům (The Tribute to the Interprets). In Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita Filozofická fakulta, 1998, p. 67-74, 7 pp. ISBN 80-2102014-8.
      Name (in English): The Tribute to the Interprets
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Translation
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 11/12/2008 12:50.
    3. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. The Translator of Greek Tragedy and Theatre. In He Metafrase tou archaiou Ellenikou dramatos. Athena: Desmi, 1998, p. 97-104.
      Name (in English): The Translator of Greek Tragedy and Theatre
      RIV: Proceedings paper. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. English. Greece.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Translation; Translation of Greek Drama
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 18:12.


    1. DOHNAL, Josef. Kontext. Překlad. Hranice. Studie z komparatistiky. Praha 1996. Opera slavica. Brno: Ústav slavistiky FF MU, 1997, vol. 7, No 3, p. 60-63. ISSN 1211-7676.
      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Josef Dohnal, CSc., učo 1814. Changed: 17/3/2000 10:54.


    1. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Nad Mrázovým překladem Aristotelovy Poetiky. (Over Mráz's Translation of Artistotle's "Poetics".). Listy filologické. Praha: Academia, 1996, vol. 119, 1 - 4, p. 173-177. ISSN 0024-4457.
      Name (in English): Over Mráz's Translation of Artistotle's "Poetics".
      RIV: Article in a journal. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Aristotle; Poetics; Translation

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 18:51.
    2. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva, Jaroslav POKORNÝ and Johana KUDLÁČKOVÁ. Sofoklés, Oidipús král. (Sophocles, Oedipus the King). In Sofoklés, Oidipús vladař. Praha: Národní divadlo, 1996, p. 69-114, 45 pp. Činoherní programy. ISBN 80-85921-24-3.
      Name (in English): Sophocles, Oedipus the King
      RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Pokorný, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic) -- Kudláčková, Johana (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: Sophocles; Oedipus the King; translation; adaptation

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 19:28.


    1. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Cena Cypriani (Party of Cyprian). Praha: Divadelní ústav, 1994. Divadelní revue.
      Name in Czech: Hostina Cyprianova
      Name (in English): Party of Cyprian
      RIV: Original works of art. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Cena Cypriani; translation
      International impact: yes

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 22:47.
    2. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Soupis Stiebitzových překladů antických dramatiků a pokus o rekonstrukci jejich inscenací (A List of Stiebitz's Translations of Classic Playwrights and Attempts to Reconstruct Their Performance.). Divadelní revue. Praha: Primus, 1994, vol. 5, No 4, p. 58-60. ISSN 0862-5409.
      Name (in English): A List of Stiebitz's Translations of Classic Playwrights and Attempts to Reconstruct Their Performance.
      RIV: Article in a journal. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Greek Drama; Translation; Performance; Ferdinand Stiebitz

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 23:16.


    1. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Euanthius, O dramatu neboli o komedii. Překlad. (Euanthius: On Drama or on Comedy. The Translation). Praha: Primus, 1993.
      Name (in English): Euanthius: On Drama or on Comedy. The Translation
      RIV: Original works of art. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Theory of drama; Euanthius; translation

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 28/6/2009 23:29.
    2. STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Seneca, Thyestes (Seneca: Thyestes). Praha: Primus, 1993.
      Name in Czech: Seneca, Thyestes
      Name (in English): Seneca: Thyestes
      RIV: Original works of art. Art, architecture, cultural heritage. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Stehlíková, Eva (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
      Keywords in English: Translation; Seneca

      Changed by: prof. PhDr. Eva Stehlíková, učo 2318. Changed: 29/6/2009 00:18.


    1. FIŠER, Zbyněk [absolvent FF UJ. Ludvík Kundera - překladatel. Vedoucí práce Milan Suchomel. 1st ed. Brno: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Filozofická fakulta, 1984, 106 pp.
      Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Keywords in English: Translation; Czech Litarature; German Literature; Theory of Translatig

      Changed by: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D., učo 1941. Changed: 12/12/2008 18:59.
      Identification numbers: 257R062214
Displayed: 15/11/2024 12:28