Masaryk University

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    1. NOGOVÁ, Kateřina and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Acute effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol in rat and guinea pig isolated hearts. In New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Research. 8th ed. Kraków, Polsko: Polish Academy of Arts, 2008, p. 82-83, 1 pp.
    2. NOGOVÁ, Kateřina and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Acute effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on electrogram and coronary flow in rat isolated heart. 2008.
    3. NOGOVÁ, Kateřina and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Akutní účinky sigma ligandu haloperidolu na elektrogram a koronární průtok na izolovaném srdci potkana (Acute effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on electrogram and coronary flow in isolated rat heart). In 84. Fyziologické dni. 1st ed. Martin, Slovensko: Jeseniova lekárska fakulta University Komenského v Martine, SVS SLS, ČFS ČLS, 2008, p. 85-85.


    1. NOGOVÁ, Kateřina and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Acute effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on isolated guinea pig heart. 2007.
    2. CHOVANEC, Peter, Drahomír HORKÝ and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Antipsychotic Haloperidol as a Ligand of Sigma Receptors and its Cardiotoxicity. In Morphology 2007. 1st ed. Bratislava: Slovak Anatomical Society, Slovak Medical Society, 2007, p. 46-47, 1 pp. ISBN 978-80-89305-01-8.


    1. BÉBAROVÁ, Markéta, Peter MATEJOVIČ, Michal PÁSEK and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Effect of haloperidol on transient outward potassium current in rat ventricular myocytes. European Journal of Pharmacology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V., 2006, vol. 550, 1-3, p. 15-23. ISSN 0014-2999.
    2. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Jana BARDOŇOVÁ and Ivo PROVAZNÍK. Effect of Sigma Receptor Ligand Haloperidol on Guinea Pig Isolated Heart Electrogram. In Computers in Cardiology 2006. 33rd ed. Valencia: CinC, 2006, p. 577-580. ISBN 0276-6547.
    3. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Bohuslava TARABOVÁ, Michal PÁSEK, Peter MATEJOVIČ and Ĺubica LACINOVÁ. Effects of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on ionic currents in rat cardiomyocyte. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd., 2006, vol. 40, No 6, p. 981. ISSN 0022-2828.
    4. LACINOVÁ, Ľubica, Bohumila TARABOVÁ and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Haloperidol depresses cardiac action potential by modulating multiple voltage-dependent ion channels. In France – New EU members New Frontiers in Cardiovascular Research:Subcellular mechanisms of altered muscle function in cardiovascular diseases. 1st ed. Debrecen: neuveden, 2006, p. 21.
    5. PÁSEK, Michal, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Peter MATEJOVIČ and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Interaction of haloperidol with IKto-channels in cardiac cells: a quantitative model. In Human Biomechanics 2006. Brno: University of Technology, 2006, p. 1-5. ISBN 80-214-3232-2.


    1. BÉBAROVÁ, Markéta, Peter MATEJOVIČ, Michal PÁSEK and Marie NOVÁKOVÁ. Effect of Sigma Ligand Haloperidol on Transient Outward Potassium Current in Rat Cardiomyocytes. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. London, U.K.: Academic Press, 2005, vol. 39, No 1, p. 173. ISSN 0022-2828.
    2. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Michal PÁSEK, Peter MATEJOVIČ, Bohuslava TARABOVÁ and Lubica LACINOVÁ. Effect of sigma receptor ligand haloperidol on cardiac excitability. Physiological Research. Praha: Inst of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, 2005, vol. 54, No 3, p. 36P, 1 pp. ISSN 0862-8408.
    3. TARABOVÁ, Bohuslava, Marie NOVÁKOVÁ and Lubica LACINOVÁ. Interaction of haloperidol with L-type voltage dependent calcium channels. Physiological Research. Praha: Inst of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, 2005, vol. 54, No 3, p. 45P, 1 pp. ISSN 0862-8408.
    4. TARABOVÁ, Bohuslava, Marie NOVÁKOVÁ and ubica LACINOVÁ. Interakcia haloperidolu s L-typom vápníkového kanála (Interaction of Haloperidol with L-type Voltage Dependent Calcium Channels). In Zborník prác a abstraktov prezentovaných na 81.Fyziologických doch. Košice: Universita P.J. Šafárika, 2005, p. 213-214. ISBN 80-969280-0-7.
    5. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Michal PÁSEK, Peter MATEJOVIČ, Bohuslava TARABOVÁ and Ĺubica LACINOVÁ. Účinky sigma ligandu haloperidolu na membránové proudy kardiomyocytů potkana (Effects of Sigma Receptor Ligand Haloperidol on Cardiac Excitability). In Zborník prác a abstraktov prezentovaných na 81. Fyziologických dňoch. Košice: Universita J.P. Šafárika Košice, 2005, p. 139-140. ISBN 80-969280-0-7.


