Cybersecurity Management (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
FI:PA017 Information Systems Management • 74 %
FI:PV271 Risk Management in IT • 74 %
FI:IA174 Fundaments of Cryptography • 58 %
FI:PV079 Applied Cryptography • 58 %
FI:PV156 Digital Photography • 42 %
FI:PA191 Advanced Computer Networking • 37 %
FI:PA220 Database systems for data analytics • 37 %
FI:PA182 Managing in Reality • 32 %
FI:PV284 Introduction to IoT • 32 %
FI:PV250 Marketing Information Systems • 26 %
FI:PA179 Project Management • 21 %
FI:PV203 IT Services Management • 21 %
FI:PV206 Communication and Soft Skills • 21 %
FI:PV236 Time Management and Effectiveness • 21 %
FF:DSBCB44 Alexander the Great • 16 %
FI:IV128 Online Communication from Social Science Perspective • 16 %
FI:PV028 Applied Information Systems • 16 %
FI:PV240 Introduction to service marketing • 16 %
FF:MUKS107 The Special Topics of the Museology I. • 11 %
PrF:SOC022 European Cyberlaw • 11 %
FI:DINKOL Informatics Colloquium • 11 %
FI:IA067 Informatics Colloquium • 11 %
FI:IV064 Information Society • 11 %
FI:PA116 Domain Understanding and Modeling • 11 %
FI:PA152 Efficient Use of Database Systems • 11 %
FI:PA194 Introduction to Service Science • 11 %
FI:PV215 Management by Competencies • 11 %
PdF:DGA003 Educational Psychology • 11 %
2nd term
FI:PA017 Information Systems Management • 60 %
FI:PA191 Advanced Computer Networking • 60 %
FI:PV206 Communication and Soft Skills • 60 %
PrF:SOC022 European Cyberlaw • 40 %
FI:PA152 Efficient Use of Database Systems • 40 %
FI:PA179 Project Management • 40 %
FI:PV079 Applied Cryptography • 40 %
FI:PV203 IT Services Management • 40 %
FI:PV237 Strategy and Leadership • 40 %
PrF:MVV60K Cybersecurity Law • 20 %
FI:IA174 Fundaments of Cryptography • 20 %
FI:IV064 Information Society • 20 %
FI:IV128 Online Communication from Social Science Perspective • 20 %
FI:MV013 Statistics for Computer Science • 20 %
FI:PA181 Services - Systems, Modeling and Execution • 20 %
FI:PA194 Introduction to Service Science • 20 %
FI:PA197 Secure Network Design • 20 %
FI:PV028 Applied Information Systems • 20 %
FI:PV177 Laboratory of Advanced Network Technologies • 20 %
FI:PV204 Security Technologies • 20 %
FI:PV236 Time Management and Effectiveness • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:MVV60K Cybersecurity Law • 50 %
FI:IV123 Informatics-Driven Future • 50 %
FI:PA181 Services - Systems, Modeling and Execution • 50 %
FI:PA197 Secure Network Design • 50 %
FI:SA100 Internship - Management • 50 %
PdF:SZ6072A E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 50 %
PdF:TI9006A E-COURSE: Recycling – Everything You Can Make Out of Waste • 50 %
FI:MV013 Statistics for Computer Science • 25 %
FI:PA018 Advanced Topics in Information Technology Security • 25 %
FI:PA152 Efficient Use of Database Systems • 25 %
FI:PV207 Business Process Management • 25 %
FI:PV209 Person Centered Communication • 25 %
FI:PV215 Management by Competencies • 25 %
FI:PV237 Strategy and Leadership • 25 %
FI:PV280 Network Forensics • 25 %
PdF:SP0008 Training of self-knowledge and professional self-development • 25 %
4th term
FF:CJBC578 History through film and literature: Crisis situations • 100 %
FI:PA018 Advanced Topics in Information Technology Security • 100 %
FF:TIM_BM_023 AI R/Evolutions • 50 %
FI:IA174 Fundaments of Cryptography • 50 %
FI:SA100 Internship - Management • 50 %

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