    1. TARABOVÁ, Bohuslava, Marie NOVÁKOVÁ and Lubica LACINOVÁ. Efekt haloperidolu na srdcové napäťovo závislé iónové kanály (Effect of haloperidol on cardiac voltage gated ionic channels). In Tretie ivanské dni mladých biológov. 1st ed. Bratislava: Slovenská Akadémia Vied, Ústav biochémie a genetiky živočíchov, 2004, p. 10.
    2. TARABOVÁ, Bohuslava, Marie NOVÁKOVÁ, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Michal PÁSEK, Peter MATEJOVIČ and Lubica LACINOVÁ. Effect of haloperidol on voltage dependent cardiac ion channels. In Membrane Channels, Transporters and Receptors. 1st ed. Bratislava: Institute of Molecular Physiology and Genetics, 2004, p. 54.
    3. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Markéta BÉBAROVÁ, Michal PÁSEK, Peter MATEJOVIČ, Bohuslava TARABOVÁ, Olga KRIŽANOVÁ and Lubica LACINOVÁ. Effect of Sigma Ligand Haloperidol on Cardiac Excitability. In New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research. Montpellier, Francie: INSERM, 2004, p. 33.


    1. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Desensitisation of sigma receptors in guinea pig atria. Physiological Research. Praha: Inst of Physiology Academy of Sciences, 2003, vol. 52, No 3, p. 35P, 1 pp. ISSN 0862-8408.
    2. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Desensitisation of Sigma Receptors in Guinea Pig Atria. In 79. Fyziologické dny, Sborník abstraktů. Plzeň: Lékařská fakulta University Karlovy v Plzni, 2003, p. 41.
    3. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Role of sigma signalling in mammalian myocardium. In Chronobiological analysis in pathophysiology of cardiovascular system. 1st. Brno: National Centre of Nursing and Other Health Professions and Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine, 2003, p. 172-178. ISBN 80-7013-394-5.


    1. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in guinea pig heart preparations. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. London: Academic Press, 2002, vol. 34, No 6, p. A87, 1 pp. ISSN 0022-2828.
    2. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in guinea pig heart preparations. In New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research. 5th. Bratislava: ÚMFG SAV, 2002, p. 44.
    3. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. Srovnání účinku sigma ligandu haloperidolu u multicelulárních preparátů ze srdce morčete. (Comparison of the effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in guinea pig multicellular heart preparations.). Cor et Vasa. Praha: Česká kardiologická společnost, 2002, vol. 44, No 4, p. 84. ISSN 0010-8650.
    4. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. The effect of sigma ligand haloperidol in guinea pig atrial preparation. In 78. Physiological Days. Piešťany, Slovak Republic.: ÚMFG SAV, Bratislava., 2002, p. 56.
    5. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie. The Effect of Sigma Ligand Haloperidol in Guinea Pig Atrial Preparation. Physiological Research. Praha: Inst of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, 2002, vol. 51, No 4, p. 29P, 1 pp. ISSN 0862-8408.


    1. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie, Ivo PROVAZNÍK and Jana BARDOŇOVÁ. Wavelet analysis of the effect of sigma ligand haloperidol on isolated rat heart. In IFMBE Proceedings, Medicon 2001. 1st ed. Zagreb: FER, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2001, p. 418-421. ISBN 953-184-023-7.


    1. NOVÁKOVÁ, Marie and Pavel BRAVENÝ. Effects of sigma ligand haloperidol on isolated heart. In New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research. 1st ed. Mariánské Lázně: Inserm, 2000, p. 70-71.


    1. LIBIGER, Jan and Jaromír ŠVESTKA. Olanzapin versus haloperidol: Výsledky akutní fáze dvojitě slepé studie účinnosti (Olanzapine versus haloperidol: acute phase results of the double blind randomized). Psychiatrie. Praha, 1998, 2-1998, No 2, p. 64-69. ISSN 1211-7579.


    1. ČEŠKOVÁ, Eva and Jaromír ŠVESTKA. Double-blind comparison of risperidone and haloperidol in schizophrenic and schizoaffective psychoses. Pharmacopsychiatry. Stuttgart-New York: Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 1993, vol. 26, No 4, p. 121-124. ISSN 0176-3679.
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